League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu is for hug edition

Previously: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:



Just played a game with a Rakan as our mid

Did we win, y/n

Take a guess

>gold v


another patch
another kled freelo train

i love my husbando

Lost 10 games and dropped 2 divisions.

Cheer me up with cute pics lolg.


we Lulufags feel the same

truly yordleposters are the best
even Riot knows this, which is why they let our champions stay strong

>ywn be leglocked by this beauty until your balls are completley dry

xth for breast metal waifu

Does anybody else have problem with logging into games?

I'm EUNE btw

>he thinks reksai wont be dodging things with her only interrupted by stuns 0.5 seconds channel timer ult

Your thoughts on the current state of Singed?

might be an EUNE issue again
did you check the riot status page?

go there no lulu cancer again.

so basically Rek'sai is now GoodNocturne and BadVi

ugh for the 223443252435th time


the skins are released on a schedule and skins are based off of whichever champ has the highest PLAYRATES. since champion popularity= higher skin sales

HOWEVER it just so happens that the champions with highest PLAYRATES happen to be ones that are currently busted at the moment.


Riot does not release skins around buffs and nerfs. simply around the waxing and waning of playrates my fucking god

>enemy Zed has 16 kills twenty minutes in
Defend this assassinbabs

I wish they gave him a more impactful ultimate and made the current ult passive with proper nerfs.

perhaps makes his glue ground targets too



>again a lulu thread, and faggots still here
get cancer faggots.

t. mad riot empoyee

fucking stop

nobody cares about the goddamn OP

baaaaawwww why isnt anyone going on my thread
baaaaawwww why am i the only one caring about the op picture

>When Vlad removes his trousers

I think for the most part too much of singed boils down to a "ball of stats"

his ultimate and passive give so much free tankiness the champ has to be balanced around it.

If it was up to me he should have his ultimate and passive reworked completely and change poison to % damage so that he can be balanced around tank builds instead of the weird off-bruiser AP builds

keep Q,W,E.
Replace passive and R.

give him more ways to control areas with his gas and some form of initiation thats not just "pop glory and hope for the best"

>the ninja tabi change with reducing on hit effects didn't go through
Thank god

Patch notes na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-711-notes

PBE (soon)


>Enjoy being buttfucked instead by Twitch every game now.
OR I could just do the buttfucking. I'm getting ready for next patch

kid, don't you ever compare glorious Kled to your shitty purple goblin.
we are nothing alike.

get cancer and die lulu fagg, worse than hitler.

Where the fuck is Urgot? Is he coming on Thursday or what?

I don't give a fuck about new champions anymore. Reworking old ones is way more interesting.

Lulu is my STAR!

They should make his gas work like Heartstopper Aura

>nearly naked evelynn
What did the leaks mean by this?

becides cs what do i have to work on to get outbof bronze

try 2 weeks

Not dying


Not being a retard with a 2 digit IQ.

did you know that there are abilities your champion can use bound to the keys Q,W,E and R in order to do damage, gain quick bursts of mobility or support allies?

tfw can't even clear lanes or soak experience without getting promoted to silver on int account

I fucking hate furfags, kled is not for your fantasies, fag boy

>don't feed
>do teamwork
literally this will get you to gold on any champion

hopefully not real you faggot twink

sorry to break it to you user but he actually is

bronze is harder than you think. There are people there with perfect CS. I don't know if they're smurfing or what.

why is akali so much fun?


>literally do no damage or secretly do a fourth someones hp without them even noticing until its too late
>free lane harass tool that nullifies regen

yeah naw. probably one of the worst skills ice nerd has ever invented

better ideas

-Singed gains in combat sustain based on the amount of people effected by his poison
-glue applies cripple
-gains movespeed near poisoned targets
-Rumble ult but with Zyklon B
-Poison Nova ult that ramps up in damage over time and can be prolonged by sitting in normal gas
-a steroid drink Singed can give to himself or aliies

>these catlyn changes

no it's not you fucking mouthbreather. you are the bottom of the skill level. every hardstuck gold 5 yasuo main would look like a god in your matches

>Some poster makes thread 10 posts early
>Instantly deleted
>Lulufag makes new thread 6 gorillion posts early
>Allowed to stay
Really covfefes my covfefes

holy shit
i am actually so fucking bad
>17/4 nidalee
>losing to 3/14 yasuo with wits end
i should seriously
just kms

nice false flag retard

>all these caitlyn players coming out of the rework complaining about their cancer getting gutted
Didn't know this would happen here

I'm mostly scared about what they're going to inevitably do to Twitch.

