>standard is all right for a first time in a year >you faggots make wild tourney
Tyler Lopez
First for based anime spammer making the last thread hit 750 posts before tomorrow
Cameron James
>people DONT like randomonium EL YOU EL its like you guys hate gold or something
Ryder Thomas
First for Cabal Crystal Waifu
Ryder Jenkins
She dummy thick.
Thomas Myers
Alright guys, end of the month coming up.
>Rank this season (standard / wild) >What did you play >What did you enjoy >What did you hate >Plan for next season
Noah Morales
[joke about her period being late]
Henry Wilson
Is pally most broken in this brawl?
Isaac Robinson
>opponent plays three 7+ drops by turn 3 >meanwhile your hand is clustered with 1-3 mana drops Yeah I sure wonder
Adrian Parker
It's like hearthstone's normal bullshit ratcheted up to 11
Owen Parker
*blocks your path*
Jonathan Brown
>Rank this season (standard / wild) Rank 6 Standard
>What did you play Secret mage
>What did you enjoy curving out
>What did you hate not curving out
>Plan for next season More secret mage
Gabriel Cook
And I guess I'll start >Made it to legend and dumpster dived to the bottom in standard, rank 20 wild >Played mostly evolve shaman, pirate warrior and token druid >Enjoyed evolve shaman a lot, one of the more fun decks right now >Hate mates and their ice blocks the most >Gonna shoot for higher legend next month.
Why not go a little further to rank 5? The reward increases significantly from rank 6 to 5.
Nolan Gray
>Rank this season (standard / wild) Pic related >What did you play Pirate warrior to legend and face hunter recently >What did you enjoy A standard beast druid xixo made with fledgelings and menagerie wardens >What did you hate Nothing. Maybe egg druids that highrolled? >Plan for next season Try to homebrew some decks to climb with in wild
Jason Lopez
Wow! Such skillful game without Hearthstone RNG bullshit.
Jaxon Diaz
>Got to rank 6 with full stars in standard then ran into a nigger priest. Never play wild cause I just started playing in December. >I played Aggro pally for the first half of the season then drunkenly dusted all my shit after a loss streak to make secret mage >Not really having a whole lot of fun with any of my decks rn, I want to build something fun like Miracle rouge but I don't have the dust >Mage mirror matches where they run Eater of Secrets. Insta-concede. >Getting to Legend is always the goal every season.
Also this season we're getting a pretty decent cardback.
Ethan Reyes
>7/25 >standard N'zoth Pally, Taunt warrior and some miracle rogue >i won exodia mage mirror at rank 8 >i played exodia mage fucking mirror >end myself
Robert Garcia
I can't believe Bethesda pulled off a smart move like Steam integration.
Bentley Smith
Would it be too strong?
Ryan Watson
>tfw farming tavern brawl
Colton Thomas
old gods are over faggot
Jacob Foster
>one (1) one-copy-only legendary
Hunter Bailey
You can't be that stupid.
Isaiah Evans
maybe at start of turn.
Isaac Robinson
Jayden Garcia
*borrows it* *kills your minion* better luck next time, kid
Juan Peterson
It isn't like you can't add more bullshit cards, like chaining prophecies with fate weaver if you really want to do that.
Jeremiah Anderson
Broken decks are the ones that take the meta by the hair and assfuck it so hard that every other deck is downright forced to either match up to it through other means (aka making a counter-deck that loses against everything else) or just forces you to mirror it, because playing ANYTHING that is not meta-approved is a 95% guaranteed loss. These decks are also usually auto-pilot with the only exception being the patron warrior.
Really good decks like silence priest or taunt warrior don't break the meta like that, they can still be beaten by shoddy decks, but you try beating Quest Rogue with a Quest Priest.
Dylan Edwards
>oh no my 1 mana 5/5 with charge costs 2 mana now! D:
William Adams
> Rank 5 (Standard) > Played Control Pally and Control Mage > Enjoyed the long control type games > Hated quest rogues > Plan is to play Mill Rogue in Wild to Legend
Lincoln Ross
>playing glimmeroot in this brawl
Nathaniel Gutierrez
remove priest absolute cancer of a class
Christian Myers
I actually got it right with my glimmeroot. Always bet on fire axe.
Julian Long
>playing glimmeroot in arena truly the most skill testing card in the game
Brayden Ramirez
>a wacky fun card nobody plays that only exists for flavor reasons Advanced cherry picking. Your probably think this card takes up design space.
Grayson King
Is that Cabal Shadow Priestess being awesome?
Aiden Carter
because im literally unable to
Grayson Butler
just pick card you would want to have
Cameron Allen
> infinity value > immune to silence I bet there is some kind of broken buff to cast on it to rekt la rekt your enemies.
Justin Butler
What in you definition contradicts anything I have said so far?
If anything you are just supporting my argument by saying a broken deck singlehandedly defines the meta. By that measure there can't even be a lot of broken decks.
I just don't s- wait >try beating Quest Rogue with a Quest Priest
Oh I get it now. You think quest rogue is broken.
Yeah, you're just a retard.
Andrew Kelly
> taunt warrior don't break the meta Taunt warrior only handed by Quest Rogue being a sort of a viable counter.
Henry Lopez
>8 standard >pirate warrior >the few times when I won >random player randomed a random random which is exactly what he needed to fuck you up (every 2 out of 10 games) and drawing shit (every 7 out of 10 games) >same thing
Ryder Adams
Quest Rogue is beaten by any aggro deck. What so broken about it? I bet you are one of this retards who cry about Jade Idol being broken because you can't just outgreed it with seven legendaries.
