BoJack Horseman brought to you by Tesla™

BoJack Horseman brought to you by Tesla™
Preorder now your very own Tesla™ Model 3™ for only 35'000$

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>shitty american entertainment shills for shitty american cars

>getting upset about a cartoon

Suck my bojack horsecack

Are you actually upset over this?

Not upset, just pointing out the obvious product placement, like there aren't any real worlds brands in the show, just Tesla™

>blocking a pump to charge your ELECTRIC car
Accurate representation of the owners, actually.

They see the future.

>give us $1000 for a car you won't see for at least two years.

>4 doors

Absolutely triggered.

>a car that sort of looks like a tesla convertable (which is a car that does not exist)
I didn't see this ep.
Do the characters ever explicitly refer to it as a Tesla because the emblems are missing and the car is mildly generified, so it's not product placement but rather a satire of the real-life vehicle. Clearly it is being made fun of by forcing Bojack into an inconvenient situation, rather than being presented like marketing.

4th season, 2nd episode
just before this you see him trying to fill the tank, which supports your interpretation

I think Family Guy is the only show to straight up shill a car (Prius)

>shitty american company that's worth more than any yuropoor car company
Such is poverty in yuropooria

>no one watched the third season to know that he was awarded the car for a show he wasn't in, then he reverses it into his pool

Pic related:this thread

>watching television
>model year 2018

I'm pretty sure OP doesn't know Tesla isn't the only company making electric cars.


It has what looks like a 1980s california plate on the front. Is that a thing these days or just another throwback to the 80s in general?

it literally shows a fatal flaw with electric cars in that still and you accuse it of shilling

That's so dumb. I mean it fits his character to have a tesla, and they're really the only popular electric car. Would you get upset if he was driving a corbette or something? That would be "product placement" too.

The first ever Tesla was the Roadster

Hes an obnoxious attention starved celebrity. Thats the kind of car they drive. Quit making shit out of nothing it fits his character perfectly. Did you make this thread during any of the previous season when every main character drives an Escalade? Or Mr Peanutbutter's Quattroporte? No you didn't go ask mom to make you some tendies and calm down.

Motherfucker they've driven Escalades and Mercedes the entire series why is the Tesla triggering you

The Escalade and Quattroporte are look alike and they are never mentioned.
However at the end of season 3 is explicitly said that the car is a Tesla™.
They just needed to point that thing out, together with 5 minutes of montage of him driving is Tesla Model X Convertible™ in S4E2.

their best car by far
the fact that it was a lotus made worse in every way but sold for twice the price really tells something about their cars



what kind of third world shit-hole educational system taught you to write $35,000 in that format?

You... think Veeky Forums wouldn't be upset if he was driving a fucking corvette?

Because I'm from Italy and that's the only country in the world who does that, but I think is far superior that using , and . due to inherited unambiguity

>implying its on tv

Correct. It's perfectly in character for a rich celebrity and that scene presented a clear flaw in its utility.

Test drove on the other day this car is a game changer and going to be 90% of whats on the road in 10 years

It's satire of celebrities, they're making fun of tesla. They also have several celebrity-with-a-prius jokes.

And yes, there are other real cars in the show - I noticed him park next to a stock evo X at one point.

>Tfw scored 5/6
Wat do?

California has a vintage plate program where u can get vanity plates that look like their older plates.

Yeah, I've got one.
The black legacy plate is the most common. Shitloads of them here.

Probably less so than a Tesla

we all know the best car in the show is the fiero

And that's owned by a smug wanker.

>that's worth more
thank you Dr. Shekelberg, you are my greatest ally. are people actually stupid enough to fall for this stock market gag?

Look how disappointed he looks as he waits.
A lot of people I know irl don't see that you are going to have to wait 30-60 minutes charging your damn car. If I am in a trip I don't want to waste that time sitting around. They argue that you should take the time to eat. Now fuck that I'll eat and drive after I pump my car in three minutes at the most.

>stupid enough to fall for this stock market gag
I wouldn't buy one of their cars, but I bought the stock back at $45.

Good call.

I almost bought five figures worth when it was $80. FUDers kept telling me TSLA already shot up as much as it was going to on the Model S release so ultimately I didn't do it.

Could have quadrupled my money. Oh well.

what about mr peanutbutters maserati quattroporte?

>FUDers kept telling me TSLA already shot up as much as it was going to
It was believable, otherwise I would've loaded the truck, too.

do you americans ever stop and think before posting your verbal diarrhoea all over the site?

its full of dog hair, who wants that?

Yurop often uses ' or space as thousands separator, and € at the end. Comma is for decimals in some languages (French at least), so it can be confusing.

I've seen periods too
>using 10.000 wanting ten thousand and getting mad when someone asks why you added pointless zeros to a ten
t. fuck you dutch people

>show makes fun of people Veeky Forums doesn't like
>Veeky Forums gets assblasted at show for supporting people they don't like

Yea, it’s called a Tesla. I wouldn’t say the car has a positive time in the show though. If it’s a product placement it sure isn’t a nice one.