Merchant Marine

Are you young and directionless? Do you want to grab money and status but sitting in an office sounds tedious? Do you want to explore the world but keep getting shot at to a minimum? Are you still reading this obvious pseudo sales pitch?

Then the US Merchant Marine is for you Veeky Forums.

>Free degree from a prestigious college (military service academy)
>Degrees are typically in niche engineering and/or something business logistics related
>Merchant Marine License to commission on a ship
>Licensed ship officer salary is typically six figures, even on small ships it's upper five figures for a third mate
>Can opt to go active duty into any branch for five years, or reserve commission for 8 and serve five years in the maritime industry

It's got money, prestige, and adventure and most of you probably didn't even know it was an option.

>t. somebody who regrets not going to Kingsport

Other urls found in this thread:

>that lack of response


Is it possible to play Dota 2 and post on Veeky Forums from a ship?

All i wanna know

Except most of us are currently college drop-outs, the Merchant Marine Academy requires three letters of recommendations, and one of these needs to be from a fucking U.S. State Representative.

Do you think most of us from Veeky Forums can just waltz into a military academy, or didn't think of something like this already? They're tough to get into.

Latency is horrible so any type of online gaming is out of the question.

You serious?

Tbh this is mostly aimed at the high school kiddies lurking. Sounds like you're going to have to find something else m8e.

>went to naval academy
>nuclear engineering
>dicked around on a aircraft carrier for 6 yrs after graduation
>now working as a decommissioner
>still kind of regret not going mm

Right? I'm looking at going to OCS for the Air Force right now, but if I had known about MM I would have gone to Kingspoint and done been a reservist officer.

Nuclear engineer pay is pretty good isn't it? I'm EE but always have been interested in nuclear

>military academy

While USMM is the easiest to get into, you have to be super fit and super smart. If you were able to get the Presidential Fitness award and have an ACT north of 31, you might get in.

Everyone else need not apply. I would've been smart enough, but no way was my 5'10 240lbs manlet ass going to get anywhere.

I had a 32, but that was because I fucked around instead of doing my math homework and that 28 on the math section dragged me way the fuck down. It's pretty doable desu.

Welp I was arrested twice for drugs so I'm shit out of luck

>ACT 32
>315 squat

What are my chances


I'm got a 33 and just got a full ride to a state school. Don't fucking bother with a military academy.

Pic related.

My proudest OC.

Only thing I'll say is:

Guys that have careers at sea get cheated on by their wives 90% of the time. Sad.

That's why you get in at 22 before you get married, and get out at 30 or 32 when you're still young enough to find a wife.

It's not like any of us here were planning on getting married anyway

I'm going nuke F@m. Big boie pay for sta-reenlist, but shit is a brutal lifestyle. We'll see if I got nuts soon, I go to Great Lakes for basic on the 23rd.

Serious about what? Most of Veeky Forums is inhabited by mentally handicapped people who lie about almost everything. Yes, I am being serious.