No, it isn't.

>there are people there with perfect cs
With the exception of smurfs most people get 3-5 a minute. Yasuo, Zed and a few others have an easier time farming for obvious reasons, though.


Are you celebrating now, /lolg/? In less than 24 hours Yasuo will be gone from ranked games forever.

What a time to be alive.

Swain's Q tooltip has a section that says what the maximum damage it can deal, and then gives a number that seems completely unrelated to the maximum damage it should be able to deal. The given number is something like 2.5 seconds of base damage + 4 seconds of the damage from the AP ratio.

how do we fix Aatrox

>idiots buying the new cait skin just to have their champion gutted the patch after

>78% winrate over the past 10 games
>getting 24-25 lp a win probably going skip straight to Gold 1.
>Auto fill jungle, dodge
>Auto fill supp, Lee top 2 vayne mains, Dodge
That's a good way to kill momentum riot, I'll grind it out in gold like the shitter I am.

by playing tryndamere instead

I tried to get a smurf into bronze 5 and I literally couldn't. The enemy teams just didn't want to win

I'm pretty sure Twitch wont get nerfed, if they have to nerf another adc it'll be Xayah.

Is nu Yorick good?

haha noo

>Vayne Thread

I'm okay with this

He's actually pretty strong right now.

>reksai rework
Who's abusing the freelo until she's permabanned and nerfed?

AD reds and quints, armor or hp/lvl yellows, 5% flat 5%scaling cdr. 12/18 thunderlords. Warrior>Cleaver>GA core, merc or tabi boots.

25 fury gen on hit means prey seeker>knockup>aa>q aa reset (puts you at 100 fury)>E>R should kill any squishy target with basically no counterplay.


Buy control wards

is sion support good?

haha yess

Yes but he takes getting used to and you won't win by playing endless TDM with him like you can for 80% of the roster

yeah but that combo takes like 4 seconds
plus you can dodge the ult with mobility, which sucks

tank supports are bad



no, user, he isn't


Also if you're red side and their bot lane is leashing, you can sit in the tri-bush and get a free full cast q and get ez first blood/decent pressure.

Sometimes I look back at really old champs and wonder what the fuck was Riot smoking in 2009
Even some of the splash arts. Like holy shit, Warrior Princess Sivir looks worse than some 7th grader's deviant art piece

what do you say to make to make your teammates dodge in ranked?

Is Lulu the best religion?

>no violence
>no retarded beliefs
>a lot of love
>cutest deity there is
>best wife

you tell me


He's not "strong"
He's alright.

>from monster to another bara faggot
it all started when they reworked Trundle
when will riot stop? at this point i'm sure Urgot will be a bara faggot too

>4 seconds
Nah. You can prey seeker at range, then go in on a secure a burrow knockup, Aa>is instant, you can finish the E cast before the burrow stun us over. R is the only aspect of the combo an opponent can react to if they get hit by the knockup.

They were actually a small indie dev at one point. Not being ironic.

why not AS quints?

first pick me yas plzz !

just ban yasuo

>Only one
There's been no usage of this phrase that's ever been true. I hate lulucancer threads but it's because of people like you who are okay with lulufags and then complain "wtf lulufags keep spamming what do we do!??!" later that I don't understand. Just stop using their threads and report them when they spam. Acting as if "they don't matter" is pretty retarded if you're going to do that shit later.

Rakan counters fizz mid

Anyone got the Krepo leaks?

except the old one looks better and has an easily recognizable visual theme while the new one is some random blue hooded stranger

i have never purchased a skin

it's happening again dude

Urgot will be a lol so randumb xD blood thirsty murderer with huge muscles. Quote this.

AD scaling on abilities. Her combo is based on resets, not repeated AAs. In no way does AS help her combo. You AA once in an all in combo imediately followed by a Q reset then an empowered E.