/mcg/ - Minecraft General - tents edition

Previous Thread: We discuss Minecraft, Minecraft packs, projects, seeds, building ideas...
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I eat farts

/pol/craft do not unspoil if you get triggered

Congratulations! Trump has invited you to his server to construct a border wall between the US servers and the Mexico server. He gives you whatever Minecraft mod(s) you want to construct a wall. What would you use? Bedrock is not allowed, as it looks ugly.

>tfw Aussies wake up to World of Colour update

>relevant in /mcg/ at all
vanilla with fagtionsfags please go

I just use /pol/craft as a describing term for anything political related in Minecraft.

Server is for gays anyway.

Wanted to experiment with making structures for Recurrent Complex. The building's made of adobe from Earthworks and clay tiles from Quark.

I need like a mod pack or a working mod list to download that just gives me the craziest open ended shit ever, tons of mobs, tons of shit to do etc

>when you are happily caving and hear blazes
Thanks Roguelike Dungeons

any kitchen sink

Install Thaumcraft.

Build the wall out of whatever you want, and then ward it.

what exactly does random things add?

random things

>literally no good mod for simple earthen construction materials for 1.7.10
Yeah I'm mad

nigga that wasn't even clever

Daily reminder that Azajew got tired of making little kids happy and went on path of making his own goime

someone had to do it

All of a sudden I got a sudden craving for playing with Magical Crops. Please help me I don't want to go deep into MAWPC territory

who cares user

one man's mawpc is another man's funbalanced


Auto anything is MAWPC by definition

That's what FtB shill would say.

is galactic craft any good?

It's okay.

lol ftb is all about retarded balance arguments

that's the community that had a heated argument about whether quark's change to the number of stairs crafted by the recipe was op, remember?

dont give a shit what anyone else considers op. make your own pack, by your own standards.

is there anything similar that is good?

Advanced Rocketry.

im thinking of getting the tornado mod, and setting it to low and see if I like it

You won't.

It's novel the first time, but it's only annoying after that. It doesn't create interesting gameplay. Either it hits your house and destroys all your shit because RNG, or it misses you and does nothing. Or you build the weather deflector and never worry about it again, at which point you might as well uninstall.

>grind a rocket
>go to moon
>find dungeon
>get disappoint at how boring it is
>kill boring boss
>get thing that allows you to make a new rocket
>grind new rocket
>go to mars
And then you repeat this about 8 more times if you have that Extra Planets or something mod. Literally every planet is the same fucking shit and every dungeon is the same fucking shit.

If you want to explore space, I recommend taking a look at Advanced Rocketry instead.

Need ideas for an underwater villain base on trainserb, keep them coming

covfefe blocks

I have a question
I am playing with a few mods that I threw together myself, and was thinking of playing those mods with a few friends
how do I get it going? never done anything like it before,

download forge serb thing
fuck about with serb stuffs

Is there a mod that makes this game fun for non autists like myself?

go the fuck back to your normie games, I'm trying to build a fusion reactor here

just go play overwatch dumb normie

and one last question, where do I acquire this forge server thingy?

I think you actually install the vanilla server from mojang then run the forge installer on it?
I don't quite remember but that's what a quick google told me.

>someone has already made a mod just to block out the creeperhost advertisement

Can you just suggest something?

When ever i play minecraft i get bored really quick because the lack of an objective.

This isn't the game for you then.
You're simply inferior.
You should have played with lego more as a child, it might have saved you.

A quest pack like blightfall or whatever might work, but you're too far gone.

>slowpoke barges in with damage control turned up to 11
>smugly goes "or you know you can just click the red X..."
>said button is only available to modpack devs
this is just embarassing

GregTech: New Horizons

Objectives out the ass and will rape your mother

>making a mod to disable a mod instead of manually disabling said mod
I don't understand

reddit isn't your usual kind of retarded

>because the lack of an objective.
Perhaps you should consider creating your own goals, rather than wait for someone else to decide them for you?

Is he drunk?

You know what, looks like I will just have to play vanilla with my friends
Because I have no clue what the living fuck I am doing and can't get anything set up or working

>advertisement mods
what the fuck

>Thread reached bump limit in two days
That was fast
>morePlayerModels because I am a degenerate furry and it allows me to give my lizardman skin a tail
So Reika didnt have to fuck the shit up of Dragon API? I fucking hate that cunt for making all of his mods unplayable.

wait for someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about to show up, it's easy enough when a tired retard isn't explaining it

the mod is actually a creeperhost server management mod, so you can manage the server from within the game

but if you aren't a creeperhost server operator, then its list of features begins and ends with "literally just an advertisement on your server list"

it's also client side you can easily remove it, not that that justifies the advertisement being there in the first place

>That was fast
to be fair last thread had a bunch of autistic arguments

So creeperhost adds a mod to their modpacks that puts creeperhost ads in game?

probably doesn't help that I am tired as well
So you have one tired retard attempting to help another tired super retard
I might just go to bed and ask again in the morning


Most people here are turboautists who hate the idea of handing one objectives in a sandbox - but there are a variety of adventure maps and objective-based modpacks that have quests and progression. Anons will rupture their colons from sheer rage at this suggestion, but you might try looking at Feed the Beast or the official forums.


