Xx SC2 General xX

DankShrine 1h 53m
BaseTradeTV Misc. 2h 53m
StarCraft II StarLeague 11h 23m
ByuL vs Solar
OSC 11h 23m
SPOTV SSL Classic 11h 23m
WardiTV Weekly 12h 23m
Bly vs Leenock
Bly vs Hurricane
Bly vs KeeN
KeeN vs Hurricane
KeeN vs Leenock
Leenock vs Hurricane
WCS Regional Challengers 12h 23m
Has vs Rex
Cell vs Nice
LittleWolf vs KevinLiu
Sen vs Winte

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ayul is a girl :3

who is this kpop bitch i only follow the ARYAN sc2 scene

yeah we do more or less
Yair and Benjamin Netanyahu are based af btw

dude wtf!?
hey can i go to sleep now knowing you dumb idiots will keep threads up?? that the torch and spirit will burn on while i slumber???

do i need to remind all of you of the sacred vows we took?
freaking idiots

god i ask a question and can't even get an answer
i'm going back to bed! gook night!

needs a proper nosejob

that's not ayul you fucking retard

post your nose


wish they made window blinds that you could open at the top and keep closed on the bottom for privacy if you live on ground level...
i think about it a lot

i think it would be a worthwhile invention to pursue...