why does Squid crouch before grabbing the bomb?
/srg/ speedrunning general
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thats landing from a lj you fucking moron
no, he's crouching. watch him do it in a run. he literally crouches and stops moving instead of doing a neutral grab.
that is landing from a lj you freak
Yes, I understand what Squid is doing. What i'm wondering is why he does it.
Here is what the grab is supposed to look like. There are numerous tutorials on how to do this star.
you were wrong. how embarrassing.
Watch Squid do that star in any of his runs. He crouches and stops moving for no reason. You're retarded, aren't you?
>Squid nuthuggers unironically believe you're supposed to pointlessly kill all your momentum before grabbing the bomb.
>Then they mock others for not knowing anything about SM64.
that isnt a crouch
you were wrong
Yes it is. You crouch when you stop moving immediately following a longjump. That's how the mechanic works. It doesn't suddenly stop being a crouch when it happens quickly you retard.
it is landing from a lj
Right, he crouches as he lands from his longjump and stops moving. When did anybody dispute that he was landing from a longjump?
that isnt a crouch. you were wrong
>that isnt a crouch
yes it is lol
i-i dont even hate squid!!! i just want him to do well! abloo bloo bloo i am incorrect
lol. truly pathetic
t. guy who just samefagged the entire thread
Good people of nasa: who was the most based non-serg boy there?
why didn't you sage?
to bump the thread, silly
[distant bird laughter heard high above it all]
Can anyone explain why Squid's movement is this bad on such a short and easy star?
thanks for the late response!
why does speedgaming host non-speedrunning content?
reminder that randomizers are speedrunning despite what brainless grind monkeys who are furious that they can't mindlessly grind 18 hours a day and achieve results tell you
*banshee screeches*
reminder that randos are like bingos except you must rely on luck, rather then the skill and knowledge bingo requires
randos are just semi blind races. and guess what? blind racing is speedrunning!
randos are nothing like bingo. bingo just requires you to do a few specific things in the game in order to win. randos require you to still finish the game. it takes more skill to adapt to the random changes than it is to figure out the fastest 4-5 goals to finish the game.
>blind racing is speedrunning
you can get fuciked out of winning in a rando but the better player will almost always win a bingo, what does that tell you? If I wanted a game that requires skill to adapt to, I'd run any puzzle league-esque game
if you lost the rando, you weren't the better player. competitors play on the same seed, there are no differences between the conditions. if you didn't win it's because you played worse, unlike mindless grind monkeying which will inevitably result in a single run where the stars align and you temporarily manage to dethrone the target time
Racing isn't speedrunning. It is not optimizing.
why are you taking this low tier bait
t. threatened insecure grind monkey scared that people will care even less than they already do about his brute forced 18 hours a day of mindless grinding memegame wr
>mostly random but requires some skill
>super popular and well received among everyone
>enough support by the community to create an esport scene
>mostly random but requires some skill
>super popular and well received among speedrunners
>rapidly growing scene that is taking the community by storm
this is how speedrunning becomes an esport. forget iateyourpie and go1den trying to professionalize actual speedrun races at gdqs. randomizer races are the trojan horses for esports in this hobby. the threat is real and the threat is now.
See You are incorrect.
Randomizer fags. See youtube.com
>Still irate after being wrong about SM64
>still primate after 2+ years of mindlessly grinding sm64 for 18 hours a day and still not getting anywhere near a 49
I don't play SM64
word, grind monkeying is not playing
why did you delete?
Who hurt you?
>there is only one monkey poster
>waah waah blind races measure my actual gaming ability without a veil of 18/7 grinding before it
stay butthurt
>IF ME CANT GRIND IT 18 HOURS A DAY THEN IT NO SPEEDRUNNING!!!!!! OOH AH!!! OOH AH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what are some games that rando racing is actually worth it? only ones i heard of are the zelda a link to the past one and zelda 1 for the nes. i can't imagine games that aren't open world like being very good for rando racing.
>trying to palm off being wrong about SM64 to someone who doesn't exist
So broken and defeated.
What are you doing? Are you 12?
only game id do a rando of is aria
thanks for the late response!
never thought about castlevanias. those would be pretty good. same with maybe metroids.
dragon warrior
rpgs would be terrible to rando race
t. exposedxcucklet
hey shut the FUCK up
You have exposed no one. Especially not me, as you couldn't even argue.
only if you stuff your fat cock into my mouth
that's true for jrpg speedruns in general
t. guy whose only "argument" consisted of plugging his ears and bonobo howling
hello men how are those speedgames coming?
That's literally what you are doing.
did you just
>i know you are but what am i
grindxm0nkey, everybody
Not everyone is Squid, freak.
so what if I did
imagine thinking you know who's behind posts
based duke
the paranoia is worrying
yall faggots is faggots
Do you guys ever try to guess who is behind each post?
I don't like to namedrop, but sometimes I'm almost positive I'm right. I wish there was a button you could press that would show their actual identity like the game Guess Who. Just to test the concept, click the spoiler to see who is behind this very post! The answer might surprise you.
go ahead and namedrop. i'm curious what you think.
what do you mean by "you guys"?
>not even a classic
come on now
grindmonkeys are the cancer killing speedrunning
why should a skilled runner bother going for a record when some brainless monkey will just steal it back after weeks of eighteen hour a day grinding?
why did you delete?