Fighting Games General /fgg/
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
This is the sniff I needed
tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken
(you) this if you truly plan to leave sfv behind
pledge your support
end capcom
>Everyone loading T7 and I have to wait to pick my copy up after work tomorrow
It's called Tekken 7 because it has 7 frames of lag.
Leave Kazuya to me
Just how fast did you people burn through a thread?
Good goy, I'm sure Schlomo Shekelstein is proud of you
I said I would have myself together by the time Tekken 7 came out
I will have to wait for for the mailman tomorow. Hopefully not super early but hopefully not late in the evening.
goodbye sfv
(You) this if you plan to hibernate until a good fighting game comes out.
Pledge your support.
End bad fighting games.
don't give this stoner attention
eat shit biiiiiiitttccchhhhhh
>tfw I want to play Tekken now that everyone is talking about it
>don't want to buy it since I missed preorder and therefore Eliza
Guess it's not such a good idea to lock characters away in a fighting game.
So who else is picking up the collector's edition tonight as well?
put down the drink and uninstall the sfv. you can be happy if you want to be.
it's not fair bros
E A R L Y 2 0 1 8
Hey guys I'm having an argument with my friend. I'm saying Smash bros melee ISN'T a fighting game. He says it is. Thoughts?
Is this you?
I'll leave Kazuya to you
>highwaystar bought tekken 7
we're being fucking #leftbehind bros....
(you) this if you're a poorfag hikkineet and got left behind
>Ready to launch in approximately: more than 1 year
I dropped it three months ago but sure fuck it
We're up all night to get Josie
>Ready to launch in 25 minutes suddenly changes to 2 days then back
even if I dislike Tekken, Im not going back
steam please.
>reload between matches in Tekken 7
Is this in private lobbies too or only in ranked?
>tekken 720p
>tekken 7.2ms
>tekken 70 seconds of loading
need more memes
Your friend has basically like 2% more transferable skills to fighting games as someone who plays any competitive games. Tell him to neck himself. If you can't play it and be immediately quite strong at other games like it then it's not a fighting game.
>literally 4 years later tekken 7 will release to systems worldwide
wheres my refund Harada....
After years of waiting..
no... this wasnt supposed to happen bros... it was supposed to unpack this year... i cant take it...
>not having money
Damn EWGF is a lot easier than the fear mongers told me
The worst thing was that I got monies for my birthday so on paper I could get it, but am too much of a lazy neet to leave the house.
>tekken 7 delayed to early 2018
it's a fucking disaster
Stop playing Tekken, stop it! SFV is a much better game and there is a big e-sports following. Daigo doesn't play Tekken, he plays SFV. Don't kill SFV please.
This is the best channel on youtube. Just my kind of autism.
its tekken, they think simple up up or down down to side step is a complex motion and the height of execution. they think fucking inputting completely safe strings with no timing is hard. they are retarded.
I was young and stupid.
Disclaimer: I am not the youtube or twitter channel that pop up if you google it.
For lobbies yes.
>floe talks all that shit about how he can't wait to play a good FG (Tekken 7)
>turns out he's ass at it
why am I actually kinda surprised
>friend bought me t7
>mommy bought me rev2
you would probably still get a pre-order key if you ordered from 3rd party re-seller
What the fuck is this preparing to launch in 77 years bullshit
I didn't sign up for this
post your super cool steam name
Why do people say this, but SF players can never cross over and become top players in other games while the opposite happens with things like people going from KoF or GG to SF? Also, did you see what happened when Gootecks tried to learn Tekken? It was a complete trainwreck.
na im going to get it on the 6th
>tfw neet
>tfw mommy will buy me anything i want
>tfw going to download chun li's office costume and jive instead of wasting money on kekken and irrevelator 2
Have you heard of the internet? You can order everything on there directly to your house.
Eat shit SFV
>YRC removes one of the key grappler weakness of being whiff punished for shit because you can just cancel it
So I have to spend 25 meter if I whiff anything to be safe? That's a massive waste of meter.
>the difference being potekmin is good
So you apparently know better than the entirety of the competitive Guilty Gear scene?
Good to know.
Literally the single thing outside netcode I really care for in a fighting game's online
fLoE is a jobber.
yeah, this is worse than sfv, now I want to know if it happens on steam...
post 30 seconds of you doing ch df+2, PEWGF, EWGF, DEWGF, EWGF in a real match against a korean
>American games have better asses
>Japanese games have better faces and tits
hard to decide
N-no I just m-meant 1
Want to know how I know you're eter "Comofiend" Rosas?
Smash is a sumo wrestling game
I can't wait. Soon we can stop pretending Tekken is good.
I got bills.
it'll be bad for ps4 because it takes almost a minute, pc loads in like 10 seconds
funny enough it does multiple things as bad or worse than SFV.
at this point the only thing thats better is the roster size.
see you dudes next year ;)
>Not using amazon for all your purchases to avoid social interaction while also supporting technological innovation thus supporting the singularity
Your not even peakneet
pfff, I've been doing noGF for years now I can do it blindfolded
>Capcom fighters after CvS2
cummy and black canary tho
You know everyone recognizes you and your shitposts when you keep avatarfagging as furrgreen furry?
Do you also hate 3d fighting games for having ringouts?
Melee is a fighting game of a different type.
tekken is
>loads faster
>allows you to react
>has WAY better netcode
>better graphics
>more content
>more characters
>earn all of your stuff IN THE GAME
need i go on?
Fapken has everything
don't know what you're talking about mate.
Yep just good netcode and xrd lobbies. That is all I need to be happy forever with a fighting game.
That is more work than just sleeping all day.
>tekken is balanced
t. steve main
I won't be able to play it until I get home, but you gave me hope, user. It didn't seem too difficult on paper.
can I cheat fightmoney into Tekken?
I dont care about this single player garb.