>tfw i realize advertising actually does work
Tfw i realize advertising actually does work
why would anyone think it doesn't work? if you see an image/video/text or hear a spot talking about a product, how could you avoid thinking about that product more than you would have if you had never been exposed to that marketing?
why would anyone think it doesn't work? if you see an image/video/text or hear a spot talking about a product, how could you avoid thinking about that product more than you would have if you had never been exposed to that marketing?
why would anyone think it doesn't work? if you see an image/video/text or hear a spot talking about a product, how could you avoid thinking about that product more than you would have if you had never been exposed to that marketing?
>tfw can't block product placements in fim and television
Thinking about =\= Buying...
thinking about it = higher chance of buying than when you're not thinking about it
how dumb/young are you guys?
Is Veeky Forums the smartest board or the dumbest?
Many people mistakenly think that if they never clicked on ads bait others wont either
Then you realise at least 60% f people are more gullible than you are
Because I just ignore ads
Yea ads are the shit
Who did you advertise with?
yeah, it works on fucking retarded normies. the thing is, people who say "advertising doesn't work on me" are rarer than you'd think. most people aren't even self-aware enough to know when they're being advertised to.
If you think that advertising immediately gets you out of the chair to buy something different than you usually do, you're dumb.
It's when you're at Home Depot because you got fucking wasps, and you gotta get rid of them. Are you going for the Raid, or the generic brand? The difference in price is 50 cents, and once you're done with the can, you'll be done for awhile. I bet you get the Raid because you saw a commercial in the last few months and "hey, it's 50 cents, gotta get the job done".
That's where the money is. "hey, it's 50 cents" * thousands - advertising costs = extra cash.
i did the math in the grocery store to pick one brand's three individual yeast packets at $1.11 to three packets sold together at $1.15
I oy veyed over FOUR CENTS
yes I will fucking pick generic you normie cunt
Imagine how peaceful the world would be in an add-less society, so little consumerism, people enjoying the happier tings in life.
Raid is shit
I tried to haggle for a medium fry at mcdonald's yesterday
Teach me your ways
>Multi billion dollar companies spend billions on advertising
>"Hmmm.. I don't think advertising works"
redditor intellectuals genuinely believe they are smarter than to be effected by ads
But the thing is, you don't. Ad agencies know this and engineer the advertisements in such a way that people -think- they are ignoring them, but they still stick, even on a subconscious level (which, arguably, is the most important level for an ad to stick on). Unless you completely avoid every tiny bit of exposure, advertising is working on you.
This is basically the first and most important truth in marketing & design.
But most of the brands i buy, i never heard advertisements for. In fact, most of the shit that has advertisement is the cheapo unhealthy shit.
>if you think about it, it "works"
>actual real world sales? nah who gives a shit
>le fedora meme
ITT b school scrubs trying to justify their shithouse major
Sorry, but if advertising is not increasing your sales, then you need to fire your marketing guy.
The belief that "advertising does not get sales" is basically tantamount to believing the earth is flat or evolution isn't real.
no, you all are saying if the thought of a product even crosses your mind then the ad has succeeded
like because ive seen the commercial for that shitty my pillow enough times to have that assholes name scarred into my brain, that's a win
thing is im now not just repulsed by the idea of ever buying a my pillow, I never want to sleep on any pillow ever again, thanks Mike!
the best things to buy arent advertised
anyone who says otherwise with edgy euphoria memes is a threatened marketing major
But see I always wonder when I skip ads or purposely don't watch them if the three seconds I saw, not even knowing what the product they were trying to sell me, makes a difference.
>the people are idiots rule
Still being told this my whole life, have yet to meet enough people to know if it's true.
Yep, I've worked in advertising before (JetBlue, Pepsi, LancĂ´me, American Express, Target, IKEA, Comcast, The College Board, iVillage, Huge, Hurricane Irene copywriting, naming, social media, with Huge, AOL copywriting, brand strategy, TapRaise co-founder, head of product) and I can assure you that it does work.
That's not really what I was saying, but regardless of the psychology behind how an ad has made you feel, the fact of the matter is advertising DOES get actual sales (even annoying ads that make you upset).
You might think an ad is annoying and complain about it - all the better for the company, because there's more of a chance someone who hasn't heard of it will then be exposed to their product because of you. This gives them to change a possibly neutral or negative interaction into a positive one (this person you're complaining to might look up the product and find he actually does want a pillow like that without having seen the ad!)
There are marketing campaigns that fail. There is advertising that misses the mark. However, increased exposure DOES correlate to increased sales, regardless of whether the majority of exposures are positive, neutral, or negative.
You're right, a lot of the best things to buy are not directly advertised. However, a lot of the best things are also not the most popular things, and the most popular things are often very widely advertised.
you're analyzing the success of the My Pillow ads based on one consumer's (you) reaction to the ad.
>It didn't work for me so it's not a success
that's literally actually really seriously you
why don't you check their sales before the ad, the cost of the ad, and sales after the ad.
the point is this shit only works on normie consumerist pigs and that yes, "advertising doesn't work on me"
thinking about it isn't usually enough to warrant a purchase. The person you are aiming for also needs to desire item, or believe they are getting a good deal for it.
I would rate your position at 30% of the buy-o-meter and to have a lot of business you need to hit at least 50%.
>the shit only works on the majority of the population
really makes you think
>advertising doesn't work on me
ok chief. It's one thing to lie to us on an anonymous image board, but now you're lying to yourself. really not trying to make fun of you, a lot of us thought this way when we were younger.
can you post sources for your claim that more people thinking and talking about an item doesn't equate to more purchases of that item?