Why dont uber rich people seem to be that different from normal people but mid level millionaire rich people seem...

why dont uber rich people seem to be that different from normal people but mid level millionaire rich people seem snobby in comparison

at a certain point money means less to the uber rich I guess

You're speaking of people who became uber rich in the tech sector. They're mostly numales cucks.

Mid level rich want to get richer, and to crush anyone who gets in the way of their being rich. Uber rich just want to feel something again

>don't seem to be different
You'll probably balk when you know how much the costs of those 'not different' wardrobes.

This. Tech billionaires probably grew up middle class or upper middle class and have roots as "normal" people. People from old money families have lived their whole lives detached from reality.

yeah everyone is a lizard

Because the truly wealthy don't want people to know they're wealthy.

Because it isn't uber rich vs mid level millionaire, it's old money vs new money.

In my area the new money all live in gated communities with names like "The Peak", or "The Pinnacle", and flash expensive purchases everywhere they go. They tend to have only bachelors degrees, or masters at best, and a lot of them are actually very house poor as a consequence of trying to show off their wealth. They virtually all work corporate jobs and are on the rat race.

The old money, by contrast, live on lakefront property in neighborhoods that are blended between normal people and the rich. They typically have advanced educations, travel frequently, and don't flash their money on luxury purchases. Job-wise they will typically work in a profession or government posting that is prestigious and high earning, but rarely work corporate jobs.

>Implying anyone working at a government job is a billionaire


yeah that is extremely unlikely

>implying Trump doesn't flash his money


A multi-millionaire with a high level government position is typically more powerful than random billionaire #257.

Trump lives in his own hotel and plates his entire home in gold like the tackiest retard to ever waste money. He's the antithesis of old money

true. he got sick of dealing with ghetto so made it in manhattan

old rich have been there done that. not longterm fulfilling. wasteful. new rich society full of fake and insecure sharks.

the keyword here is 'seems'. if youve ever been around any really rich people in private you know theyre just putting up an act when other people are watching.

It takes humility to rise to the top OP.
Snob people are only enjoying their moment, before the family wealth burns to the ground.

Yeah that's part of the reason he branched out from Real Estate to Marketing/Licensing and Reality TV to Politics. He wasn't aware that he was blowing away his fortunes and that power is much more important.

Actual answer:

It's a delusion, a defense mechanism of your fragile psyche to protect your ego from the crushing disappointment of your own failures. Harsh, but true.

Your subconscious knows you'll never be "uber rich" so you don't feel jealous about these people. You were never going to get to that level of wealth anyway, and you have absolutely nothing in common with these people. So they don't grate against your delicate snowflake sensibilities.

But the "mid level millionaires" represent everything that you wish you were, but are not. You have typical "embarrassed millionaire" syndrome, where you imagine that you have the capacity to achieve this level of wealth. But you're just "unlucky" or "your ship hasn't come in yet" or whatever excuse you learned from your equally unsuccessful family/friends/peers.

However, because you've deluded yourself into thinking that you not only could be a "mid level millionaire" but that you *should" be a "mid level millionaire" (except that (((whatever))) is holding you back), the jealousy you subconsciously direct at these people is palpable. In order to function on a daily basis, you have to suppress these destructive emotions, and therefore you *imagine* that these "mid level millionaires" are not nice, not happy, not secure, not worthy, not (((whatever))). In reality, people are people. But you demonize them because you desperately but fruitlessly wish to be them.

tl;dr "You hate us 'cuz you ain't us."

I prefer this explanation.

You can answer this question if you've ever been in highschool.

Its also a good way to keep every entitled fuck from asking you for things.

Its also a class thing, especially in cities. If you have the money you eat in certain places, do certain things for entertainment, and spend time in certain places. You're recognizable to your peers, and if you're not a peer they can tell

Wholeheartedly agree

People who make 90K+ are the biggest cucks of them all.

I make 90k and my fiance makes 50k a year, and we live in a no-crime lower class neighborhood and can live like complete NEETS outside of our 40 hours a week job.

Being house poor is fucking dumb. I see old high colleagues all the time and they're always bitching about money, despite making more or less what I do.

Housepoor people making 90k+ a year that is.

Yeah, if I were billionarie I wouldn't drive a ferrari, I would just get a high end mercedes instead.
It's a bit like my situation but at smaller scale, I emigrated from a poor country and now I make 6 digits. I could buy a gtx titan every month but I just have a gtx 970, because it's enough for my needs. I can easily afford an oculus/vive but I still see it damn expensive, so I have none.

what does this even fucking mean? housepoor? 90k? nigga fuck u

Underrated post

People who make a lot of money but have so high mortgage / car payments / other loans that all they're broke after paying them off each month

I think you forgot Trump.

this answer is pretty bad.

this answer reminds me of another catch-all answer use when they pretend to know things "hey you're just projecting" this answer is the "projecting" of that question

Shhh, a lot of people believe in the "you're just jealous" answer, and it shuts down lines of thinking that they aren't comfortable with.


see, thanks for proving my point.

denial is another good one. denial, jealousy, projecting

They would be sent to the proverbial guillotine if they publicly showed how rich they really are. That would be very bad for their company's stock.

Do you mean, they don't feel the need to show others they're rich?

You see it in areas other than money aswell. Weightlifting for example - the people who've put on muscle recently love talking about it and throwing their weight around, but people who are massive like The Rock just laugh and have fun.

You seem to be really good at posting denials, but really bad at explaining why. People like you who make blanket dismissals of hard truths are exactly the kind of people I was talking about in .

Sorry about your life, user.

