Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Creepy Candles Edition

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Does it make it you feel good when you beat a 3 stealth party in QM?


>All candles go out
>Camera zooms out to show that the chamber was actually filled with lighted candles
>Suddenly, water roars into the chamber, flooding it and submerging all the candles and scattering them within itself.
>All is just dark water
>After a few seconds, a light is seen still blinking in the dark water
>The light blinks ever stronger, gradually revealing what it is attached to...
>"You're making me seasick!"
>It's the Gnomish Submarine from Warcraft 2
How mad do you think the Blizzdrones will be?
He'll play like a permanently submer

Blizzard scented candles Soon™, boys.


Why do people play Brightwing? He's the worst healer and his other abilities are worthless.

Lil' nooblet here.

How do I combo with Li-Ming? Do I go Orbs->Missiles -> jump in with Dmg- Teleport (calamity) -> use beam and hope that I don't die/get a reset?

How do you even hit all those super mobile (overwatch) heroes with her?

i can refuse this for now and reopen the box later right ?

>two people kill the turret group
>they don't pick up the turret

i see this way too often



There's no refuse option.

Take it or leave it.

Go orb build and poke. Keep your distance since she's fragile as fuck. Don't be a muppet.

Don't listen to this piece of shit. Literally every GM player goes Calamity.

And you Orb/Missiles at virtually the same time. If you know you'll get a kill with E or E+auto, you jump in with it. You'll get a reset then just start mashing W/Q/E and get more resets.

Going orb build like a little bitch means you miss out on an entire ability with reset damage.

Don't be a bronze orb faggot.

Because Hanamura.
Only Hanamura.

Don't try to combo, just use Q and W on cooldown and teleport when you either have to reposition or WILL get a kill
For mobile characters you have to rely on your team to CC and peel
Use this build: Power Hungry,Dominance, Calamity, Wave, Illusionist, Fireflies, Repulsion
It will teach you how to play the best and is arguably the strongest build at high ranks

much upvoted dude very swear words! xD

Not to mention orb build gets countered by a million random things, most importantly Anub

finally bought everything with Li Li in it

I hope you are doing the same with your respective waifus lads

my waifu is Onyxia

Only if they are skilled. Otherwise I might as well get pumped when a support always runs to the front

>tfw you're banning and accidentally ban what you were gonna pick

>true /lolg/ experience

yes there is
click your portrait, go to roster, select a hero, view in collection. you end up in the main menu with the chest unopened. contents will be the same but you get to open it later now.

I agree.Onyxia would be fun to play with alot of eggs and whelps spam down the lanes

Please somebody explain to me like you would to a retard how to play neo-Uther.

Pick Wave of Light and Guardian of Ancient Kings
Save your heals and use them when teammates are Stunned, Rooted or Silenced
Free Hardened Shield for everyone

Cute dragon wife

This sounds like a bug and a disaster waiting to happen but if it works for now, okay.

>tfw no Katrana Prestor to cuddle with me and keep me warm in the winter

Anduin please don't post this online


Onyxia did MC control Varian to marry her right?
Would she have sex with him?

>Butcher and Genji
>vs our teamcomp
>on the map that I have 30% winrate on
Whelp, guess we're fucked.

Try working with databases and think about it again.

n-no Katrana Prestor also known as Onyxia is pure

>doesn't explain, tries to sound smarter than he is
nothing is going to happen other than the fact that it might get patched out.

I've had limited success with going mostly Orb, but taking the AoE Telefrag talent. It's pretty situational, but it works great as a closer, since after you kill someone with it, it instantly goes off cooldown and you can just bounce out.
On the downside I do think it coincides with an Orb damage upgrade so your total Orb damage maxes out at 800 instead of like 1000+ but so what?

