1 Speed Thread edition
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first for hostage fetish
I think I'm in love lads
>Game introduced heavily around hostage situations
>pro league is bomb only
I prefer the GIGN and GSG9 shotguns but this one isn't too shabby either
summerfags soon,stalker
It feels weird putting a sight on it, so I leave it be. Man do you have to be fucking close though.
>Spas 15
>Gign Shotty
>Sas Shotty
>controllers for FPS
Not even once
Didn't think people like you would exist in a general thread
only thing missing from that list is the 870 but thats pretty much it
yeah but those ops have much better alternatives
Fuck off! :)
I'm not every likeable
Yeah 870 is top tier for rushing, specially with a recruit on attack
It works if you want to pull a fast one on defenders that are expecting a more methodical approach (and that are not very good)
Serious question seeing as I know you aren't doing this as a joke. Are you autistic? Because I don't understand how posting the same webms all the time in every R6S thread is enjoyable even after you know that those are bugs which have been patched. Serious question.
1. It's the first time I've ever posted them, had them saved. I imagine a lot of people like to do this to...
2. It's fun to tease console-friends
3. What bugs are you talking about, the webms just show embarassing aiming with controllers
No the bugs are that they didn't die already. There's loads of bugs like that. Even happened in a tournament once.
>miss the entire mag
>w-why didnt they die??
nigger fucking what
They barely hit each other, they whiffed 99% of their shots on both webms
Here's another I had saved
cant decide between getting blackbeard and mira... what do i get?
current dlc ops i have are: jack, hibana, cav, valk, frost
Well the first one one of them should have died.
Second one was bad aim
mira is good and really fun on some maps.
Blackbeards fucking shit weapons. But he can be fun to use. Mira is fun and CAN be useful. Depends if your teammates shoot the mirror open
He landed like 3 body shots on a jager with an smg-11. That's not nearly enough to kill.
Mira is a big responsibility. If you place your windows wrong, you will consistently fuck over your team and you will be hated for it. If you place them well, you will be a god and loved for it.
Blackbeard is a niche operator that is good at winning peek fights, so he rewards good aim. If you don't have good aim, you won't get much mileage out of him.
same guy here. is there any others youd recommend buying instead if both of those arnt as useful as something else i could pick?
Is fun to play on yes.
Part of the reason I think is the hostage mode is poorly designed.
Check the OP FAQ for the beginner friendly operators. if you don't have one of those unlocked, get that one first
If you find that sort of awkward weird dance fun then more power to you man
So they will be fixing this shit right?
The two actual non-debateable bullshit spawnpeeks I know of are this one from Bedroom in Chalet and also the Construction one from Tower in Kanal.
All others can be countered by good droning and prefiring, but I'm positive these two are 100% uncounterable as of right now. Only measure is "Don't spawn there in ranked"
No there is one on the club house map. On the east side when you spawn near that overpass the defenders can see your legs as soon as you spawn
Is echo worth using now in ranked?
He can be pretty good for denying last second defuser plants in Bomb.
I wouldn't say he's "meta" but he can get the job done and very well, and he's fun.
These are all ranked clips from Macie
Really? Huh, I've never seen that one before
What's with the influx of newfriends?
I've seen plenty of low level people these last few days. Was there a sale or did some eceleb play the game or something?
Humble sale
Is capitao "meta"?
They should at least have a commorose like battlefield for fuck sake
He is not, he is fun though
>Is capitao "meta"?
no hes garbage, enjoy using the gimp rifle and gaymore, faggot
i havnt bought him jackass
I've won bomb a couple times because of it
It'll scare off people for at least half a minute
Are you okay user
Did gramps cook something too spicy for you?
There's literally no other good multiplayer game to play right now other than Siege
overwatch you mong
>It's a "retard justifies overpaying to play videogames he isn't good at by implying bad players only exist on console" episode
no hes mild as fuck nigga.
