/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Battletoads Edition

>The Make It Rain Campaign Event May 29th-June 12th

>Stormblood Job Actions Trailer


>New Features, Jobs, and Changes Coming in Stormblood

>Callback Campaign for Returning Players

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

Previous thread:



4.0x Ala Mhigo endgame zone but Doma has 8man raid
4.1x Doma has story content, Ala Mhigo gets its 24man raid
4.2x Doma still story quests, Doma gets 8man raid content update
4.3x Ala Mhigo story quests and 24man raid content. Fuck Doma!
4.5x Ala Mhigo gets its 24man raid content and says FUCK YOU to Doma, then Garland comes over and says "Bitches, please. The King Awaits"

I want to be an Au Ra girl

I wish I could find a cute Au Ra girl


Sorry mate you had your expansion.


>supposed to be the expac for ala migho
>monks are stoked
>monk is in the trailer
>extended trailer
>it's a fucking samurai
>okay this shouldn't be too bad
>samurais share the same armor as monk
>well okay we can still get along
>expansions goes to domaland with heavy emphasis on them to the point where they get housing
>hol up
>ala mighans who died their last breaths swearing revenge to summon a primal get their souls cucked to summon a Doman fairy tale dragon
>at least we get ultility right seems like they're getting the cuc...
>MNK skillset is so neutered and clunky meanwhile SAMs stack potency is so high it would make bahamut blush
They fuckin stole our expansion

Xth for gorilla says he barely comes here but he has been here everyday for the least week. He's most likely in this thread already. Delusion continues!

NIN x SAM OTP confirmed

can I look up my characters on the mogstation or something similar to WoW's armory feature?



They removed scourge? Topkek

You two, kiss!

>flying and run faster in 4.0
My bear is ready.

is that ビツ or ビシ???


is world flying coming out?

2.0 area's won't be flyable, but mount speed was doubled on ground.


We got fucking everything you dunce

>ANY group utility
>Passage of Arms

Yes, aside from Sheltron to generate MP for more Holy Spirit, I like it. PLD isn't really punished by swapping stances at all.

Yeah, a little sad

How did you guys do Ravana EX when it first came out? There's so much to remember.

SCH is getting fucked, aren't they?

We generally raged at the fact the wall-breaking was bugged during the phase change but generally it wasn't too bad.

Heals seem fine, RIP their DPS though


Interject is a tank crossrole skill, ti seems like CC/utility is now crossrole

Yep, correct

my squidwife

>Their biggest nuke requires them to be in grit

Isnt that the weirdest shit?

How easy do you think Midas/creator will be unsynced at 70? I just want the stuff but I have severe performance anxiety


Does anyone have any more details on the guy who was thrown out of the demo for attacking the development team for screwing up MNK?

>wake up
>WHM dead on arrival

it directly offsets the damage you'd lose from being in grit. 650*.8 = 520

Does anyone play on Famfrit?

>you will have to attune to aether currents still

It doesn't, it does identical damage in and out of Grit

Grit is 20% less damage aka 0.8x damage dealt

650 x 0.8 = 520
475 x 0.8 = 380

Also, Syphon Strike, Souleater, and Bloodspiller are all boosted by the exact same amount, 140 potency, which makes it a lot less worrisome.

no it's the literal worst and most dead server

>MNK players brags for weeks about being useful now and how NIN is dead now
>embargo is lifted
>turns out MNK is still shit and NIN is still better


Doesnt this make them the worst choice for OT then combined with blood price changes? Then again the blood price change itself is bad all around.

I'm not going to shit on MNK mains because two wrongs don't make a right.

>delirium is a mp restore buff

Oh is it?

I want to lean forward and give a messy earjob to an elezen while lazily fucking her on her side!

To make 4.0 DRK not braindead retarded, all they needed to do was to give old delirium and scourge's abilities to the spinning/power slash combo, and maybe raise that combo's potency some. But of course SE didn't and just opted to remove abilities altogether.

Good they were both shit.

Nope, Blood Weapon is extra valuable now due to building MP and Blood, along with Darkside no longer draining MP passively.

Delirium converts Blood to MP and extends Blood Weapon, Blackest Night converts MP to Blood and shields people, then you can dump both resources with multiple skills, it's kinda insane

Real talk why did they take a combo path away from DRK?

Why does Stormblood look so shitty?


What kind of skill will this be?

Yeah. Anything you wanna know? Or be friends?

