Post your car keys
Car Key Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
is dat a famas
>missing a triggerguard
What a worthless pistol
My abarth is nothing special
Nice handgat
Why do people have multiple keys together with their car keys?
Shit just clinks when carving roads and distracts from the experience.
You don't have key socks on your keys?
M&P tells me you're a pretty upfront guy, aren't you?
Judge me, fags.
1st for weeb keychains
It's no joke a 500. Still love the fucker, it's been awesome so far.
Wew former marine who trains at planet fitness. Did you leave ur balls in Middle East?
Not sure what you mean by upfront
You should get one of these
>implying i can hear it over my engine
sonic a loud af at anything over 3k rpm
That key is incredible. Fb?
Good luck
Reduced weight for improved fuel economy and faster track times.
I actually heard those keys had a rather severe snapping point right where the first notch is. Is it as bad as they say?
Original key was snapped during transport from Japan
Nice. Post pics. Turbo or no?
95' Everything was stock, and i have made few reliability mods during this year
Bitching tuner you got there
Planning whole rebuild for winter, and painting whole car pearl white
what alfa?
good shit dude
>car key attached to keysmart for other keys
>keysmart hits my knee while driving
Is there any other key organizers that can fit an actual car key so I won't have something dangling?
Well shit. Surprised my FC key was so durable... then the idiot locksmith snapped it inside the keyhole. Replacement ignition was supposed to be here months ago, but of course, can't trust peoples word.
Well, i don't know what kind sandniggers were moving my car around in docks. Someone stole my shifknob and broke door panel...
Nice and simple
Any other Porsche owners here?
Jesus dude, clean your waifu every now and then, please
Wow, fuck that shit. That's one of the reasons I've always been afraid of importing.
I did, see The keychain? Got mine off Amazon.
Rode Muh motorcycle today
I'm not, I'm a taxidermist.
>necrophiliac furfag
okay there
>I'm not, I'm a taxidermist.
>I only stuff dead animals
yeah stuff em with dicc
>Didn't post a pic with your gun
>Did you sell it yet senpai?
Girl friends car?
Dammit. Fuck all of you.
I'm the guy whose keys jingle whenever they make the slightest movement
No, it's his boyfriend's
I thought over9k had a gf or am I thinking of the wrong trip fag?
That "unarmed college public safety officer" jingle
I do, she drives a Corolla.
I still have it, but I just listed it on armslist today my dude
pls clean rotors
Whats up, what did you buy though and why you getting rid of it?
Nice try, but I'm it even a marine yet.
That'll teach you to overestimate me!
To be honest my jet tag annoys me when I drive with shorts on because when I turn it brushes my leg just slightly
I got it through armslist and did an FFL for it. I like guns, but I am more into motorcycles and cars and shit. I got the itch to build a motorcycle again
>tfw Grand Marquis got keyed
Well boys, it got written off, time to buy a Civic
My keys are always on top of my leg, I might be a bit tall for my car, hair is always touching the ceiling too.
I'm a rather small guy so I never had the issue until I got this tag, doesn't it annoy you with your head touching the ceiling. I drive an mr2 and I have a tall friend who I let ride in it with the t-tops off he said it was really weird because his hair was kind out of the car
Think I'm mostly used to it, just depends if I'm already irritated by something else like a cold.
>ok, so why did you get rid of it though? Its just a gun, nothing wrong about just keeping one around safely...
Nothing wrong with it, but it's not the handgun I want. I would rather get a cz75b down the road.
And I could use the cash to build a Honda to sell.
Ah ok, was just wondering
What kind of Honda you building?
I'm going to get another cx500. It was my first real bike and they're super fun. I'll probably mod it a bit above stock
Cool, just don't cafe racer the bike...
Nah I'll probably do an exhaust, filters, lithium ion battery and decent tires and stainless brake lines. Honestly they're really pleasant to ride bone stock
Are those books or dvds?
>thread says to post keys
>posts a gun with keys
Look out everyone! We got a total badass over here who owns a gun! Don't fuck with this guy!
I bet you just couldn't wait to find any excuse to post a pic of your gun. What a fag.
Calm down, you cuckold.
Hey, you see that gun keychain in the OP, and the first two replies talking about said gun?
I have two of them for my FD... I've not had a problem with either of them... They've held up great. One of them lives on my daily carry keyring.
The major problem I've had with the key, though, was getting them cut right in the first place. The keys that came with my FD were a copy of a copy of a ..... Kind of like a VHS tape... Each copy just gets worse. Then, I had a copy made of the 3x copy. I had to end up touching it up a bit with a dremel to get it to work reliably. Obviously not the key's fault, but just the repeated copies and 25 year old tumblers.
We have the same fob.
Nice airsoft gun, fag.
sour grapes
That's seems inconvenient.
OP here, I found these hilarious.
2 keys for 1 car
Any particular reason why you've shaved down the head of your car and house keys?
Dumb ass doesn't know to drive it after washing to get rid of the rotor rust
>Bought an Alfa
No wonder
No h8 pls
H8 pls
I took that pic mid-wash, note the hose.
What's in the safe senpai
Everything is digital
including your love life
What makes you think that's an airsoft gun?