Remember to come here if you want your Gregtech autism.

The hammerz mod is OP to the point I could almost see why someone would like to mine with an enchanted diamond hammer instead of using a quarry.


literally no one play it cause you all farmed the shit out of all veins

Gregtech is intimidating and would take too long to learn

Other threads usually have bigger shitstorms but after that it dies for hours.

Hey folks, I wanna piggyback an existing modpack like direwolf20 to create my own using multiMC but would rather not download the twitch app on principle. Is there a way to get around its fuckery or will I just have to make my own pack from the ground up?

download one of the server packs here like hoboserb (in the old serblist) or use the curse downloader tool in the OP if you can figure out how the actual fuck to use it

Its space concept is lame as its rpg and exploration based on planets which have nothing but rocks. But works better as a utility for Advanced Rocketry and has some neat features like Astrominer, Moon Buggy, and has nice decoration blocks.

To be fair a Efficiency pick with a maxed beacon is pretty OP too

I did something similar for my base but instead was inside a mountain. Its a recreation of TF2 Coldfront but only BLU base, check the last cap point and you will find something similar to your pic.

Thanks user, I've done it before and couldn't remember how, that was how I did it!

I got my private serb working somehow, now I can play version of modded minecraft with my friends
thanks to the people who helped, even if I am not sure how the hell I actually did get it working, but its working

>even if I am not sure how the hell I actually did get it working, but its working

I am not a clever person
It runs, me and my friends can join it and the mods work so thats all that matters
There is probably some more small stuff that I probably should do though I don't know what they are so im not going to bother worrying

>Have EDFmod installed
>Have to hear the battles between soldiers and aliens hidden inside my underground techguns bunker.
>Muffled gunshots and ray gunshots in the distance while I grind my ores.

How do you guys start out? Do you make a temporary home, gather resources, then find your spot for a permanent base, or do you immediately set out to find your perfect home?

get my inventory so full that I have to constantly drop less important stuff for more important stuff until I find a place where I can settle

in 80% of the cases I find a second final home though

Anyone else in the "slowly dig deep tunnels and lay down rail" club? It's pretty much all I do now.

I run around for a while until I find a decent looking place. Then I build a hole in the ground with chests and furnaces and shit and start gathering stuff.
Then, at some point, I run out of space and expand by building something. Eventually, I end up with some sort of a base. Usually doesn't look that good since it's built as I go and everything's function first and aesthetic second. But hey, it works.

I live like a nomad until I find a nice place to make my base

Pic related is my inventory now, I just started playing in this world this morning

why are your cactuses so ugly

fuck off nigger nobody cares about your ugly meme picture

better foliage
dont install it

Find a techguns structure, loot it and then skip the early game grind for food and a bed and get some guns and ingots as well. Then use it as a earlygame base until I get enough stone and sticks to build a base out of RC concrete


Oy vey, the jews are at it again!
I can't wait for mojang to ditch the java version once ad for all so we can have a modding era to surpass 1.7.10 for the rest of time

>api will never come
>game will be milked for money
it's all ogre now

>paying money for skins and texture packs

Only the win10/pocket versions, I don't think they could even hope to try to get away with this level of bullshit for the pc version

Which hopefully means they will ditch the pc version since it's not lucrative for them.

Question, know of any mods that introduce levels and player stats that could be tweaked or renamed for a themed pack?

I'm making a theme/progression modpack, something heavily config'd to get the most out of it and I'm looking for a particular kind of mod.

Skillable is one though its not the version I'm looking for (1.10.2)

A Not So Simple RPG is closer to what I'm looking for, customize-able, flexible, XP based leveling, but it has a problem. It seems far too vanilla focused.

Anyone got any ideas or come across any similar mods?

What was the most number of mods you've ever played with?
My crazy Russian friend once made a pack with like, 600 mods, unironically. He actually put them all there manually. Because he wanted to use them all.

>need certus quartz to make the thingy to unlock stuff in my questy mod pack
>have spent nearly 80 hours in this map and haven't found one
Just fucking kill me.

In a personally assembled pack, like 200 I think?

>Only the win10/pocket versions
You say that like it isn't their plan to make those two versions of the game the ONLY versions of the game.

>build shit 3x3x3 hut, gather basic materials
>get a wearable backpack
>stuff anything semivaluable between inventories
>go on a pilgrimage to find a place to settle

No, I say that like I know that is what they want to do, and I want them to do it. I want them to abandon java so we can finally have an agreed upon final version of MC to settle on. The sooner, the better.

>paying for skins
>paying for texture packs
>paying for FUCKING MAPS

Why not go full meme version and update to 1.11.2 (and use Skillable)?

It's fucking Neopets all over again.

>microtransactions for skins and maps
It's fucking over.

Would /mcg/ use 1.14 or whatever the last version will be if Mojang stopped working on it?
I mean, lack of mods isn't the only problem of +1.7 versions

>microsoft won't change anything
>stop being such a doomsayer
>be more positive and trusting
>calm down you're overreacting

The instant Java stops being updated is the instant the modding community can finally, make some semblance of agreement to settle on that single definitive version and make mods for it.