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> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
Jewish tricks? No, and please refrain from the antisemitism! Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
Are you aware how small this community is? Better to try stocktwits or r/wallstreetbets

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
People here are gambling, don't listen to any advice in this thread. Do, follow news, earnings reports, and stay away from leveraged etfs, also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET


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Daily meme: OCRX

The real new thread is






You guys think PTN would be a good overnight hold?


Im in getting out before eod not holding this pos overnight

Just got an alert for PTN earnings report.

Is tomorrow the day my dreams come true, lads?

holding because im only in on 110 shares at .90 it'll bounce back eventually just have to wait i suppose

DRYS seems to be the play for tonight

user, it's probably the day where you tie the noose. But I'm still rooting for you, even though I said a million times no to PTN, I'll gladly give you a blowjob if you land on the moon.

yes, DRYS is the one
huge gap up tomorrow AM

this meme is in rigor mortis

someone find me the new pump and dump bioturd for tomorrow in the next 20 minutes

I actually bought in at the low of 0.21 and holding 50 bucks worth so I dont waste a day trade, god bless you user.

CX earnings report premarket tomorrow.

Concrete company in texas.


I think you see what I'm getting at.

I'm in on MACK if it drops back to 3

I'm in 160 @ .66

Planning on holding on till tomorrow. Selling between .85-.90

I'm in with 500 @ $3.21
Hope it comes back

I think i'll buy OCRX and hold over night.


I got lots of spicey memes, they are currently resting from previous moon missions or they're currently in the planning stage for thei next one.

Which one of these looks the most optimistic?

Keep some no matter what. When that special div hits, you get the cash and I guarantee stocktwits will flood it looking for PIP 2.0.

Probly AMPE, haven't researched too in depth for tomorrow yet tho.



Bought 1,500 shares of ocrx just got ocrwrecked

man that poor user who bought OCRX at $.90...meme'd hard

indeed i did

$SSH acting kinda funny

Don't forget about the user who took a $7,000 position and didn't have any day trades left

tfw bagholding PIP

Great in depth stock analysis user. I go extremely bullish on "kinda funny" stocks haha

>mfw out of cash to trade with and can't go on missions with Veeky Forums

See you on the next moon landing lads may you find yourself in the realm of eternal gains.

I bought 1500 shares at .86 and sold at .69 lol

I'm still here. Up 30% friendo

Bought this morning at .60 tho

Going in on AMPE, if this sees any profit soon, I'll suck yo dick nigga


>extreme low float (750k if I'm not mistaken)
>several straight days of volume well above average, curling indicators
>up over 12% this past week
>today's volume alone was triple the daily average
>"supposed" PR coming soon

That's what I mean by funny shitlord

How are you feeling?

Oh senpai s-stop it! ;)

A little shakey. I wasn't expecting 100% gains on this, but I figured it would run well above what I bought it for.

I don't think it'll fall below what I bought it at, but AH will probs drop it a bit. If I get a few % out of it, I'll be happy

And its closing $.69 before the aftermarket vultures pick its bones clean. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I were you.

anyways I hope it works for you user, were all gonna make it.

Jeez user, I was just poking your pecker. Calm your titties

Right. The only reason I bought it was the RSI. it's still oversold, so we'll see what habbens.



Good job m8.

I pulled out but I hope you fare well.

I'm new here so forgive me, but what are you looking for when researching stocks like these? And where do you go to research/find them?

Start with the basics. Volume, highs, lows, take a look at past trends just to get a bit of an idea. Then research products, LinkedIn, glass door, number of employees, reviews, articles, anything you can find would be helpful. I gotta leave now tho, I'll see you all tomorrow.

Who's the fuck that was shilling $CG yesterday?

Holding $OCRX, $PTN, $PIP and $CBR. overnight. PTN earnings report in the pm i believe. Looking to get back in $NAK at 2.9 if i can. Will buy more in AH if the price dips enough.

good luck m8

>Holding $PIP

Good luck and god speed.

Kek is with us user. I feel his presence

its called investing

Shorts are gonna get squeezed, then it's blast off.

Please don't turn this into a meme

Nak is going to continue fluctuating 2.9-3.05. Too much risk for little gain.

