This is a general for games made by ArenaNet!
ArenaNet General
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Im already pally3. Its too late to go back. Until next reset event.
That's what I've seen everywhere else, is there really no other PVE option? Monk seems like such a weak pickup for a rank7.
Why are these threads always such a shitposting fest.
Spelunky and la mulana are the same game in my mind
I've only seen them for $20 where do you buy them
Ah, I see. Are you learning from the /int/djt guide?
Considering the quality code of this game, something tells me this is just going to be a bugfest of teleporting into the ground and instantly dying
>first/second best game in series
>still no random map generator
It severely sucks.
No one cares about expo itself, dimwit
>Why did freedom wars take so long?
Got other games and a long grind
>Can you plat it without online?
Bumping for interest.
This. But a handheld gamecube machine would be nice.
yeah but i doubt gamestop (and other stores) wouldnt have the launch edition just because its not listed as a launch edition anymore
all youd have to do is call and ask if it comes with the art book
>the GPU gets pretty hot like 55C
u wot m8
those are perfectly fine temps on load
you should start worrying if you go over 85c on load.
for idle it can be okay too at those temps depending on your power settings in nvidia control panel
hhehe benenin ;DDDD
Strategy or Musou?
Are you more into Three Kingdoms or Sengoku?
You mean except DW4H, DW5S, DW6, DW7XL, SW2, SW4II, SWSOS, WO, WOZ and all the other tie-in games, emulatable titles and strategy games?
Do you even open screenshots?
Patch Notes where?
Roadhog mains aren't team players. Its why they play Roadhog. They want to just get kills while being entirely independent of their team.
more pls
I always thought that we have at least a year of ps2g left :(
the old thread was actually getting posts all it needed was 1 bump and it still would have been alive. now everyone comes back to a dead thread with no link to the new one so this is even deader than usual.
Japan but I am tired of the bug eyed anime girls.
Are the versions of SoTN and Rondo included with the PSP remake using a proprietary emulator or are they actual ports?
region lock when
i just want to play with english speaking people and not have retarded south east asians ruining everything they touch
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
They didn't have the money or access to be able to get the games so they bought cheap bootlegs. Whoop de fucking doo /pol. Kys
>Playing dota right now
leave whore
the corruption of Nasu was the moment you were born
give Tsukihime back to us
>Diana will never fuck off forever
Our? You guys are fucking out of your godamned minds.
Still need to play VI.
>pure evil
He was just a child missing his mom.
I like it but off six (6) lucky draws? I got 1/11 twice like fuck
Both of them have light adventure elements and require you to solve puzzles in order to progress, Tim.
>this asshurt samefag
run along now child
1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 then rinse and repeat 1-2 2-2 3-2 4-2 so on and so on however I think the servers are gone by now right?
What BUTTON do you press?
would probably cost too much
hundreds of thousands of dollars
He proposed to her two months ago.
They are stereotypes for a reason, you know. They are actually on average inferior drivers.
range murata
t. pink
stop samefagging and go back to russia :^) oh wait putin doesn't pay out autism checks to disabled man babies
There's a non-faction version in one of the dlcs
Reading all the bad user reviews out there begs the question why would you want one in the first place?
>those are what you said they are
yeah, it was a free game and you could have started with both RS1 and RO2, but you will get the same experience with Vietnam but with automatic weapons
Frisk is actually cute! CUTE!!!
I am but a cog in the gears of fate
>He wants to die of bird flu
China please go. You have your own servers.
RS1 is probably the least polished of all the games. Even the Gameboy games are really well balanced, except for SaGa 3 which is basically not a SaGa game and more of a bad Final Fantasy game.
I second this. Valkyrie Profile
>Dump a half mag into someone's back as they try to creep up on me
>They turn, shoot once and kill me
More ping = more health
>Network equipment on the wall, in some kind of pathetic attempt at "style"
>Keyboards on the wall
Dude is a fag.
Supposedly Gail's ending isn't canon but it is the only one with the big revelation, a touching sacrifice and ties in with Dino Crisis 2, at least it's the best
You can believe it if you want, nothing proves it or disproves it. I like it.
How did he event go for you guys? It's always the same shit for me. I get a million copies of some cards and then there's card I don't get a single one from. Thankfully there are other ways to get Labyrinth in this case.
>I have ever heard too much like SF2 as a complaint
It is a complaint because it's got nothing to set it apart at all, even the characters play the same. Why play SF2 for girls when you could play real SF2 for REAL MEN.
Except you do if you want to beat it. Otherwise all that's left is a straightforward generic platformer for babbys and retards.
flip the fucker upside down and report any change, You can also adjust the pots on the laser to milk it for a bit, Usually helped me alot.
I had two games where a player on my team sat in T spawn and ran around in circles
SE is a hell of a rank
Good thing it was posted already
"Deal with it nigger."
More or less.
fuck you. VAC never makes mistakes.
to encourage good manners in the games
also fuck everyone that doesnt gg seriously
That place is brutal, only thing from the game that I hate, you either run low on mag or you get anal raped by enemies. Or maybe I played it wrong.
Tomorrow what? Phoenix Point information?
name of the game?
>Even the animation is top notch and captures the Sonic CD/OVA art style so flawlessly
Hold on user, It's mostly to grab some Nostalgia.
forgot pic
All fallen princess and kiss of princess gacha will end. While the maintenance message doesn't mention it, Sweet Memories might too, since it's on 2x sarali points.
I don't need much to grind.
>tfw we're probably the most dedicated fan community but dontnod/sqeenix only cares about plebbit
Except you do if you want to beat it. Otherwise all that's left is a straightforward generic platformer for babbys and retards.
Just bumping this thread because I intend to post later.
Can anyone ID that Koei game in the big box?
You all wish you had friends