/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Gaijin Haters Gassed When? Edition

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How was Britain so bad at even basic tank design.
Terrible reverse?
Not even the most basic stabilizer?
Flat bolted on sheets of armor?

Don't want to bully but what exactly was motivating them to make such weird decisions?
Just visually even the latest tanks the Brits had on the field in WW2 look archaic as fuck compared to even the Soviets let alone America or Germany.

Their artillery doctrine was also shit.
Germans were slightly better but only by a little. (Also shit)

>pilot knocked out



Gaijinshills deserve the rope

>Eternal anglo
>Planning for ground wars
good joke

they like to play pretend but in actuality they ignore everything that isn't sea or air.

>mixed BR megacancer
>last remaining enemy is a bomber
>assume he's a B-29 or some shit hiding in low orbit
>repair in my F-84 and spawn again
>Ar-234 shows up on radar literally at the deck above my runway
>shot down by AAA
>we win
>little shit was trying to sneak up on me on the runway and got btfo instead

Haha, no dude, the British invented the tank! That means you're not allowed to criticize their retarded WWII decisions!


>Its easier to kill Maus than is-6

Is balance.
No bias here nazi

Do we have an official Italy defeat/victory theme?
I'm craving for this.

is there a groundpounding aircraft that can actually fight back or run away if a fighter attacks?


What was bad about their arty?


>"Will Italy have ground vehicles?"
>Answer: "Yes, we plan this. For the time being, we can’t say when the full ground vehicle tech tree will appear, but we are not ruling out a vehicle-by-vehicle addition. As happened with the British tree, for example. This will allow you to use Italian assault aircraft in mixed battles."

Oh boy, can't wait for my P40 "heavy" tank, shitty StuG knock-offs and tankettes

>deploy smoke grenades before I move in to a point
>russian shells immediately home in on me from every fucking angle through the smoke and I can't see jack shit

A-20, A-26






>run away
>fight back
What fucking bizarre world are you living in friend

They thought WW2 was going to devolve into the same shit as WW1 and their tank design followed suit.

Except they then proceeded to ignore the new armour tactics used by the Germans in the invasion of Poland, contuing to believe the Maginot line would slow th Germans down and give them enough time to turn it into a meat grinder of attrition.

Then, even after they were chased across the channel and the USSR was invaded, they STILL designed tanks for trench warfare (TOG II).

They basically ignored every single advance in technology do they could instead stick their head in the sand and pretend the world wasn't leaving them behind in armour design.

kys shill



The world where its gunners shred anything to dust

Though then again I haven't flown it in quite a qhile, but in my last match with it 4 Zeros tried to kill me and got blown the fuck out

>When will the Ultra Low cheater graphics settings be removed?

>Answer:Are they really cheater settings? Switch them on and try to play. These settings haven’t given any significant advantages for a while: vegetation is rendered at a great distance and, in contrast to standard minimum settings, is not transparent. We’re not planning to get rid of Ultra Low. After all, many War Thunder players just like you use these settings.


Why are the P-51Ds so fucking shit?

Why are all american planes so bad?

>"After all, many War Thunder players just like you use these settings."
Translation: "The mongoloid slavs using potatoes to power their computers outnumber you and are actually in a position to firebomb our fucking offices if we piss them off, too"

Even with that in mind they still made some really dumb decisions, like fitting Infantry tanks with tiny 2-Pounder guns that can't fire HE shells.



American planes and especially P-51s are good if you use them the right way. The only "bad" here is you.

>can't turn for shit
>can't climb for shit
>shitty guns
>only advantage is speed that'll get you reported for passive play

>pilot knocked out
>pilot knocked out
>pilot knocked out
>pilot knocked out
>pilot knocked out
>pilot knocked out
does the vitality stat do anything

just flank right? xddd

>Answer: As the 1st of April event showed, attack helicopters can easily have a place in mixed battles in our game, but this issue requires further development both in terms of balance (countermeasures and vehicles that could efficiently counter attack helicopters all need to be looked into) and in terms of other issues. If and when such a decision is made, we tell you about it separately.
What countermeasures would even need to be added that aren't in-game.
A ZSU-57-2 or Gepard will blow any 'Nam era helicopter out of the sky in second.

