>Bitcoiners on suicide watch
Bitcoiners on suicide watch
itll recover, and nocoiners will forever not buy the dip, just a regular day
that's not a dip you dip! call me when it dips 50%!
This was a tiny blip caused by another PBoC move.
Bitcoin dropped like 20 bucks compared to 12 hours ago.Literally nothing.
These PBoC moves keep having a smaller and smaller impact btw, people are now aware the Chinese don't actually own anywhere near 90+ percent of all bitcoin.
>not buying the dip
My life is over.. My coins are now worthless
>nocoiner on suicide watch after missing another obvious dip
PBoC will cry at your funeral
so how fucking stupid does OP look right now
Thanks OP. You got me excited for a dip and now I'm sad AGAIN.
I bet you let your GF down this much too.
it's actually bits
you can always stop coping and join the winning team by buying
Would it make sense to buy stock in a bitcoin investment stock tomorrow when it drops?
>double digits IQ the post
It took literally hours for OP to look like the biggest idiot on this website.
Another dip taking place right now.
PBoC probably made another announcement.
It looks like two bitcoin exchanges are suspending withdrawals. Whateever that means.
>yfw pboc is buying the dips
It means people can't take their bitcoin/yuan off the exchange for a while.
Just read the article, they can still withdraw yuan, but not bitcoin.
Those guys are going to lose a lot of money.
I think they can still trade their coin for yuan.
Events like these are why I don't short bitcoin lol.
That is true. The PBOC must be concerned about people sending BTC abroad to buy dollars.
Actually the withdrawal ban is a "proactive move "by the two exhanges, not something they were ordered to do by PBOC
Artificial difficulty.
thanks china for discount, love you
This move came right on the heels of a closed-door meeting yesterday.
This was very much the PBoC's doing.
who here /notaredditorfaggot?
Holy wtf happened
I hope all the fucking Chinese get out, so we can be rid of this panicky regulatory bullcrap.
lmao everyone's buying the dip
seems like chinks have no power anymore
>Chinks are now buying the dip
>20 USD + in 1 min
closed yet or still waiting?
doubled down with my new margin. I expect another rally down then i'm gonna back off
>TFW missed another dip
There was a big rebound, but it's still low user.
>falling for obvious bull trap
biz 2017
This was an external event user.
Stop falling for the technical analysis meme and look at the actual influences.
I didn't buy it. I didn't lose it. All I did was watch from the comfort of my home and had a nice laugh.
Am I in the wrong?
It dropped to the value of a week ago, why are nocoiners so desperate for a giggle?
Hi it's PBoC.
Enjoy the dump!
Ya... Didn't pboc ban btc back when btc was at like $1200?
Yea, but it accepts bitcoin now.
They just don't want stupid shit happening like massive fake volumes or yuan cash outflows via bitcoin.
PBoC did bitcoin a HUUUUUGE solid by removing the fake volumes from the Chinese exchanges.
And doing that first.
I could only imagine what would have happened if the Chinese exchanges had restricted bitcoin withdrawals (which was what happened today) while everyone still thought 95% of bitcoin volume took place in China.
buy the dip lads
how low will it go? Or is now the time to buy?
not yet it will go under $900 this time.
955 and going down.
>tfw bought at 930
pray for me, Veeky Forums
you still have an hour to sell then
It's going back down to 200
See ya in another 3 years
This is too hot right now. Sold everything. Waiting for cheaper coins. Good luck to you.
good call user, i sold much sooner, but i don't regret it at all. i still had like 300% profit so idk about an other 10% give or take.
They're not going to get much cheaper user. This is basically the low point of this dip.
>w-were not the idiots!!! your the idiots!!
>you're an idiot if you can't predict sudden PBoC crackdowns
Ok buddy.
chinas government is crippling their advance of being a BTC superpower in near future
What program/website is that?
How about you Google it?
How can i google that? Reverse google search gives me pictures of a starry night.
Why is Bitcoin falling? Fill me on this.
Look at this image NOW LOOK AT THE TOP LEFT.
You should learn how to use the Internet/technology before you invest into Bitcoins.
>he didn't notice there was a logo in an image
>He's a caveman tech-wise
Wow user ur mean
Even without the images he could just Google "BTC charts" and he'll find like 100 clones. So don't give me that bullshit.
Could have also said its bitcoin wisdom. Would have saved you some time and patience.
I didnt know it was exclusively bitcoins. I asked because i was wondering if it was a good website with all stocks that i didnt know of.
In that scenario googling bitcoin charts is just fucking ridiculous. How are you this angry over something so trivial.
>falling for the candlesticks meme
Fuckin chinks selling their coins at relative high points then releasing some bullshit FUD to tank the price and buy in again cheap
Chinks, gooks, kikes, wops, niggers, spics, sandniggers, all women, you can never trust
Only trust your dog and maybe your family
P.s. we'll be at $1100 in a few weeks and the same shit will happen, most likely FUD from chinks or kikes refusing the ETF
Right now, autists seriously think that the price is going to the moon.
This dead cat bounce is totally unlike all those other dead cat bounces in Bitcoin history! SRS GUYS
See pic.
Notice how price invariably goes up in between every chink announcement?
>d-deat cat b-bounce
Yeah I only made 300% last year on BTC. I think I'll kill myself
So those huge price drops
are those basically people overreacting and speculators trying to profit from people overreacting?
Bitcoin wisdom faggot
And also a lot of auto sells like stop losses or trailing stops.
It seems that the latest move disconnected the Chinese bitcoin price from the global bitcoin price, see So it's very possible that the next PBoC scare will only cause a big dip in China, and only a smaller one in the rest of the markets.
One thing seems clear from this thread: if you put any faith in this then you're a gullible fool. There are only about a dozen things that can, and probably will burn this house to the ground. If you're into gambling then go for it.
you didn't make anything unless you cashed out nigga. i did i can say i made 300%.
>There are only about a dozen things that can, and probably will burn this house to the ground.
And there are a million things about to raise the roof into the sky.
What you're talking about is exactly why now is the time to get on board for astronomic gains.
If you wait until it's all safe and calm, it's too late.
Also, with every regulatory move by the Chinese authorities against bitcoin, the Chinese influence on the bitcoin price wanes.
First they showed that the Chinese bitcoin volumes weren't 95%, but rather around 30% (on par with USD and JPY).
And their move two days ago partially disconnected the Chinese bitcoin price from the global bitcoin price.
Right now, bitcoin in Yuan is $ 20 less than in the USD or Euro markets.
So there's some insulation it seems.
Not to mention the fact that the latest ~135 dollar drop has been almost completely made up for again.
>If you're into gambling then go for it.
this! it's still a hundred thousand times better than buying lottery tickets. you actually have the chance to win some.