Dota 2 general - /d2g/

vengeful waifu edition

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first for TA has a vagina and not a penis

What does it mean for the future?

his games dead so he's coming back to dota

Where were you when yames is back?

nth for fuTA

Scrub here and currently unranked. I like Ogre. He doesn't require a high skill and good items. I also get to smack those carries early. Are there any other heroes like ogre?

>wake up
>no bunny hero

what game is this famlam
i fell asleep when Planet Odd :^) shits on CoL




as the name says, make your predictions about dota in 2022 exactly 5 years later. if they come to be true youll earn deetoogee points.

My predictions:
level cap raised to 30 along with new talents for 30
some pregame talent pick shit ala masteries in lol
blink max range whatever removed
more item suggestions made into the game from peruvians forums
new clown hero voiced by slacks along with his own announcer
2gd's new game has flopped and is now a chicken tendie neet
our guy ppd has quit the game and still riding his ti royalties thanks to smart bitcoin invesment
arteezy still hasnt won a ti


ded gaym


is this the slut thread?


i wish i had more friends to play with
need more Oceania players that arent SEA monkeys

>first ranked game today
>get all english speaking compendium owners
>we pick varied heroes
>the other team is no compendiums
>no english
>all carries
>including the tusk who stole farm from dusa
>we stomped despite AM being shutdown for most of the game
how do they even breath?

i dont know but there is no bigger pain than being the only english speaker on your team and having to sit and watch your child team feed and only take shit fights

hey gulag Red vs Freedom is next on moonduck2 with lyrical casting instead of maut or annee

Based Grant is casting it too

>not watch grant

>Be only english speaker on team
>Pick Sven
>Team keeps pinging and yelling at me in non-English while I do decently
>Including when Bane went balls-deep in enemy territory to ward, got ganked 5v1, and then kept pinging the shit out of me as I was jungling on our side
>Asking them to speak english made them angrier
>Couldn't outfarm a fed AM
>Was only person on team with less than 10 deaths at end
>Get put into low priority

>Play another game
>Jugg and Tinker keep yelling at each other over text and mic
>They keep it up and demand reports for the other in english as they both get mega-kill streaks
>100+ messages post-game
>Ones I translated with Google were vile insults at each other

Countries other than America were a mistake.

fuck house of cards my nigga grant is casting

>me good
>team bad

region lock when

i just want to play with english speaking people and not have retarded south east asians ruining everything they touch

how do i know if i'm playing with a black guy?

>muuuum! my 25 internet points!! uwaaa uwaaa

>black guys in dotes
this ain't fucking streetfighter or smash

that doesn't seem to come up a lot
I don't think I'd announce it though

What did he mean by this?

that feel when axe's model is shit and it's never getting updated

that feel when most of the jungle creeps models are shit and it's never getting updated

Remember that the only constant is you.

le only constant face

didn't he get an update when the game left beta for the first time?

Well, you tell me.

I foresee 5 more gay furbait heroes added to the game

it's still shit. his model has the same quality as pre-update slardar.

>that feel when axe's model is shit and it's never getting updated
Agreed, I loved playing axe in wc3 dota, but in dota 2 he's all wobbly and stupid looking, so I don't ever pick him even tho he's one of the best heroes.

-Clinkz can now attack while moving during Strafe.


Watching Dreamleague

>picks huskar into slardar, witch doctor, tinker, axe and sven

Epicenter fucking when?

Soon enough

Should I start playing le invisible skeleton of big damage?

still going, so far not a single person has tried

you niggas are really too lazy to guess dinosaurs? I was trying to get a bag of weed yesterday and I asked the guy ahead of time to bag up two amounts so I could decide how much I wanted when I saw it. He said "thats too much work" this is literally how lazy niggers are, and how lazy you are if you don't guess my dinosaur


Zotac's up. First game is DC vs Fnatic.

there are a bajillion and one dinosaurs you stupid nigger

Not until his talents get changed to be not-shit. Everything he gets is like something another hero would get as a lower tier talent.

Unless they talk into the mic you don't, and it's pretty damned rare in Dota anyway

thats why you get three chances :^)


>even walks down onto the low ground to attack drow

something is actually wrong with his brain

Give it a go boys

MVP.Phoenix TI7 please.

Why even play this hero? Like, I enjoy his gameplay a lot, sure, but your team will never mesh with or benefit from what he brings to the table. Plus, he's not exactly durable. Any tips?


How about I'll give you three chances to fuck off LMFAO

build a time machine
go back to when rapier was usable on him

entire point of hero was to carry rapier

now that clone can't carry rapier, he has the same failing as EVERY OTHER hero that summons other units: he feeds gold

2 teams i like but qos an ape in pubs go mason

>another bloodseeker pick
Is Fnatic making this hero work?

>25 random heroes are disabled at the start of each match
Guess im not playing dota for a week or so then

I really want to, nowadays I just rush for Maelstrom and Boots of Travel, then push from there.

jesus christ user too savage



>walk into what is a smoke gank by yourself
>engage them

how the fuck is EE at the MMR he is?

Ankylosaurus of course

Why does this make people so upset? Do you spam one hero or something.

>DuBu vs Febby

>wake up at 3 am
>work out till 4 am to be free to watch shitty dota lan the next few hours
>shitty dota lan started earlier than you thought

>open reddit

>using bloodrage in lane
You can actually get away with this?

oh god why


>that fucking cog flank
Not slippery enough fucker

>Tbirds are back in Europe
Is it a good thing or a bad thing? They had a monopoly in NA scene.

It's irrelevant. Dota scene gives freedom to teams to play from wherever they want, so no matter where they played or where they will play from; they have been an european team the whole time since they are european players and that's all there is to it.

I'm honestly considering playing dota again but only so I can play meepo every game.
should I reinstall d2g?


Yeah, NA might actually win their qualifiers now.

New org seems a bit fruity though and has the worst name ever

>it's a fateedroid cast

>midas into radiance bloodseeker
Is this literally a 2k pub?

>every game
in ranked?
Well I hope you are a lucky person and meepo goes through the random selection and player's ban
>As an experimental change for a few days, All Pick will now have 25 heroes randomly removed from the hero pool at the start of the draft before the ban phase. This change only affects Ranked Matchmaking.

>random heroes banned in all pick ranked
>invoker and shadow fiend mainers going full pepe

This is unintentionally hilarious

>a few days
what could the madmen possibly be gathering data on? How to kill the game faster?

thats retarded but fuck it all i just play normal matchmaking instead of ranked

Just got done with a game with Veeky Forums, Moosey under water squad sir_numba_won dick Kickem are all do not play. Avoid if you want to win. Thanks~

>played with a 3 stack of aussies

That's all they pride theirselves with when they play with SEA players

aus mmr distributin is so skewed that you can matchmake for hours in ranked and get games with like 1k mmr disparity

>chinks play nothing but RD
>icefrog prefers them to us
>he wants to get rid of "le cancer all pick"
>he'll next try a weekend of "just RD ranked"
>will use this data to justify it somehow

It happened with solo-only queue and other changes to match making.

The fuck is this BS build?

RD is by far the best and most fun mode, makes people think instead of just pick x hero with 56% win rate in 5k

>purge 15 debuffs with manta
>try it 10 times with agi heroes
>never works because of ooga team or dont getting opportunity
>pick tinker
>after getting megas, sell some items to buy manta and medallion
>use manta to purge medallion buff
>mfw team ooga menages to lose