>no frags
>weak smokes
>2 shots of glorified frag grenades as a gadget
>rifle turned from hard-hitting high recoil powerhouse to weak, slow, generic attacker rifle.
pick one and only one
I said good
>overpaying to pay videogames
>PC is extremely more affordable than console
user let's not start an argument as old as time that you know you're going to lose
get your head checked
First ever general thread. This is pretty good
The implication is that aiming with a controller is absolutely terrible in comparison to a keyboard and mouse. have you not seen the webms of console pro-league? They're absolutely embarassing.
You're only handicapping yourself by using a controller on an FPS, this is pretty much undebatable
Hi user, enjoy your stay. We've got a good FAQ and drawfriend gallery uptop by the OP if you wanna check them out.
Overwatch is a decent game. Weak gameplay but it's well polished and has a cute aesthetic/theme.
>Decent game
>Weak gameplay
games are more than gameplay
wish siege has blizzard talking care of polish/bugfixing and server hosting
but dont let them near the gameplay
Agreed, but they are one of the major pillars that make up a decent game.
If you have weak gameplay, it's probably not a decent game.
>supporting the boorunigger and the TS
basically the mark of death for any operator ubisoft fucking hates
both are still getting nerfed to this very day.
>mfw I heard Blizzard made Mercy invulnerable when casting her Revive Ultimate, eliminating any possible risk or counterplay possible against her
Holy shit niggers what are you doing
Good thing I only played it for the first couple of weeks for the novelty, then moved on
why does everyone (or just 1-3 people shitposting) hate him?
what did he do wrong?
i bet you came back for the anniversary event though
I agree. Blizz generally don't let their products be a buggy mess. (Or if they are buggy, they fix it fast.)
Weak was the wrong word to use. Generic is probably better. It's a generally simple game that is easy for people to approach and pick up.
>what did he do wrong?
if i had 20 minutes i wouldn't be able to list a third of the things
No, I haven't reinstalled since the first three weeks
Does everyone on pc use mics?
name three then?
You have been visited by the Doc of friendliness and no shitposting
Nice threads and drugs will come to you but only if you reply to this post with "merci, docteur"
Friendly reminder that if you want to avoid cancer in the general, simply employ 4chanx's handy Filter tool to filter the typical shitposting starters. Or at the very least, DO NOT REPLY TO THEM! It's that simple.
Do your part. Do not fan the flames of shitposters. Only you can prevent bad generals.
>worst shotgun
y tho
>People trying to out-peek BB
A sizeable quantity do, not everyone
It's almost everyone when you're Silver/Gold rank and up though
>play BB
>get outpeeked cause I'm trash
no worse feeling
no, everyone has one but rarely use them.
its either a group of 2/3 players that sit in discord or some kid that gets insta muted cause of shit callouts, rarely you will get teammates that never talk all game until they give you some godly callout that clutches the game out of nowhere.
Fuck dante
for give me for my shitposting sins doc
thanks doc
It's just one person. When he got people to submit their own number counters to replace the default catgirls on the booru, someone submitted a shitty low effort paint job. He asked the thread for opinions on it, the response was to trash the image.
That's the whole story. It's just a sad case of shitposting for the sake of it over something that happened months ago.
>worst shotgun
>not the supernova
>not the m1014
ur sai somethin silly, friend
I was there for that, I didn't know it was still continuing.
The power of autism.
Are you still mad that I sucked his dick and not yours
fuck you wrath, you're a shit sniper, you let a guy with iron sights mp5 counter snipe you
What the fuck is this E3 namefaggotry? When did this begin? I stop browsing the general for like a week and I swear it's unrecognisable when I come back.
2.some MS paint are allowed but not others
3.no photoshops and such but MS paintover allowed
>On defense
>Teammate runs in front of freshly emitted smoke thrown by attackers
Fuck off noodles
Literally who tho
Havoc likes to roam. Wrath, be careful, alright?
anyone wanna play ps4 im drunk and fidget spinning
>last 60s
>know where they're pushing from
>me and teammate spraying down the door
>ash slides in and headshots me
>took 15 damage