Because many of the uber rich depend largely on average people to purchase their products. Less people would purchase from them if they appeared to be boisterous and snobby all of the time. Would you think Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg would have the same brand loyalty that they have now if they were to market their products like Donald Trump does? The short answer is no.

It stops the buyer from thinking about how rich the person is to understanding that the uber rich person probably cares a lot about what he/she is trying to sell because he isn't flaunting how much he/she is worth.

why don't we limit how much you can inherit to 2-3 million USD?

I think what OP meant is that people like these tech billionaires don't like to give off the impression in public that they are rich and therefore better than you. They tend to speak and act like normal people (or autists, depending on who).

I want to argue against this, but the psych seems plausible. You're smart (maybe) and I'm impressed.

they're acting.

you can't know that because you'll never interact with them in a relaxed setting.

you might interact with a few millionaires though. They might even tell you what they really think of your poor self. Billionaires think the same, you just don't know them well enough to hear it.

>people like these tech billionaires
These folks are more like celebrities than businessmen. They professionally manage their public appearance, and have PR firms on retainer. What you see when you hear these folks is straight out of a branding textbook.

I'm not saying that's bad (or good), but you have to be aware. Comparing their public image to the average multi-millionaire (who has no public image, let alone coaching) is a bit silly.

Thanks. I know how to read people.

And how do all billionaires think?

I already said.
they think the same.
can you not read?

hmmm and how would that be?

This doesn't make any sense. What would be the benefit of respecting people who are blessed with infinitely more fortune than you and are practically seen as a seperate species while hating those that you see as only a few steps ahead of you? For example, do you seriously think that blacks hate their own semi successful brethren while thinking only kind thoughts about ultra capitalist WASPs and jews?

the same as the few millionaires OP might know.

So you admit you're a cuck?
Tell your fiance I said what's up

>For example, do you seriously think that blacks hate their own semi successful brethren while thinking only kind thoughts about ultra capitalist WASPs and jews?
Blacks are EXTREMELY jealous of their own semi successful brethren. This is true of most racial and religious minority groups.
>while thinking only kind thoughts about ultra capitalist WASPs and jews?
While some impoverished blacks do have negative feelings towards wealthy whites, that's more a racial issue than a jealousy or envy thing. I don't think these blacks consider wealthy whites "annoying" or "egotistical" so much as hate them for perpetuating institutional racism. Apple/oranges.

Ok, bad example because of the racial factor. Why do you think that people love rooting for "the underdog" in any kind of competition?

>Why do you think that people love rooting for "the underdog" in any kind of competition?
Underdogs are losers who occasionally win. I don't see how that has anything to do with millionaires, multi-millionaires, or billionaires. Hardly underdogs by any stretch of the imagination.

Underdogs are closer to championship than amateurs and the audiance, but further away from it than the top dog, just as the semi wealthy are closer to wealth than the middle and lower class, but less so than the ultra capitalists. It makes sense that you would want those of a class nearest you to succeed because they're easier to identify with than financial and athletic prodigies.

I don't think you know what that word means.
>It makes sense that you would want those of a class nearest you to succeed because they're easier to identify with than financial and athletic prodigies.
Applying logic to deeply emotional responses? Yeah ... that's not gonna work.

If people were logical, rationale, and kind about wishing for the success of their fellow man, then schadenfreude wouldn't be a thing. But it is.

>I don't think you know what that word means.

Care to explain why?

>Applying logic to deeply emotional responses? Yeah ... that's not gonna work.

My logic is derived from the general pattern of human emotional responses.

>If people were logical, rationale, and kind about wishing for the success of their fellow man, then schadenfreude wouldn't be a thing. But it is.

Which evokes more schadenfreude, the demise of many small businesses, or a giant corporation?

You're being wishful, gullible, and naive. I'm just trying to tell you how the real world works, and how people really think.

If you want to stay in denial, that's your choice. I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink.

No offense but you give off a vibe that you want people to believe that you're much smarter than you actually are and that makes it difficult for people to want to listen to you.

more like if you are super wealthy people already know people probaly gossip about and it you becomes tedious because of that

get out commie!!!

>and can live like complete NEETS outside of our 40 hours a week job
jfc do you ever hear yourself

>how the real world works
>implying everything isn't broken
You prob think society as it's currently functioning can go on forever LAMOOOO
Come back when you turn 18 in 6 years

>give of a vibe

he obviously talks about knowing something nobody knows and if I should be in the wrong he better publish a paper on it in a journal where he proves it but he won't because he is full of shit

Considering that this ENTIRE thread is about people being annoyed by those who are richer -- or smarter, or prettier, etc. -- than them, your post makes perfect sense.

This should be a "lightbulb moment" for you, except I suspect this is all going over your head anyway.

Cry me a river, justice warrior. Remember how the Occupy Wall Street changed the world? Me neither.

Ruh-roh. Many wealth redistribution will never happen in a capitalist society because the wealthy (most of them anyway) deserve what they have due to their higher level of skills, talents, genetics, gifts, etc.

Wow. Now I've dropped two soul-crushing truth bombs dropped in one thread.

>This should be a "lightbulb moment" for you, except I suspect this is all going over your head anyway.

>Wow. Now I've dropped two soul-crushing truth bombs dropped in one thread.

FYI this is what cartoonish level arrogance looks like.

Sorry kid, but being polite and spoonfeeding you takes way too much energy. Do you have any idea how exhausting is it to deal with people like you? I suffer through enough of that in real life.

On Veeky Forums, I dispense the truth and nothing but the truth. Unfiltered and unedited. If you were looking for a safespace or political correctness, I suggest another site.


I smell /pol/

Not that poster, but I wonder, do you listen to Ben Shapiro? I recognise him in your turn of phrase.