When u c the porcelain edition
When u c the porcelain edition
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i want graves to fuck me
xth for NTR.
Favorite champion
A Secret
Futa demon vi and cait corrupting angelbutt riven
This is even worse than Lulu
Dedicated support player looking to play with a few folk. Hopefully some group with discord. Catches are I spend lots of money on people and then entrap them in a love me and my mental illnesses or else I will leave kind of way because I feel guilty about putting you through it. Also I get high a lot. And I haven't played since Illaoi dropped. To end it all off I was bad when I stopped playing as well.
Username is AlaskanDream
Anyway looking forward to playing
>from within the grave that is the LoL trashcan
~~~~~~~!*.*Help US*.*!~~~~~~
>sub level 30
>bot games
*Level 30
When the fuck is Riot removing coin? This item line has never made any sense
Tank support? Buy shield
Mage support? Buy spellthief
Coin is the item for braindead faggots who want to be 100% passive in lane, how can Riot support this
Imagine a jungle enchantment that gave no actual stats, only regen shit so you can just farm forever and never gank, how ridiculous it would be.
I love jhin!
>farming jungle in the gank rape meta of 2017
Alright Shyvana player
Viktor and Cassiopeia are the PERFECT couple
To be fair if the coin changes in pbe go through they will have effectively removed it from the game.
Support is a lot of fun.
Can we start adding items to this like coin?
I want you to slap your penis on my waifu's face.
At least it's not pedo lulufag
xth for Syndra
>that guy who's still trying to insist Ezreal is bad
Yeah that guy who breaks the game every time an item is added sure is bad
>You have 10 seconds to name a girl worse than Riven
>no aatrox
>no akali
>no fiddlestix
>no gnar
>no jax
>no leblanc
>no mordekaiser
>no nasus
>no nidalee
>no olaf
>no teemo
>no xin
>no trundle
>no taric
>no nocturne
I think you can take urgot and singed out since theyre getting changes, if you wanna keep them then youre also missing eve, kayle, and morgana
x zed never forget
lazy bait
I want you and orianna to make out with my dick between your faces
actually wants somebody to tie her down and give her a good dicking like the little slut with daddy issues she is
Jackie Chan
im 100% serious, which of those champions do you think arent shit?
That's you user, not my wife.
I think we would very much enjoy that. B-but would that make me gay user? I can't climb the ranked ladder if I'm gay!
theres no "think" about it, you included the free diamond 5 button as a trash champ so you clearly have no idea what you are talking about
Your wife fucks old men for money.
i love his aesthetics
dont worry buddy, as long as our waifu is there youre just bisexual
also you have to put on her outfit while shes in a lewdly modified skin
Wouldn't Hybrid reds (Armorpen / Magicpen) be the go-to for Orianna?
That's (You) again, aren't you a little bit confused.
oh youre a delusional main that thinks his otp isnt garbage just because he can shit on plats
I also forgot to mention tryndamere
many of those champions need reworks, their skillsets are boring trash and need to be replaced with better stuff sion/gangplank/fiora style
I want her to get my rocks off.
what elo are you user
What does your diet look like?
it is
it always was
friendly reminder
>even giving him a response after he cited fiora as a good kit
kalista is the single worst champion design ever created
why would anyone give a ranged champion that much mobility while being able to stack a potentially >1000 damage execute on multiple targets at once
can't argue with that
My penis is fully erect now. I'd wear her clothes if it meant it gave you more pleasure. But I'm afraid I'd cum from looking into Ori's eyes with a thick cock between our lips.
do you think D4 is impressive? You're shit.
I'd argue that yasuo is literally the early stages of the death of league. Gap closing being a resource is fundamentally a stupid thing, let alone his wall.
What still puzzles me about Kalista is her black spear business. You know, the fact that she hops around when autoattacking and stacking spears on opponents seems like a unique enough identity for an adc. Binding with another champion seems like something from another kit altogether and has just made her even harder to balance.
I like cooking so lots of spicy chicken breasts and veggies. Sometimes fish instead of chicken. Brown sugar glazed salmon is one of my favorites to cook and it's surprisingly easy. Gotta eat healthy if you want to play videogames well!
tfw no adc gf to cook for.
