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/sthg/ #777 - Jackpot Edition
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>"yes I'd like to cash these in, please" "...oh... oh my... sir this is.... 100,000,000,000 rings?" >"that's right, what can I get" "Well um... anything" >anything huh?" "Yes... yes sir. This is enough rings to buy a majority stake in the casino" >nah, this place runs too slow for me anyway. I'll just take that" "Th-THAT?" >"Yeah, I think it brings out my good side" "B-but how will you even mov-" >"I know a guy, just have it ready for me"
Kayden Adams
Here's colouring WIP. Might make the green a tad brighter. But anyway, time for a nap.
Easton Ward
How do i choose sanic waifu, there are so many
Carter Miller
That's looking great so far! Thank you very much for coloring it.
Carson Price
>How do i choose sanic waifu, there are so many don't fap for three days. While the three days are going by, get cute/sexy pics of all the girls that you like. Then after 3 days, begin conservative fapping to them. The one that makes you blow your load is is the one
Hunter Cox
I may well end up colouring more of them, but as I said, sleep calls to me for now.
Jose Reed
and then Knux goes and smashes it to bits before it can be bubblewrapped.
James Moore
Surely he's not talking about this guy
Cameron Lee
Angel Ward
>that clipping Fitting filename, for the wrong reasons.
Dominic Green
dumb deer
Andrew Bennett
that is a weird way to get a waifu... what if i have multiple pics on my screen?
Brandon Taylor
In my headcanon knuckles is actually really good at gambling despite being kind of intellectually slow most of the time. None of his friends understand how he's so good at it. He just says he's lucky, but the truth is the great emerald's power allows him to win
Henry Morgan
Sounds convoluted.
Adrian Long
>Wait another 3 days. >Repeat method using only those 2. >??? >profit
Joshua Jenkins
What if it's more than two pictures? Then how do you profit o'great waifufag?
Tyler Adams
Having an item on your person that increases the odds of winning is considered cheating and the casino zone mafia syndicate will break your legs if they catch you screwing them over
Jason Miller
Fine, I'll save you the trouble and effort. Here. This is the answer for most people like 90% of the time.
Congrats, you have a waifu
Alexander Gonzalez
That's gay dude. No one on sthg would do that.
Evan Young
That pic is shit. Rouge is entry waifue tier and deserves better anyways.
Brandon Nguyen
Is the Werehog available?
James Martinez
Nah. Sonic is the submissive in pretty much any homo ship. Even with me.
Easton Rivera
Cooper Evans
but Rouge is entry level, gold digger and probably unfaithful. I thought better of you, user
Wyatt Green
Why is he cross dressing?
Robert Flores
>unfaithful How dare you make such slanderous statements?
Elijah Gray
I didn't say she was my waifu. I just pointed out that most non-super fans tend to go with her and since he hadn't made up his mind yet, I assumed he was in that boat.
And for the record, Amy is just as entry tier as Rouge.
Austin Martinez
user, that's a chick You can buy her used for $100.
Very well. If I must choose one, then I choose the best of both of them... but I will need a 3rd ingrediant.
Jason Perry
I'm not but pic related
Lucas Ward
Sebastian Bailey
Reboot Carrotia
Anthony Bell
Brody Kelly
That ingrediant is too bland. Vanilla is sweet/sexy and Bunny is sweet/sexy/sour. That means the current makeup is >45% sweet >45% sexy >10% sour It needs a little bit more sour, or sass, to get balance.
Ayden Gray
Looks like Rouge with bunny ears.
...i'll take it
Elijah Lopez
I'm , and I think all have the right idea.
Thomas Perez
This one
Charles Jenkins
Is there a way to get someone to draw the extended cast in classic style? I feel like some of them like Blaze, Cream,Marine and Silver would look great and adorable in it.
Also, I've been stuck listening to the mania opening, send help. I think my ears are starting to bleed
Owen Moore
Nolan Wilson
Noah Ross
>Is there a way to get someone to draw the extended cast in classic style? Money.
Lucas Morris
yo new drawfag if you're still here, do this one
Benjamin Lewis
Would you fuck knuckles?
Christopher Harris
no, i am not a homo
Anthony Wilson
It's the internet bro you don't gotta lie.
Benjamin Phillips
Chase James
For whatever reason. The hardest thing for me to draw is a somewhat modern sonic.
Trying to get that Sonic Advance/Adventure/X sort of proportion but I can't seem to nail it.
Samuel Hall
i only want to fug females that are not real, give me some waifu material pls. I need a sanic waifu
Levi Ross
Don't cry computer.
Nicholas Phillips
Body is too big and round. Where classic Sonic has a circle for a body, modern Sonic's is closer to an upside-down egg.
Eli James
Giant Sanic Waifus
Camden Rogers
She wants you to stop all the downloading. Help computer.
Sebastian Baker
Hourglassed Sanic Waifus
Henry Evans
Is she gonna be deleted?
John Bailey
What if Sonic had a pacemaker in his heart?
Oliver Jackson
Well she IS Phage after all.
Nathan Carter
It'd give a whole 'nother meaning to Eggman's "Time for a change of pace!"
Caleb Peterson
Does the Sonic Jam collection have a save feature for the games?
Jordan Williams
Post buddy fan art. I need it.
Logan Anderson
Yeah. But I'd prefer he fuck me
Thomas King
C U T E ! ! !
Brayden Clark
Nathan Lee
post feet
Bentley Rodriguez
I'm going to veto this request. I like some lewd mobian feet as much as the next guy, but let's try to get back to game discussion.
Ryan Hernandez
Sure why not? He'd probably overpower me and SHIT ROCK YEAH the hell out of me though
Thomas Bailey
What is your favorite casino/pinball/carnival themed sonic level?
Caleb Martinez
Spring Stadium
Luke Thomas
It's a tie between Spring Yard and bingo highway
Jayden Richardson
Circus Park, if only for this
Michael Johnson
Spring yard
Aaron Parker
>What is your favorite casino/pinball/carnival themed sonic level? This easily. youtu.be/pd_NcMZ3xcQ
Joseph Williams
absolute madman
Samuel Morgan
One I did some time ago.
Nathaniel Evans
waifu's are not for fapping. kys
Noah Lopez
Not gonna lie, I haven't been hyped this much about a game since forever.
Ryan Lewis
>Damn. Ouch i cut myself on that edge.
Caleb Murphy
Kevin Bailey
griffith said they did alternate takes with "darn" instead just to be sure