So I went from getting approximately a $5,000 refund to $1,300 after my girlfriends parents claimed her...

So I went from getting approximately a $5,000 refund to $1,300 after my girlfriends parents claimed her. Despite that I pay for EVERYTHING. She lives with me, I pay all rent, utilities, food, her phone, her car insurance...fuck. Anyways, I just got my info from my second job, a part time one. Once I enter that info, Im owed a refund of $493, but owe $184 to state. Sooo Im assuming I cant legally do this, but what if I just didnt file the second one? What would go down from there?

Any W-2s or 1099s that you get also go to the IRS. They'll probably find the discrepancy and send you a letter telling you to either amend your tax return or prepare your anus.

>She lives with me, I pay all rent, utilities, food, her phone, her car insurance

just get a dog and fuck hookers occasionally, you retarded faggot. you'll still come out ahead.

Im doing it while she is student teaching. She will be done this May. Otherwise thanks for looking out, bru.

If she truly meets all the criteria of dependent.
You should google this first
Then just claim her anyway and let an audit work it out.
It's your money, and you need it now!

is what you should do. It will allow you to file as head of household (lower tax bracket) and gain her exemption. Here's what you need to be sure you can prove to the IRS when you get audited (the parents will have to prove the same thing): you paid >50% of her living expenses AND she lived with you >50% of the time she wasn't actively attending college.

If that's the case, her parents have no claim to her. Period. You are legally able to claim her, and watch as her parents get super fucked by an audit. The only way you can't do this, is if she made more than a certain amount of money (google it) in which case you couldn't have claimed her anyway.

Which is the new question: are you willing to fuck over your girlfriends parents and burn that bridge for 3700; and why don't you discuss with them that either you get a hush check or they get fucked by the IRS.

So I'm totally fucked with my taxes this year. It's all 1099 income. I have no money and haven't even started my taxes yet. No healthcare either.

What's the best thing to do besides not paying and going off the grid? Do they offer flexible payment plans?


>i pay for everything
Shes not a whole person.

She's a woman

That's not an excuse in today's society. Women and men in the United States are equal, so a woman should work just as much as a man and get paid the same amount.

HAMMER your business expenses.

Not sure what you do, but write off anything and everything. Home office, mileage, phone bill, cable bill, meals (with coworkers).

I've played fast and lose with that and never been audited. Don't go apeshit but you can knock off a chunk with honest numbers or slightly fluffed.

>Women and men in the United States are equal,


American women are more than equal. They are Privileged beyond belief... fucking little snowflake princesses.

>not owing money
You're doing it wrong

Lmao poorfags loan the govt money for no return

Just fucking ask them to take the minimum until you get situated

Well 2 things.

1) That girl better be sucking your dick on command and cooking for you every night if you are paying for everything. Otherwise you are a weak servant and doing a disservice to men everywhere.


2) I would probably just claim her as a dependent. I highly doubt the IRS would ever find out. And even if they did, just claim you did not know about her parents claim, then pay the IRS what they ask for. No big deal. You don't need to fear the IRS over small issues like this. They really only care about big fish, and people who eggregiously lie on their taxes.

Heh. My friend is a real estate agent and whenever we get drinks he covers my Woodford Reserve Manhattans and writes it all off. The fuckin life, man.

He wouldn't pay the IRS. The parents will.

In all likelihood, the IRS won't do shit. Claim her, and if they do an audit, they will be on your side.

No you can't claim her unless you were married at the end of the year.
To get head of household she would have to be a qualifying relative. Which she fucking isn't.
Her parents need to use her SSN to get the exemption on their return. You would need it on yours. The same SSN on two different returns would raise a red flag.

You realize you do not get audited for current year returns, right? Audits are conducted on a trailing schedule of 3+ years. Hope you kept you documents.

If I work from home are my internet or electricity bills legit write-offs?

I agree

Prorate it based off your sq footage that you've got cornered off for work only and you've got to be realistically here and show reasonableness here then IRS would most likely accept the justification if you were ever audited.

thanks, I started from home in november so I may not even fuck with it this year

Confront her parents for the money and ask them what the flying fuck do they think they are doing

The statute of limitations for an audit is 3 years unless the IRS can prove there was intent to commit fraud.