/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1656

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for June:
5/31 - 6/8 - Little Skyfarer a la Sacre Blumiel!
6/9 - 6/21 - iM@S Collab
6/22 - 6/29 - Guild War (Dark)
6/30 - Story event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread

I love Cordelia!


Is KMR a lolicon?

What's that in Lyria's hand? Never seen that before.


i chopped my dick off and gave it to her

it is the holy symbol of luckshitters

Canon wife.

No, he and FKHR clearly hates lolis, wind and light.

*blocks your wallet*

Let's hope so.

If your dick was rainbow then it was probably for the best

Holy fucking shit

Once you start 4*ing your grid archangel weapons actually become useful

Running out of them in lightning speed

What doujin(s) are these from?

>try using Lecia with 5* smugman
>she's still garbage

Guess she's stuck on the meme zoi team

I'm starting to doubt the validity of the Knights of Lumiel after this event.

Golem is my friend, he brought me Orcid

Lolibaba > loli > hags

This one. Plot is Heles asks Gran to oil her up, Gran gets upset at everyone ogling her and takes her to a secluded part of the beach to fuck

Probably a sequel to the doujin where be helped her with her pony tail and strokes her back before fucking her.

Lolijiji > Lolibaba

You werent memed at all. The posts you see of people shitting on siete are talking about his 5*, which for all the materials, time and contrast with all the other 5* eternals, is not that great

Perhaps it's smugman that's the problem, and not Lecia.


Words to live by, user.

Why does Cog never take her tiara off?


Transloli will be the next big thing after traps and futa lolis.

Why are static victory poses still a thing?

>TFW no a single character after so many crystals
>suddenly this
Well I guess its something

Sturm's pisses me off

she is a grand series for fucks sake

>Well I guess its something
Congrats on literally the most wanted support summon in the game you fucking faggot

Every time I always do well for like 40% of the raid then start slowly slipping down the ranks while some 130+ FUCKS take over.

It hurts.

Cock has 3 of them


really makes me think

luckshitters should all explode

So does Lyria

Good, cows deserve nothing. Kill the cows.

>tfw still no Jamil
Fucking kill me.


Did you get what you wanted this legfest?



>flips her cape back
>cape just stops mid air as she freezes in place

She's the only limited character I have, too.

nice twitter image

It's my birthday user, let me be lucky for once.

His soul is in it

i got jack shit out of 30pulls

alright happy birthday and grats bro

i wanted 10 murgleis in a 10-roll so no

It's my birthday too. Let's do a single roll together and post results.

I got a gold moon, a Neptune, Clarrisse, and Nemone. It could have been much worse, I suppose. Knew I wasn't going to pull Scathacha but got my hopes up anyway.


I just rolled 10, not enough for a single.

which clarrisse? I assume fire since you didn't say

Almost a year has passed by and I still haven't gotten the 10 roll from hitting platinum. Halving tear requirement was a mistake.

Yes, I finally bought a rope

>reach chapter 70 in the story
>Adam greets you out of nowhere and is alright after his hyper dramatic death

I knew it was going to happen sooner or later but still. Playable fucking when?


Every event that comes out brings me closer to Lyria making me die of moe death.

Congrats user. I'm saving for a spark so I don't want to roll too much.


Apron Lyria was adorable, I really wasn't enjoying the event until she showed up. If Lyria is going to be the "main" waifu they really should do more characterization for her like this.

Fire, yeah. More excited about Nemone, I'm in desperate need of SSR erunes.



I was able to get a good Light team out of this legfest so I guess

0-4 Roll once
5-9 Don't roll

Zeta when she was a loli.

I got Shiva, Scathacha and Lecia in just 9k crystals and 8 tickets. It was okay, I guess.

Bridgette, Cordelia, Box, Baotorda. Which of these characters would you rather be the new Light SSR /gbfg/?

But the main waifus in most games/anime/manga etc are generally the blandest characters as they possibly can be. An active, outgoing girl with lots of interests and hobbies might make a nice hostess at a club but a proper bride should be as docile and non-threatening as possible.

Lyria's only character trope aside from being mysterious and cute is 'she's hungry'.

Does Baotorda has an SSR yet?


This is why Vira's popular. She's got personality.

None of those characters besides Box has an SSR.

I got a dupe benedia in a 10 roll.

none of the above

gold knight

everyone except box is a r.

Which of them do YOU want to be the ssr?

But Baotorda is an SR.

That sounds pretty faggy.

>But the main waifus in most games/anime/manga etc are generally the blandest characters as they possibly can be.

I know, and that's boring as sin in a game full of hundreds of more interesting waifus. I rather like Lyria, but doing anything to make her more interesting is a step in the right direction.

Is this another "the loli is the enemy" character?

29 days until she's mine

Well arent I dumb


All lolis are evil. They can land you in jail if you mess with them.

What happens to her in the end?

>literally took zeta's face and put it on a loli's body

>Which of them do YOU want to be the ssr?

Bridgette of course. Top 5 cutest harvin in the game.


Do you think the Astrals know the secret that will let be be able to impregnate Quatre?

Lies, does this look like an evil loli to you?


>If every im@s collab reruns next week, I'll have enough crystals to spark next legfest.

Cock will be mine




Too bad she's the least likely in both story, and how her kit works compared to the new SSR.

It's a fairly unsurprising trope for a country where the girls everyone wants to marry are the ones who lie in bed like a dead tuna. Japanese men have a real dread of committed relationships with women and don't really know how to interact with them. That's why they'd rather stay at work all day then hit the bars and blow their money on whores afterwards.

Gonna correct her with my dick even if she is.