This is a great mmo, at least from where i'm at starting out

>Monk's been shit for 2 years
>Brief moment in the sun
>All goes to shit today

Can't blame 'em for feeling happy for 2 weeks after Heavensward

MNKs BTFO man where are they now

To be fair, Delirium was just filler and Power Slash was used as little as possible.

It seems like all the damage-down debuffs were stripped from tanks(Delirium/Storm's Path/Halone) and given to DPS instead

What the FUCK happened to WHM!?

>tfw you won't upgrade to Stormblood and will just play on private HW servers

SCH tool tips?


Okay then they could have given Delirium the effect of Scourge instead of just removing both.

Am I the only one here that thinks SAM looks pretty meh as far as fun wise? I hate this combat system and long gcds.

Did they cut down on NINs fucking combos

Is it bad form to become a mentor through crafting/gathering so you can help out sprouts with basic things like low level dungeons and simple questions in the novice network? I don't have a tank or healer leveled yet, but it'd still be nice to somehow give them an extra hand every once in a while.

Are elements gonna be relevant in SB? I was looking at the new BRD skills and one of them does wind damage. Is that going to matter at all? Did elemental damage matter at all in ARR+HW?

In hopes of getting more replies, i'll repost my question: this cat, or this lizard?

is this cute?

Neither, play a male instead.

lizard is cutest imho, you've made both very cute though, not bad.

it's never mattered nor should it ever matter

elemental weaknesses in an mmorpg are fake depth and add literally nothing to a game

literally ever lala out there uses that hair style including me

Lizard is alright, cat is meh.


cat looks super generic, but lizard looks good.

Lizard, think I've seen 8 of those cats today

Scourge was just "press this every 30s", same reason why Low Blow, Brutal Swing, and Fracture were removed

it's acceptable but mediocre. it wouldn't turn my head, that's for sure.

You could say that about literally any move in the game.

The lizard looks only alright? could you recommend some changes?
Thanks, I do agree the cat looks generic, then again, nearly any cat that looks good does
Do you like the lizard or are you just choosing because you dislike the cat?

actually i see various hairstyles used on most lala players, though i guess that one is a bit more common?
i've never seen it a ton though personally



Then why are they still making abilities with elemental damage outside of BLM?

Where can I see all the new skills at

Still here. Said I'd either main BLM, MNK or RDM in SB depending on which is more fun to play at 70 before Omega is added. Still the same plan, and regardless of my choice I have a group for Savage

boring but cute

do you wanna hook up sometime?

them listing things as being one element or another (as well as unaspected) has always been an odd redundancy because the element something is does absolutely nothing

Will we still have the "run the same 2 dungeons over and over again" patch formula this expansion also?
Is there also going to be +5month like in HW at the start with no new content at all?

Been playing this shit about a week level 30 BLM gonna go machinist as soon as I can. Anything I need to know? Or make sure I don't miss as I level?

Like I said last night, your cat is a 10/10. Play the catgirl.

>not having full scale beard
check out this losertron 3000

buy me things right nwo

Lizards have the unfortunate habit of being very samefacey, though less so than cats. There's not much to improve on, really, because they all sort of have the same uguu kawaii face structure, no matter which one you choose. You can always try to intentionally make it ugly, but that's either for turbo snowflakes or people who don't know how to make passable characters.

Yep. It was the saem with shed dwelling WHMs trying to pretend they were getting out of the shed and talking shit on SCHs. So glad I called those losers on it. Stay cucked WHM. Get back to servicing SCHbulls thick cocks.

There's a progression unlock guide in the pastebin if you're curious.

such as?

because it's named verFIRE, and because elemental spells are a big part of the final fantasy series, regardless of whether or not the elements actually matter in this particular title, and xiv is "a love letter to final fantasy as a whole"

>worst game in the series
>love letter

Still of the opinion that I should be able to grief Ifrit EX as a BLM by healing him with Fire

can I buy a boost for rdm to get it to 60 so i don't have to do potd?
fucking hate potd

Are the bunny-suit and related items the "seasonal" items for a limited time?


no. just do dungeons like a normal person you dumbfuck

FF2 wasn't that bad

it wasn't, but acting like it's worse than this game is pretty disingenuous

I finally thought of a pre-SB project to do, lads, but it involves farming 10-12 stacks of shit that's overpriced as fuck on the MB. Raise your arms and give me the strength to go full autism mode in Botany.