/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Thinking of classes thread.
>The Make It Rain Campaign Event May 29th-June 12th

>Stormblood Job Actions Trailer


>New Features, Jobs, and Changes Coming in Stormblood

>Callback Campaign for Returning Players

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

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Rapier Mage!


>tfw no qt elezen gf

pst Eleonore Chevalier


Fourteen days, user!

Will Elezen ever get any cute faces? They look like trolls right now.

Brown cat power rankings?

i did world of darkness today for the first time in a year or two, it was a lot of fun

I miss EU hours already

EU is pretty dead anyways here

The more restrictions to keep bandwagoners off the better

But it's still EU hours

Amber legitimately scares most people off from the thread and barely any actual game discussion that isn't thinly-veiled shitposting happens. I hate this.

I said qt

hopefully he'll finally kill himself some time soon.

there's no such thing as a qt elezen.


Just because you can't make one doesn't mean they don't exist, user.

>want a glamour from Crystal Tower
>10 year queue time
>every boss drops one piece of loot
>only the last one drops a chestpiece
Guess I'll just move right along to the backup glamour

are you on aether? how long did it take for your queue to pop if i may ask?
i really wanna run it again too for glamour and just for fun, it's probably still my favorite 24man in the game.

How do I get motivation to grind stuff? Queues are long and it's the same dungeons over and over again.

Don't forget all then sick belt drops

Give me the Odin redpill.

don't grind stuff

30 mins on a good day
2 plus hours on a bad day

>belts don't have a model

why would you grind anything when the expansion hits in 2 weeks

Never grind

Pick a goal and have that be your one and only goal for the time being. Put everything else you want to do in-game on the backburner and just fuckin go for it. Make sure you have a few hours of spare time to grind away at it, and stand up to stretch and move around a little once an hour.

Any anons that know how the squadron thing works that can help me? I don't really know if I'm doing something wrong but I'm working on trying to get them some progress and even though my whole team is level 30-35 and a decent mix of classes I can't even guarantee to succeed the level 20-25 missions let alone the ones my own team's level. They have such absurd requirements in one stat like 400+ in strength so I have to bring at least 3 tanks to even have a chance but then I can't do anything for the other 2 stat categories that still need 250+ since every character I have has one good stat (100+) and 2 bad ones (20-50)

Let me hear your battle hype!

Want my anima weapon, already been grinding for it quite a while so might as well finish it.

Would be good, but when you get +min queues it kills the mood

I'm a WHM

>anima weapon
Enjoy having better weapons drop from leveling dungeons.

yes cute catboy i am on aether, gilgamesh to be exact

it took me roughly around 20-30mins and this was around an hour or two ago, so still semi-early for US times.


I planned on leveling one in SB to help friends with faster queue times. Dang it.

thanks guys, that doesn't sound TOO terrible
glad people actually still queue for it

The worst part I made my second relic the WHM the week before the announcement

You could have a terrible personality

>not having multiple

looks like its cringe hours too

>Every other job
"We have to bring back this dead/dying art!"
"What if...everyone could set everything on fire?"

Is the Crit material the best use for a potsherd right now?

This is real? Your elf looks really great!

Well that's how this game is, in a few months all your gear is always obsolete

>never occurred to me when the War of the Magi and utopia of Allag took place
Google couldn't show me anything on 'the Way of the Black', so I'm checking the Age of Enlightenment in the Encyclopedia.

which is why you never grind and get burned out when a patch, let alone an expansion, is right around the corner

Lord Almighty do I want to learn how to shoot things in the face, set them on fire, and then shoot the fire in the face. I'm too busy leveling crafting jobs at the moment, though, and my autism isn't strong enough to nolife it AND nolife the SB release.

Is there a sound aether?

save them for 4.0

you can transmute grade Vs into High Vs in 4.0 and the price will shoot up

MCH: Behold after years of modification I have created a mechanical device that shoots combustible energy that can ignite enemies in flames this a glorious day
BLM: *snaps fingers*

So I should never grind in this game?
Because there will always be a patch not far away

High Vs?

i was even lucky enough to have a bonus in my party, so extra poetics is always nice
i assume people still queue since a lot of people are making anima relics to pass the time, and that questline gives a free aether oil for doing all 3 crystal tower raids

>Well that's how this game is
That's how every game is. Because that's not how any game is, it's the fucking players that insist on getting things done immediately but lay the blame on the game and coax new/young players into this mindset.

There's just aether. Sometimes it has an elemental aspect that shifts to either the umbral or astral end of the pole, but nothing as specific as sound. The closest thing I can think of would be wind aspected aether or possibly even earth aspected aether that would be manipulated to mimic the vibrations of sound.

I would say several months isn't "not far away"

But by all means, if you want to get a headache for absolutely no reason go right ahead.

delete balmung

basically grade 6s, yes

Yes. PST

*throws grenade at enemy and shoots it toe xplode it*
no...its not enough....
*attaches bomb to enemy that is the single hardest hitting ability in the game*
*explodes my own loyal turret companion that i spent years developing*

>grinding PoTD as a healer
>literally just pressing one button over and over

What was the post that got deleted

my favourite

more unrelated garbage that belongs on soc

cute feet

>tfw want to whisper you right now but shy

Did you buy your makai hand motor yet? You only have 2 weeks

youtu.be/yg8wePgXDIY basically

None is ever Online on Odin.

Do you REALLY want to play a Samurai?

No I want to be a caster minus RDM and AST

How is everyone today?
I need to grind to 59 when I get home
But I'm a little nervous that I won't finish the story in time


I wwant to play a backflipping, element-casting rapier mage

So honest question, why the fuck does milla never get banned?

same, wanna be friends

tfw moved to a server with no friends

knight of ishgard desiring oblivion and demise seeks voidsent female that wants same

Why not? You think I could be your friend?

post your name or you're full of shit and fishing for (you)s

pst xx

Phoneposting is one hell of a drug

>tfw no friends and don't want to join a Veeky Forums fc/ls because it's too many people to deal with

So down to one dungeon in expert roulette eh

This expansion keeps getting better and better

What server?


I am a powerful friend with the capacity to extend kindness to you all
Just let me know how to find you

why are anime posters always such beta losers

>2 jobs from 3
>0 new race from 1
>1 dungeon from 2
>dumbed down jobs
>some jobs are straight up shit

we have an amazing expansion ahead of us, make sure to keep buying jump potions so for more quality content like diadem and lords of verminion


no i will play nyanja

You could maybe say.down from four new jobs to two. NIN was to come with Heavenward initially.


So when I switch jobs, I have to re-do all the required dungeons to unlock the level 50 roulette? Is it the same for Expert? Because this feels like such an unnecessary feature

/xivg/ what skin tone and glamors make fem miqo'te sluts and dtf

Do not sully the name of Señor Chang for shitposting purposes.

Brd and mch were completely reworked though so in a sense we got 4 new jobs but lost 2