Well Veeky Forums?
Well Veeky Forums?
back to r9k you go
That's why you start a business I guess?
It's either you're born to rich parents, manage to work for yourself and make it happen, or wagecuck your way through a miserable life as a slave.
exactly.... drive around the rich part of your town. who owns the houses there? business owners.
There's more than one way to skin a cat. Just gotta find what fits U and best accomplishes UR goals
Some people should be wagies, some should be business bois
They would all be poor if the business owner didn't give him a job.
He should be grateful for getting lifted out of savagery.
>Run business
>have to work double as hard to fill the gaps, do extra work, someone gets sick.
>have to get in even earlier, because i need to be first
fuck you guys, fuck you
keep up the good work user. now off you go, don't want to be late for the long day ahead
>half your workers still resent you because their knowledge of businesses comes from "NowThis" and "ATTN:"
if only you could fire them and replace them with people motivated to see your business go places.
>How the in the hell could a man enjoy being able to feed himself and buy the things that he wants?
Hmmmm, really makes you think.
Wagecucks always say "hurrdurr I love my job" but the stats say 60% hate their job
Which is it wagies?
4 in 10 love their jobs. Seems pretty good.
>60% hate their job
>25% hate their job
>70% hate their job
which is it buddy
It's not enjoyable
it's suffering
daily suffering
life is suffering
the quote doesnt even mention the braindead shitheads you have to deal with on a daily basis
i just want to die or retire
anything to save me from this nightmare
I wake up at 6:30 because of a raging boner, not because I have to work. I don't brush my teeth in the morning and what man brushes their hair? I have a calm breakfast with a little espresso then have a 15 minute commute to work I enjoy, where i make twice the median household income.
Your turn r9k
>muh r9k
is this how wagecucks cope nowadays?
I actually enjoy my job. I don't do a whole lot of work, mostly sitting in the office doing nothing half the time. When I do work though, it's interesting and keeps me engaged.
>get up at 7:45
>throw on some clothes and a company shirt, brush teeth and hair
>kick back and shitpost until 8 or so when my boss calls me
>hop in his truck or one of the vans and head out to the jobsite
>do the job
>eat lunch
>smoke some bud with my boss
Such is life working for a family owned and ran business.
I'm I work as a counselor.
I never force-feed myself. I always want to eat breakfast. Sometimes I even eat breakfast 3 times a day.
I pray for the day all welfare programs are abolished and the NEETs finally get tossed into the streets
Sounds harsh
Haha. I'm not a NEET but I've never held a job in my life.
Been living off the government and parents dime for 22 years. He'll I'm going for 5 years in University because the government is paying. I have 17.5K in government & university grants, 8K in scholarships, and parents give me 6-10K a year without me even asking.
I have a 33K stock portfolio and no debt. It feels great to be honest.
Once I graduate I'll probably buy some cheap housing @ 20% down and rent it out to wagecucks.
I'll be in a position to live in my parents house so ill have 0 bills. Maybe start a company and get free university labor for the summers.
I should be earning enough to retire by 25-30 with barely any work and a modest upbringing. I laugh at wagecucks who get sucked into the rat race. I'll be abusing every method of welfare for as long as I live.
Uncle sam or a bank if they are smart at all.
Not leverageing muh 3 million dollars in equity at 4% interest until i die.
Gonna have a fucking million houses and oil wells and secretly throw it to my attorney to handle when i die. Make all my properties pay themselves off and sell. Then trust fund for all my friends and family because the mutherfuckers wont listen to me a read a fucking book. Bit, i love the broke fucks. Hooefully they all get a new car every year on payments...
I think you do. You call them business partners or make an employee owned company?
Both. Loaded 2 trucks and got paid 10 hours to shitpost.
Tomorrow will suck the muther of all dicks. Meh... is ok till i die i guess if i cant retire. Ive done worse for less
Me 2 user.
Hang in there brother. We got this.
*sending prayers.
What about these New Rich fellows? Are they a meme?
>Alarm rings at 7:30
>Get up, shower, have a little breakfast
>shitpost a bit on Veeky Forums with coffee
>go to work at 9 am
>check mail, sit in a few meetings, make a few calls
>get lunch at home at 1 pm
>back to work at 2 pm
>another meeting, work quietly until 6pm
>enjoy a beer on my back perch
Not so bad really.
>Wagecucks always say "hurrdurr I love my job" but the stats say 60% hate their job
>Which is it wagies?
And how many NEETies love their life?
Haven't wage cucked in 3 months but time to go back such is life of a tradie make money chill and repeat
Yes, Wagecucks love their job... if you ask them about it friday afternoon. The moment of peace of mind.
Ask sunday or monday, or tuesay, or wednesday... you'll get an angry look and some mutter
How about NEETies?
They seem pretty depressed on /r9k/, always talking about how their parents are telling them to get a job/threatening to kick them out, and how they feel suicidal.
Why do wagecucks circlejerk about retiring? As if quality of life is so good after 60 years old? What's to look forward to?
joke's on you I'm in a cost center and I wake up at 11
This. Same for 401k's
>better save every penny so mr stockbroker can rape you on fees and the gov can steal 50% of the money given in inheritance
Employers often match 401k contributions so it's literally free money.
Protip: The matching part usually has a vestment schedule that isn't worth it if you're job hopping to maximize income.
If a company has instant vestment; do the matching. Otherwise, stick it in an IRA before sticking it into the 401k. Most companies are getting wise to matching people who aren't going to stick around. I have to be with my current company for 5 years to get matching; which isn't worth the risk of forgoing a better opportunity.
They have no choice. Overleveraged on a house they don't need (but wife had them buy), with 2 brats in tow and a fat sow who might divorce them at the drop of the hat. Sad, isn't it?
>I have to be with my current company for 5 years to get matching
Your job sucks. Guessing your peers are kids or high school dropouts. Only shit jobs like that have such huge turnover rates.
I'm not even trolling. Can someone explain to me what I can do that's worth a shit when I'm old? Besides hookers and coke, that's obvious.
Fuck, what if I die before then?
Nope. It's one of the Big 5 brokerages, and I make 65k a year.
lol jesus christ. kys.
I always laugh when people have a story like this and think they're successful
Sounds brilliant until rates are hiked and you cant find anyone who wants to live in the shithole you bought with 20% down
>$30,000 p/r
Nice mate
1 property at 80% LVR is going to get you shit all.
Come back when you have 10 houses in your portfolio and playing with the big boys