/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1657

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for June:
5/31 - 6/8 - Little Skyfarer a la Sacre Blumiel!
6/9 - 6/21 - iM@S Collab
6/22 - 6/29 - Guild War (Dark)
6/30 - Story event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread

>15 months to be out-damaged by dark in 2 months

Where are the Baha hl races?

but dark needs to be careful while keep it's hp low

light can do what ever the fuck it wants with that much HP

What are the weapons in the bottom row beside the baha?

where's your pepe image


baka hl 13/18

I'm new to light, currently have a dark grid but thought it was a good idea to switch to another hard grind. I only have SR Albert, Clarisse and Rosamia. Who should I look to replace and who with? I looked at tier lists and I don't really understand what to pick. Please respond

64AA36C4 bahaHL 13/18 need HS and bunnies.


Is it possible to get those 1000 crystals in my inbox for registering my account?




Dont bother with light if you dont have a decent team yet. Start building your mainwheel elements.

do you have a nip phone?

Yes, you just need to channel the gbfg autism and go with them on their next "Travel to Japan to register our accounts" excursion.

Don't get b& again user.

I didn't have anything when I started this game and still went for Dark because it has the charas I want so I'm fine really. It's not clear cut for me what I should aim for.

>1hp vs 30k hp

Why does this always get deleted?

>I can kill 2-3 in the amount of time you killed 1


/gbfg/ please grant me the motivation to invest in my light grid... i can't bring myself to because the element is dumb and yet i need to for this gw ;-;

what was it

The only real upside of starting dark or light is you have a team that can be used virtual anywhere. But since more and more content is getting hit with ele-resist its way more important to have base grids than 1 fully MLB grid.

just be a meat toilet your way to top 80k this GW.

>I can stay at 1HP all time.

4E243A22 Baha hl
Pls carry for my first host

My party is SSR Feena, SSR Lecia and Scatha, should I replace any of them for Carmelina?

you chose to host one at a bad time , sorry user

that's becoming an increasingly appealing idea desu..

I already have base grids for all. I just want to transition to light now but it's so hard to justify picking one chara over another.

Being a meat toilet sounds great.

I'll grant you motivation if you grant me a Huanlong Train


thanks for the horn

post the leech chart too

average out your SL to 5 and it's going to be pretty relaxing IMO.

for someone who claims he doesn't want to invest into light you sure put some care into your swords.

I'm actually black

Couldn't they hire more believable actors?

more like this

if you can spark then wait for lucio who i want to say you can get now because of limiteds but you should check if you want light

otherwise the rerun of the cinderal girls event will give you 2 light characters 1 of which can 5* even though its only sr and it has interesting synergy with itself

so you could just spark something else since you got a dark grid


BAKA HL 3/18, go get your horn niggers

i had a lot of fodder at the time but now i have other things i want to SL

>It was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything
>It was just sex, it didn't mean anything

3 sages 1 Spartan.

>everybody was talking shit last thread
>nobody wants to join Baka HL now

Bunch of pussies. All of you.

You see these so often now I have to wonder how legit they are.
Or if people just do them cause they saw it on the internet

we had one baka just now

Why would i need to bother with a shitty raid to demonstrate that my element is better than yours when i can just use a calculator and post a picture?

Tales event Katana and Kirin Sword, 2 Unknowns.

I'm not joining reddit's HL


Can't spark so Lucio is out of the question for now. I just don't know what core characters Light has that I should be aiming for.

1 CR, 2 elysians, 3 spartans, 3 sages

Go on the wiki and look at the tier list, click any in the top tier, and there is your team.

do you really need gravity or debuffs?
then maybe

Post list

But that's what I already did, I just don't understand what makes each chara better. I'm dumb so I don't know if I should start with Amira, Jeanne or Juliet

10/18, come the fuck on

Whats inside

Serious question, how bad are the T1 6-man raids? Is it possible to leech them if you have a big enough dick carry? How much worse are the SSR buncle raids?

Do you mean SSR Clarisse? If so do you mean SSR Rosamia/Albert too?

Get Juliet. Your crew mates will probably provide you with anything Jeanne does, and Amira is okay I guess if you don't have any source of DA/TA.
Not that bad. It's possibly with a carry, but don't be surprised if only leechers join you.

Jeanne for capping -def with miserable mist
Amira for building charge bar
Juliet for lots of utility

In the end they're all about spamming buffs/debuffs then hitting auto so pick whatever appeals to you

4 sages, 1 CR, 4 Spartans, 1 super star, 2 Elysians and 1 Wrestler

your friends


Sevastion is so fucking rad and I eagerly await his SSR version in a couple of years.

I have a lot of trouble keeping my damage up while just autoing. I know I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know what. I have Jeanne, Amiras or song and Juliet

I want to do criminal things to this Lyria

Who the fuck opened?

>change main hand weapon to light
Oh well.

GF needed to leech sorry.

Fuck I was about to join.

fire sucks dick jesus

leechers are in the other raid, join THIS baha hl 87577D20

I don't know what to tell you without more context, it's probably just your grid being undeveloped.

>we'll never be able to unlock this skin for Lyria with the event
>the outfit for her and Chef Excellence will be forever lost
Fuck KMR

1 phalanx
3 sage
1 elysian

bring more phalanx and maybe a chaos ruler

Should've typed better, SSR Light Clarisse, SSR Rosamia and SR Albert. Is SSR Albert that big of a upgrade than SR Albert? He's my favorite.
Yeah I've been seeing everyone getting Juliet so I figured that might be the answer.
So I guess everyone is good then? What do you think is better to start off with my team above?


I-I love you too, user!

Add another to the list

we need carries



1 sparta
3 sage
1 elysian
1 Chaos Ruler (light)

I'd appreciate more phalanx

>Even thicker than the previous two books

Fun times ahead.


How good/shit is the event dagger when I have no other ex earth weapon?

post the mega please

2 sparta
3 sage
1 elysian
1 Chaos Ruler

player ranks have a fairly high average but one more carry would be good


>too scared to join
I've read the guide, but it's too much information to process.

Don't bring Jesus into this, he's very busy

Thanks for the horn!

>When Scathacha goes back to her dragon body her luli body goes into a coma
Doujins wheeeeen

If you're scared, try watching a video of the raid.

Might as well go for it until Vohu Manah comes again. It's literally free

bring songs


Thanks for carrying my first baka host/