Extra Gay Edition
Thread No. 164
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.
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>list of all games
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>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)
>Cartoons and Anime
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Sorry for the late thread put up. I wasn't paying attention to the bump limit cause we normally don't hit that before image limit.
It's ok.
I'm gonna get bullied for this but happy friday and the beginning of the lgbt pride month, /mmg/.
But it's still thursday, user.
It's friday if you're in Australia
When will you silly Americans learn about the rest of the world?
I'm not even American, you obsessed freak.
now that just makes it all the more sillier.
Some interesting news.
>not living in the greatest country on earth
for shame user! for shame!
This could be good and bad.
It could attract more people to Megaman but it also could show how meh the new cartoon is.
But eh, who knows.
I live in Asspull:The country so I'm alright.
It airs in the morning so kids can watch it. The new cartoon is going to flop in japan. The toy line won't do all that well in the west and it'll be canned before we can get through two seasons.
Ruby Spears was canned for the same reason right before Mega Man 7 came out. why can't we have a 90s style anime with the storyline style that it was originally going to have? Why is it that Hitoshi Ariga is the only one who ever gives us nice things?
>why can't we have a 90s style anime with the storyline style that it was originally going to have?
Because US is stupid with cartoons that aren't Disney?
>Why is it that Hitoshi Ariga is the only one who ever gives us nice things?
Because God exists and that man is our reward for dealing with bullshit daily.
Also, a thought:
Any of the Megaman series, but made by Disney.
The cartoon probably would have been okay if it made it to Disney XD. The games we get from this shit better be fucking good.
>X would finally be the Disney Princess he is.
>the guy created the character
>so what he says is canon even when he is not working for the company or what he said was never displayed anywhere
I bet you think stan lee still is the last word on spider-man's comics
>It could attract more people to Megaman but it also could show how meh the new cartoon is.
That's probably why it's airing despite being about 15 years old now. It's a buffer in case Japanese kids don't like the new cartoon and an easy way to gauge interest in Battle Network for a new audience.
Inafune said it wasn't canon while he was still working for Capcom and nobody else at the company has said otherwise
Playing through the classic megaman games, they're alright so far
levels are fun but a bit cramped
has anyone made a megaman metroidvania fangame yet?
Like robot masters are bosses scattered around the map and give weapons that help you pass certain areas, a la crash bomber and freeze cracker
and maybe the order in which you defeat them affects other areas like chill penguin's defeat cooling flame mammoths lava in MMX
If you want metroidvania play the ZX games or the Zero games.
There's also a Mega Man X fangame that's currently in development called Mega Man X: Corruption.
THEORY: bounty hunter "mega" was a GIRL the WHOLE TIME??
he is a pansy though, that's for sure
Play ZX, they are metroidvania as fuck.
>THEORY: bounty hunter "mega" was a GIRL the WHOLE TIME??
he is a robot
robots do not possess genitalia
who in their right mind would make a robot you can't fuck?
Bully all that is purple
No. Bully blues.
try me, asshole
Very well. Bully all that is blue.
Including characters are are named blue. or Blues.
Let's start with these guys right here: Changed my mind. You're free of bullying.
Ok, lets start.
Diveman is big, heavy and give good hugs.
That's the opposite of bullying!
I'm sorry, what did you say?
I just called him fat and cuddly, how isn't that bullying?
Now you're getting the hang of it.
Go away Vile we're bullying blue robots tonight.
Wait a minute, you're blue now.
Go away anyways.
>Asspull:The country
As in your country really shouldn't exist, but for some reason fate keeps propping it up?
MM7 was such a quirky game
I can't exactly describe it but it's more like "we are so neck-deep in shit that if it was any other country we probably would be in the middle of a civil war right now" kind of thing.
>As in your country really shouldn't exist, but for some reason fate keeps propping it up?
If that's the definition of Asspull: The Country, then *I* certainly live in that.
Also Wesley Crusher: The Country
is it in europe?
It's in south america and it's not Venezuela.
Where do you live?
No, Brazil.
Oh, Good luck there, man.
It'd pretty nice actually. Too warm though. And a little boring.
You ever see that French video where the father is trying to reassure his kid after terrorist attacks that "they have guns, but we have flowers"?
Hueland is basically "they have politics, but we have memes".
>they have guns, but we have flowers
they used to have guns, but they dropped them
I didn't know Zero could go super saiyan.
More like "they have all of our money, but we have memes."
metroid was a android and HE was a herm, so ? ??
Metroid also turned out to be human and a girl.
Recently picked up Legacy Collection and Zero Collection, which should I burn through first?
Which series do you like more?
I personally would go with Zero.
I can't really say since I've never played either.
I've liked Mega Man for most of my life, but I've never actually played any of the original series which makes me feel like shit for even saying I like the series.
Then play Legacy first.
oh please
i just got into the series like two weeks ago because i was interested in Mighty Gunvolt Burst's custom gun system and wanted to try other guns in the series out
I'd say to go with the legacy collection first since they have challenges for beginners to the classic games
The Zero Collection is super baller, but it's also a little awkward because MMZ1 is certainly the least accessible out of the 4 games.
Then again MM1 isn't great either.
>got my Nastenka sketch from the comic artist
feels breddy gut mate
Post ideas of what you want but you know deep in your heart it will never be true.
Battle Network 7 and Mega Man 11. No BN7 is probably for the best after what happened with BN4, but still.
Also, nice merch for robot masters/net navis besides the main characters.
an elf wars game, unlikely as it may be
ZX3 with the biometals having Zero series or at the very least X series number of moves.
ZX3 and ZX toys.
I just want to have a Vent figurine and-or an Ashe one for lewd posing, dammit.
It's actually one of my favorites despite any flaws. It's in my top five.
Anyone wants to see a WIP of this
hell yes!
Just keep in mind that I still need to finish sketching and I will fix a lot of stuff on photoshop later.
>Extra Gay Edition
might as well have called it /mmg/ edition, that title is redundant af
I was really strapped for time to post up the new thread.
>MegaMan GO
how about megaman NO
post yfw battlenetwork becomes mvp and outshines classic megaman to the point that exe becomes capcom's mascot
I would be okay with this surprisingly.
>sucking inafune's dick this hard
>has anyone made a fangame that would take a long time to make and ve too involved to be a fan project so i can play my dream game for free right now?
greedy motherfucker, make it yourself
>If you want metroidvania play ZX
i think he meant a good metroidvania
no need to snap, just tossing ideas out there
Play ZX Advent.
literally the x5 of classic megaman that started the decline of its series
A little different. X6 took on a ton of X5's bad ideas. 8 just went along and did it's own thing, so 7 was kinda of just... there.
I'd be happy with that. The series works well for merchandising and the series already has a satisfying conclusion so it's not like it really needs a new game like Legends and ZX.
>play a slightly less shitty bad game
or i could just play a good game
Then it's not a megaman Metroidvania.
but at least it's enjoyable
Then go and make a Megaman metroidvania fangame that you will enjoy, nigga.
Not my fault you were born with a rampant shit taste.
So is that a mobile game where you play as a Capcom executive that cancels randomly-generated proposals for new Mega Man titles, or...?
yeah, don't just let your dreams of crushing dreams be dreams
Nice opinion you have there.
So would Model X be able to double megamerge with Model A?