Got memes in pip but hopefully ATVI gives me a boost. What are the memes to jump in tomorrow I have 1 day trade left for the week and I need something juicy

I was the one who called ocrx and got in at .55 so im pretty comfortable still. Pip i got in at .87 and think it has one more run her so ill wait it out. Ptn had a solid p3 with er in the morning. Cbr is just a hunch. Might be the next moon mission, not offical yet though.


Almost bought 1k shares of NAK at 2.9 today but bitched out. Hopefully it drops back down

>$ACUR continues to dip after hours

Thank god I put that bail out strat on my broker.


I'm also holding, got in at 0.56. Gotta be interesting tommorow with this volume. I actually doesn't know anything about the company, but i guess i could stay long if i have to, right?

There are two good things about NAK. Like clockwork you can buy in at 2.85ish and sell at 3.05. Ive done a few swings over the last two weeks for some extra cash. Also its on my long term hold list. When the permit process starts up and approval happens this will be a killer. Yeah it might take awhile for approval but once it happens, watch out.

>holding OCRX at 0.77 amd ATVI at 39.72

Fuck, is this going to be a wild ride.

It's always a wild ride in Goldburg's market.

What the hell is a cash account and why do people say you can day trade as much as you want on it? I thought the only way you can unlock god mode was to have 25k, period.

If $OCRX cant break .91 again by tomorrow ill look for an exit. In the meantime ill keep buying shares under .60. I think its got one last breath in her.

You could day trade as many times on a cash account, but you will not see proceeds until after 4 days and that is not counting weekends.

I think Ustocktrade would be a cash account since it lets you pattern trade with available cash, but again you will not get your proceeds to use to trade again until after T+3

urre up 14% there's lots more to go famalam this company has great fundamentals, and as long as they start producing lithium it's gonna moon (10x)

In my deepest fantasies, OCRX gaps up like dis

Don't worry user I'm with you

Technically it's not day trading. Because if you put in 100% and sell 100% you don't have access to the cash for 3 market days.

Godspeed, user

The 25k PDT req is only for margin accounts.
Instant trading uses a limited margin account to cover the time it takes for stocks to settle-- end of business on the third day after you sell.

If any of you bros ever make it big, just remember us and where you came from.

We're all gonna make it

Where is the MYOS frogposter? I need a new moon mission

PTN is up bigly AH

>PTN announces earning tomorrow BEFORE opening.

This means good, right?

Who's still holding ATVI tho?

Me pretty sure I'm holding 18 bags

>tfw got 12 000 stocks in it.

Meme of tommorow.

Yup kinda pissed i bought so early. I figured the price would go up in anticipation of the the er but that would be too rational.

>buy NVDA and ATVI cause TD showed earnings was tonight
cucked again

Warned yall about PTN let's hope ER is fantastic

Is it just me or does FTR look like a good buy rn?

RSI is climbing even though it's still pretty low.

Just want your opinions

>Robinhood has more accurate information tha TD Ameritrade

If only the charts didn't suck ass. Hopefully they'll implement candlesticks soon.

Why is atvi even down so much today? All the insiders dumping their share?

>Tfw I first called PIP at $0.5 in RGT.
>Tfw i only had a small position so little profit.
>Tfw i see others breaking the bank on my tip.
>Tfw i had 99% of money in 12k stocks PTN.
>Tfw i sold them at 0.4 to buy 4k of PIP at $1.25.

End me pls.

If PIP doesnt go to Andromeda fucking Nebula tomorrow its the rope for me senpai. I cant deal with this feel.

Based on the trends prior to the gap it is unlikely the stock is actually going to fluxuate at its current price. Most likely you may see a very small increase as the public decides on its new market value price. Good luck bro, if you get any profit id take it and run. Dont hang onto some dream of it going back up to anywhere near 2 dollars.

There's always another day to trade user. Hold strong, but know when to call it quits so you wouldn't lose big

in what world is ptn mooning? it's up 6 cents but it's still down 20 cents from 2 months ago

Waiting on tomorrow's earnings for my ATVI play of the game. Today felt like i was being raped by roadhog and Reinhardt while Winston gets fluffed for round three.