I'm not even trying to sound smart, it's just something that comes with practice. Or you can ask an enthusiastic pajeet on stack exchange to write you an essay about it.

but you are. i asked you to explain and you just keep saying things that are even more vague than what you said before. it's okay. nothing is going to happen

>Highlight Rexxar for easy top lane
>Retard takes dehaka and says we need a main tank because he's solo laning
>I say that's stupid
>Change to tank anyway
>Enemy picks Rexxar and Dehaka loses solo lane and Greymane has to go up to babysit him all game, causing us to lose bot
I hate people

here you go

butcher comps every game until you like it

>Butcher had solo lane vs Murky for the first 10 minutes
>never finished his stacks in the end
Well I guess miracles can happen.

>have genji and gerymane on team
>they focus on anub and artanis while li ming at 10% HP kills us from the backline

why does this keep happening

Why is Jaina the only mage not picked in competitive?

>Probius freeweek after a nerf
Blizzard knew what they were doing.

She isn't Li Ming

because long cooldowns, mana problems if you dont talent into it and no survivability until 20

Li-ming is played a bunch, the only mage that doesn't get played is Jaina.

Teach me how to probius. I see amazing probius' top the deeps and have most kills but every time I try him I dunno, I never seem to get any kills.
Do you just have to get lucky and hope the team doesn't dodge your rifts?

>it's tracer

>long cds on basic abilities
>mana problems
>bad sustained
>short range
>no survivability until 20
with protect and a lot of heroes being high mobility jaina doesn't really have a place

>She isn't Li Ming
li-ming is played a lot wtf?

whaddya think about the recent Probius nerfs? Are they going to be very noticeable for you?

Yeah I guess that makes sense


might be obvious, but i aim magic missiles at the ground where i think they'll be in 1-1.5s

i'm a bronze shitter so i just spam orb down chokepoints or along walls where they might not see it

why would you orb/missiles at the same time if they have different speeds?

New hero is Cain, remember this?

>Cassia hates dwarfs for some reason
Guess Amazons really don't like manlets.

Didn't mean to quote





2 days?

but its just 1

You need to focus on hitting structures to do well. Everything else will fall into place from there. Delete minion waves, push, push push. You aren't fighting heroes to fight heroes, you're shoving them out of the way to get to the juicy fort behind them. As long as you operate this way, you'll end up doing well.
Mechanically, you need to anticipate where you'll get the most AOE. If you feel like people are dodging your rifts, it means that you need to be more predictive in placements. It could be as simple as watching waves to see if they're going to try to jog forward and poke you, or as difficult as anticipating teamfight flow to have rifts up in important spots.
Hope there isn't a butcher.

That was the joke.

I don't feel as speedy, but nothing else really. It just means I can only duel one assassin at any given time and not two.


can't wait for the new OW hero!

My favourite character is Jo, who should I play/buy next?
Favourites are rotation heroes that I own.

fuck off with that garbage we're looking at the candle right now

blizzard already said that they're not going to show a new hero

All your sub-level 5 Warriors, Nazeebgod, Sylvanas, Malf


i never watch stream cancer but that selenityy chick got some fat tits man

Why isn't the discord server on OP?

lmao nUther is such a memeboy :^)

Didn't know we had one, link it

>tfw no scarlet crusade waifu to crush non-humans/undeads/heretics with

Hold me, bros.

because its filled with gold league players that don't talk about hots

What's been the timeframe on candles going out and when can we expect the last one?

I thought she hated dwarves.

Because of channel system in game.

the first one lasted 8 hours
the second one lasted much longer
so the third one's gonna last until tuesday because fuck you


Because we don't have one.

High Templar Medivh skin when? It fits so well.

I've been in love with her since the first time I ran cath on my level 39 orc shaman back in 2005

I think they had a show match today, so it will be after that.

She is cross eyed as fuck though. Turns me off something fierce.


filthy orc niggers stay away from our pure human girls

she really did make my champion rise, if you know what i mean

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, step right up!
It's time, yet again, for the
Who's the next hero?
Place your bets! Place your bets!
Today only, your disappointment winnings have a chance to be doubled - all you have to do is predict whether or not the candles are relevant to the new hero!


That sounds pretty cute.


Remember they aren't revealing a new hero today, despite the candle thing.

>gas the orcs
>they becomes green and rape your planet then nuke your hometown

My bet's on this

Bets on Garrosh

>implying he's not lying