Ho 229 can, in a way. It takes a bit of a unique playstyle though.

If you keep your speed above 800km/h while ground pounding you are pretty much safe from anything. Props can't catch you even if they have alt and jets will have serious trouble. The 229 can also turn with even spitfires in a emergency.

Once you get out of low tier 3 and below, or stop playing japs, pilot knock outs are rare

AD-2 is nasty if your enemies underestimate you and try to go for a turnfight, same for the B-57B, although the chances someone goes for a turnfight at those tiers are pretty low


maps that aren't 2x2km?

Seconding this. What was wrong with bong arty?

Now you only get knocked out in some of the most bullshit ways possible.

I can't count how many times I got put to sleep from rounds either being nowhere near me or coming from a direction that should have damaged a dozen other parts on my plane before even making it to my pilot.

Hell the vast majority of my knock outs are from bullshit rather than from shit like a head on.

>attack helicopters


>hit frontal armor at a 200 degree
>gets angry when it bounces
Are you unironically fucking retarded? Jesus fucking Christ if you're one of those people constantly complaining about op germans I can see why you fucks are laughed at now

>>can't turn for shit
They're not turnfighters
>>can't climb for shit
>>shitty guns
50cals are as effective as cannons if not more this patch
>>only advantage is speed that'll get you reported for passive play
Learn about energy fighting

You're a fucking shitter lol.

Not him. What is sideclimbing?

I bought that book. Good read.

A meme
>climb away from the fight
>then climb towards it
>somehow this means you'll be higher than planes with superior climb rates who have just been climbing straight towards you for the same amount of time

It's assumed that the majority of fighters will have given up or dived on someone else by the time you come around. 'sideclimbing' is essentially just a nice way to say that you're stalling for time.

And the alternative is
>don't sideclimb
>get outclimbed by the whole enemy team
>die like a bitch because you probably don't even know about defensive flying either
>go on Veeky Forums and whine about how american fighters are shit

You don't need to climb to do well in the P-51D

You just have to git gud at equalizing energy states and overshoots

No user it's easier to cry like a little bitch about shitty turnrate and climb. Americans should outperform everyone in every aspect of air combat, they won the war after all!

Claps are pretty shit at it anyway.
>wing mounted guns
>usually don't roll that well
Defensive flying in the Germans is pretty nice though.

>defensive flying
I'm genuinely interested. How do I git gud at it?

Bind elevator and roll like a madman.

>shoot barrel of IS6
>turns it yellow

i love how meme vehicles like the super pershing have pretty much no chance now

Hold W, D and E.

But I've done that to no end! I've rolled away countless times, but it's not enough if the enemy gets a lucky hit.
Surely, there must be more to this.

>I can't play 6.7+ Germans because they're all fucking naziboos that only rush rush rush and get shit on by American and Russians.
>they never use tactics.

Fuck off dumbasses.

watch messer smitt and van sinn's videos

Whoever designed Karelia needs to be aborted.


>Pilot sniped by AA at 6k
Well, then. That's a thing.

New maps for Air RB fucking when? I swear I've been playing the same 3 or 4 maps for three years now. Except the one in a hundred matches where I get Malta and it's mixed nations.

Thank you user
May your rounds never spark again.

>go into cockpit view getting comfy and checking out my new pasta dispenser.
>Pilot knocked out


all you need to know is right here.
If you don't feel like reading all that just looking at the pictures is fine. For RB they aren't entirely accurate due to mouse aim so you don't need minute details, just know the maneuvers and figure out how to adapt them into RB.

hurricane :^)

because they didn't have them irl? they don't have a glass nose or something after all. for instance, what would be the reason to play ordinary b-25 when you could play pbj?

The game doesn't even look bad in ultra low, I don't understand why people don't just switch to it.