Adrian Sanders
it's the last bastion of fun
Nolan Nguyen
> Hearthstone is now real time > Both players play cards at once and attack with minions at the same time > You can end your turn to have +1 crystal and refresh mana but you can't respond to opponent after you done that What changes?
David Brooks
what would you say is the right choice /hsg/?
Alexander Sanchez
Thomas Richardson
You never choose anything but TFB
Ian Hill
What the fuck are you even saying retard?
Blake Ross
Source still needed.
Noah Scott
Beetleberries, my favorite!
Carson Adams
Could you post your evolveshaman deck list?
John Sanders
Dinosize.. Spikeridged Steed
Evan Hernandez
Thalnos can be replaced with second Devolve.
Parker Mitchell
> doppelgangster > primalfin totem great memes, shieldbearer
Ryder Cook
literally a competition level netdeck.
Justin Jones
>He hasn't even fought an evolve / token shaman list
Parker Russell
>Want to complete shaman quests with this brawl >6 loses in a row >Hand filled with 1-2 costs minions >When opponents draw 1 mana ragnaros what the fuck
Jeremiah Parker
I wasn't the same guy, I'm just the guy trying to have fun with shitty decks like handbuff paladin and burgle rogue and realizing I have zero chance of winning against broken decks because like I said in that post, you either play a winrate-approved netdeck or you might as well concede from the first turn
>the quest rogue argument again If you think a deck that has the habit of dropping a fuckload of 1 mana 5/5s on board starting with turn 5 (some of them with charge by the way) is in any way fair and balanced then I don't even know what to say anymore, getting countered by aggro doesn't mean shit in the grand scale of things and you're a retard if you think a deck like that is an ingredient for a healthy meta
Cooper Edwards
i said say please
Logan Wood
Thanks, m9
Sebastian Campbell
>Rank 3 standard >Whatever the quests told me to do, mainly secret mage >Winning >Losing >Whatever the Quest will tell me to do
Ayden Jones
Luke Barnes
>brawl paladin with 3 tarims
Jesus, couldn't handle my Don Han'Cho'd Grom though.
Is secret mage really that good? Seems like most valid mage decks need atleast a couple of legendaries and pyroblast.. Secret Mage is like a budget deck.. that actually works?
Luis Wright
Bushido makes some G8 warcraft r34
Carson James
>Rank this season (standard / wild) 5 for both, but I mostly play standard and climbed wild for memes with pirate warrior >What did you play Hunter to 5 and meme decks after >What did you enjoy Prinche Malchezhaar Kazakus Mage fundeck I play in casual >What did you hate Losing in ranked. I broke a laptop, a phone, a mouse, a light and I tore apart a book >Plan for next season Climb to 5 and play meme decks
Lucas Ross
Wild meme Rogue will always be the definition of fun.
Thanks for reminding me that there is a brawl today. Completely forgot about it.
Blake Stewart
You have 10 seconds to justify to me why pirate warrior is still allowed to fucking exist
Jaxon Parker
I want to marry Jaina!
Ryder Smith
I'd rather queue into pirate warrior than aggro druid or quest warrior/rogue
Juan Williams
Post rewards.
Austin Cox
i love that mug
Owen Scott
Because it's the fairest deck in the game. You can easily tech against it to target it with crawlers, creepers, taunts and oozes. If you don't like losing to it you can build a deck that almost never loses to it, easily.
Unlike other meta decks it has no random or created by cards, draw RNG is the only randomness it has.
Christopher Parker
>3 games in a row getting assorted garbage like Cthun for 8 mana >opponents dropping 10/10s like it's no biggie from turn 1
this brawl is so fucking shit it's insane
Michael Lopez
>top deck Solomon's Wisdom >gets me heavily discounted Lightlord and Firelord >summon both >Firelord hits a 1 in 8 to face and wins the game Well met!
Easton Young
Thank you for the stories.
Jace Green
Aw yes, just got my first quest above 50g in over a week of rerolls
This season is gonna be good
Adam Edwards
>Priest in Arena drafted like 4 greater healing pots JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY
Jonathan White
You're welcome.
Xavier Thompson
>hours until ranks 10-20 become unplayable for 2 weeks
Samuel Campbell
You mean 23 minutes ago.
Ethan Hall
>no one comments about the post saying reach instead of shoot
Isaiah Phillips
>Rank this season (standard / wild) 5 on wild, 15 on standard >What did you play a mix of Egg Druid/Aggro Shaman/Pirate Warrior and some Renolock >What did you enjoy I crafted Elise this month so I had some real fun with Miracle/Value Priest. Quest Mage was also pretty fun to play >What did you hate During my wild climb I managed to play against 3 Taunt Warriors, no need to say that tilted the shit out of me and delayed my climb by a few days >Plan for next season Crafting Pyros to play him in Reno N'Zoth Mage and Secret Mage. After that I guess I want to go for Sherazin, haven't played Miracle in a while because I still don't own him
Juan Adams
>getting countered by aggro doesn't mean shit in the grand scale of things and you're a retard if you think a deck like that is an ingredient for a healthy meta
>getting countered by the most common archetype doesn't mean shit in the grand scale of things
Wyatt Rivera
Finally a good ranked chest reward. Coincidentally I saw a golden Sentinel in play today, thinking to myself 'man this is one of the best looking UG goldens'. Also owned just one copy. 9/10.