I'm happy for her. That's a nice collar and chain, I hope her and her master there have a pleasant evening together. Happy couples are always pleasant to see.
oh it would greatly, I prefer participation from my cucks
have you watching as I have her in the mating press, letting you slurp my seed out of her, having her blow you as you bounce around on my dick
3 ways are very exciting
>Binding with another champion seems like something from another kit altogether and has just made her even harder to balance.
The ADC "binding to another champ" mechanic is basically Riot trying to push back hard on non-ADCs doing ADCs jobs better at very points in the "meta" i.e. current balance patches.
Like Ziggs is STILL better than half the ADC pool
>heavy metal waiting room
my innocent eyes
i kind of miss LET'S ROLL
gnar, taric, lb (????????), olaf are good. The only one that belongs in the can is morde
Is there a bigger canon slut than Sivir? All she talks about is money.
What is special about Jax and why can't I stop playing him?
balding = high testosterone.
high testosterone means you're manly as fuck
only kids and betas have thick hairlines
Quickly! Post the Elementalists!
I thought sluts did it for fun?
>haven't played the game in years
>still shit post here and watch Youtube videos
Who else /cancer/ here?
>there are people who STILL dont know that league of legends actually has a canon hooker champion
Taric is going to improve with new items. Part of the reason why he seems so underwhelming is that he needs to build cdr AND mana AND armor and items for tank supports don't offer good combinations of those.
Wow that sounds delicious user! I don't have a natural sense for food ratios in my head so I never bothered to learn how to cook.
Anyone know how long these runes are on sale for?
Who is free diamond 5? I would like to try that guy and prove you wrong.
>998 RP
Seems cheap. How much extra to go bareback?
What were they thinking with new abyssal scepter?
It's a damage and tank item at the same time, and a damn good one at that as it boosts your ally's damage against a foe as well.
>high testosterone means you're manly as fuck
not if you're not using it
Wrong some ppl just arent genetically predisposed to balding regardless of test levels.
Aka some pretty metal bfs stay pretty forever
same TriHard
don't have to be a slut when you get your money from other menans. Jinx and Ahri are unabashed whores that will threaten to skill your throat after
How can you be so fucking irritating vladfag
It's beyond fucking baffling
Not even lulufag is this fucking irritating
First for kicked out of game i was carrying
so lets say a private server was made that allowed anything that was ever in the game to be usable
would you play it
champ reworks are separate champs, could have 3 ryze players for example all using different iterations in a single match
2nd for same thing but toplane decided farm>winning
taric doesn't need a single item that gives more mana aside from redemption and it's just a bonus
knights vow and lockets give enough armor to justify taking them rather than anything else
already too much cdr in the game
All I want is some nerds from /lolg/ to play Lego Legends with, is that so much to ask?
>both teams literally just become 5 slightly different versions of season 1 Lee Sins
>private server that only lolgen could play on
>vg vs vg elo could be measured by the solo queue playlist
>no role finder shit
yes fund it
>all versions of gp
>all versions of ww
>all versions of morde
>all items ever
>literally just the most balanced broken thing ever
>and it would be fun unlike riot's approach
yeah man
Water and cereal
>Anivia 55% winrate across all elos
What makes the champ so strong?
What exactly counters her?
>taric doesn't need a single item that gives more mana aside from redemption and it's just a bonus
If you never use Q maybe
>knights vow and lockets give enough armor to justify taking them rather than anything else
You can get more armor from runes than fucking locket
>already too much cdr in the game
Not if you are buying locket and knights vow
None of those come close to season 1 Lee Sin. The entire history of Lee Sin's "balancing" has been removing unnecessary shit he should never have had in the first place. He was garbage for all of 2 weeks before they powerbuffed him into oblivion.
And season 1 Lee Sin CAN be played in any lane.
it's mostly autism that powers the high wr champions
Where on the client do they warn about upcoming maintenance? Three times now kicked from games I was about to win.
>no Animal Man champion
Explain this, lolbabs.
>I can play old Gangplank again with the better crit items
>I can play old Darius again with deaths dance
>I can play TF with GOOD ludens, deathfire grasp, GOOD zhonyas, GOOD roa
>I can play MF with her current scalings, deathfire touch, AND 6 of the best cleaver
woah mama
>What exactly counters her?