>Switch them on and try to play. These settings haven’t given any significant advantages for a while: vegetation is rendered at a great distance and, in contrast to standard minimum settings, is not transparent.

it's true though

ages ago when i played tonks i switched ulq after reading how it was broken and stuff and realized that there was a lot of situations when ulq significantly hindered me

I don't thing American planes are particularly bad, it's just that half your team is going to be bombers, and then the other half is resigned to losing because you're half bombers and so go lawn mowing to get money.

>because they didn't have them irl
> they don't have a glass nose or something after all. for instance, what would be the reason to play ordinary b-25 when you could play pbj
You know exactly nothing about world war two aircraft other than what's in War Thunder, got it.

not him but what the fuck are you talking about? he's right, a glass nose offers more precise bombing, while a solid nose trades that for extra firepower

and when your team is full of spitfires the quality of pilots is universally worse than on german, jap and even slav teams

Uh, no, they had good artillery doctrine, with a response time of less than 2min to calls for arty. The only other country that had that level of response was the USA, which objectively had the best artillery support in WWII thanks to their time on target tables and everyone having a radio to call in artillery support. The soviets had almost no ability to be flexible with their arty and just fired it in mass volleys every time (Which everyone else did as well...) and rarely deviated from pre-plotted bombardments. Germany had a horrible mix, with spotters having to run a wire because they weren't given radios.

Many of them IRL had CS howitzers that did that job well, but you don't see those in most wargames because those never got AP ammo and nobody really uses smoke effectively.

They caught onto the need for heavier AT guns and more of them faster than the US did, at least. By the end of the war you had half of their Shermans converted to Fireflies, which had better penetration than the 76mm the US preffered. The Centurion and Comet were also good designs, though the Comet (and the Cromwell it's based off of) could really have used some sloping...

The issue with using riveted construction was entirely an industrial one, they didn't have a lot of welding infrastructure unlike the US. Similarly, all their tanks only get so wide because they required them to fit on the british railway trains, since otherwise they couldn't transport them around the country and to the ports. That's why the Challenger is built on a lengthened, instead of widened, Cromwell chassis. Stabilizers at the time were new, unreliable tech. Even US crews didn't use them most of the time. And, well, with the 2pdrs they were light enough and mounted right so that the gunner could stabilize it with their body, but that obviously went away with the larger guns (and in game the human stabilizer is so ineffective you can't even tell it's there)

B-25 was a level horizontal bomber. That does not have application with dive bombers.
Also, glass floor plates.
Look up what a vector bombsight is.
Look up what a tachometric bombsight is.
Look up what a radar bombsight is.
Guns could be fitted into glass cockpits anyhow, although it's not exactly a negative to have guns in the wings anyhow.

Why doesn't the 54-49 get smoke?

>with nametags

it is a ground attacker

Go play an actual sim if your autism prevents you from having fun

*activates warp engine in bird of prey mk IX*
*decloaks behind you*
*fires hispano-suiza disruptor banks*
PSSHT, nothin' personnel. Hope ya had fun.

There are multiple types of B-25s. In real life, most were horizontal bombers. The ones in War Thunder are the ground attack variants. Please stop posting, you know absolutely nothing about what you're talking about.


yaah, fuck off back to consoletrash ala ace cuckbat

actually Finland was probably the best Axis nation when it came to artillery. They were able to coordinate Time on Target barrages using a wide variety of different artillery pieces from German, Soviet, and other countries.


It used to be the case that JG508 would have two or three squads queue at the same time with bombers to make matches like this at low tiers. (fun bombers not stupid shit bullet sponges like the B17)

That was the only time I really had fun in this game.


Look at this pic. What the fuck are those. I seem them almost every game. They're not far-off planes, 100% of the time they always go into a steep dive and then disappear. Is it some skybox bug or something?

most variants had frontal facing guns from the factory or installed as kits for a reason fucktard. B-25s were rarely used as high alt horizontal bombers in combat, and the only horizontal bombing they did was during ground attack missions

YOU clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Almost certainly. There used to be an experimental design for long range vision of player craft in RB like that. The players would be a black dot that rendered through everything if they were too far away to see specific details. It's probably related.

Just foo fighters, I wouldn't worry about it.


bat decal when

I've been wondering about that too