Redpill me on China and globalism

Redpill me on China and globalism.
How did China "steal" all those US companies that Trump said they did? What would happen if the US did not have this current phase of Protectionism? How will third world countries live through US protectionism? Pic unrelated.

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ill Bill Clinton busted out trade agreements with China that drastically lowered barriers which allowed their dirt cheap (at the time) labor cost to make it a no brainer to go overseas for stuff that could be put overseas.

While China definitely would have effectively sapped some jobs away no matter trade deals, Slick Willy doing neoliberal autism certainly did not help and really fucked manufacturing.

Can you please answer my third question? If all modern companies go back to the US, what will happen to the ones in third world countries?
He threatened BMW with lots of taxes if they don't go to US here.

They will probably be downsized or in the extreme case of them somehow being a financial burden, closed, although I doubt that would be a common thing.

This will probably mean some unemployment, but hopefully these countries will start their our business them instead of the whole world depending on two countries.

They busted trade deals because they reared a population that could compete. If America took the management route and put all their wealth in the hands of banks investor types and franchise owners. You can say China has american jobs, but American would never do any of those jobs for the pay that the Chinese people had to accept to push China into the position that its in now. We can not compete with china in manufacturing. Period, nor do americans really want to. We want that job that they get paid $6000 a year to do for 40,000 a year. Its never going to happen.

Seriously people are really hung up on race right now, but the real racial difference thats significant right now isn't the color of your skin, its are you smart enough to figure out how read and write code, or builde a profitable system. If you can't do those things and you live in America you are fucked gl friends

I always thought that the idea of someone competing with China in manufacturing was insane, how will the US fix its unemployment then?

ITs not going to happen, America is the burden. All these countries are produciing more valuable shit than we are, and have harder working populations. And America somehow is the reserve currency. Dude America is in for some real shit in the next few years. The 2nd oil is no longer the primary fuel(oh its coming soon and fast China is on pace to basically have no reason to purchase oil in 5 years or so, they have done phenomenal work on solar)

Is the 2nd people stop taking America seriously. We need to change our infrastructure but the government is so beholden to these mega wealthy oil companies that they're legislating bans against solar power in various states. Solar is the future and if we don't get on board we're going to live in a shitty despotic regime that forces people to buy oil when there are better energy solutions...oh wait.

We don't need jobs we need futuristic infrastructure, you need a car you go online find a design you want and then purchase the raw materials with a pool of people who want similar designs and then everyone prints out vehicle for the kind of use they need it for. Thats the future, that's where we're heading. A completely virtually world made manifest by printing machines that run on solar energy.

Its really about getting over this conventional idea of what the world is supposed to look that hails from the 1950's American Dream expansion, to a hard look at the ridiculous potential for completely overhauling the infrastructure of cities with the crazy fucking technology thats available to us now. Every state could have a car printing depot, we could have virtually free national travel at this point if we made the investment. Our best technologies don't lend themselves to the idea of mass labour anymore. We're really done with it. We need to start training designers and programmers at earlier ages and stop wasting kids time with bullshit lessons that translate to practical use in the future. And people who are already out of school need to learn. They're going to have to pick up programming, genetic modification, molecular biology. Modern humans have to design their own systems not get jobs jobs are gone now they are not coming back. As strong as China's manufacturing is right now they're 5-10 factories and few program away from putting there entire factory workforce out of work. Coding and robotics is just that powerful right now

Now that you're talking about 3d printers, i remembered this video. It's pretty offtopic i guess but it shows how powerful those things are.

Trade surpluses require a cheap currency to be maintained.
As the U.S. became an investment powerhouse, our currency became too expensive to support an export economy. Muh strong dollar reserve currency didn't help.
From the 70s on, Japan and Latin America absorbed a lot of credit and picked up the slack in terms of exporting. Over time they developed and got to where we are-- today Mexico has a trade deficit too.
China, communist country that it is, planned their economy to become the next big manufacturing hub in the 90s, and between 2000 and 2010 they guzzled foreign investment. Now they're looking at the inevitable debt crisis from overexpansion, but that's another story.

Rich countries can't afford to be manufacturing powerhouses unless they rope in poor countries to share their currency and keep it cheap. See: Germany
Or they can abuse central bank policy in a vain attempt to regain past glory. See: Japan

That's huge deal, think about how much money is locked up in the real estate market.

Can you recommend me some good reads on the economy of Japan and Germany? What did you mean by "central bank policy abuse"? I'm sorry if i'm asking to many questions here but you guys bring up lots of interesting points, something that is not a norm here in Veeky Forums.

>What did you mean by "central bank policy abuse
the japan's vain attempts to use monetary policy only to stimulate the economypost 1990s , QE, low interest rates etc etc etc. Japanese economy is like a ferrari without an engine.

I'm reading about it right now, it says that "the lost decade" or "20 years" were caused by Japanese banks lending money to people without really caring to check if they could pay them back, and that created a bubble in their economy.

Yea but money's not really real so they basically created an economy out of nothing

Everything we thought we knew about economic principle is about to go out the window with the coming wave of technology. Hold on to your hats folks.

its a good lesson how monetary and fiscal policy can only do so much- if you have massive structural problems like Japan it's all in vain.

the paper that states the house belongs to you is just a freaking paper too.

I gave you a very rough rundown that you shouldn't trust too much. The important part to understand is that unless you're shooting money into space, every dollar spent is a dollar put into the hands of a customer or investor. The movement of capital drives the flow of goods in a capitalist world.
Jeffry Frieden has an excellent book called Currency Politics. You can start with his renowned Global Capitalism if you want a solid explanation of the modern economy and how it came to be.

the problem is lefties living in a pipe dream
the fact of the matter is there's a big world out there and solar doesn't produce the same energy for the input that oil does, it's cheap, effective and here until everyone reading this board is long dead

I'm tired of lefties talking about automation and lack of oil dependency while watching jobs get shipped to third world shitholes with no labor standards or wage controls.

>that company is moving to bangladesh for its cutting edge robots
said no one ever.

You could look at is as the paper that states you must continue to bring the bank x amount of funds
every month or lose social standing within your community

Money is being shot into space currently its a upward trend trust me. A lot of money is stagnating in accounts thats the world biggest economic problem. 5 companies control 1/3 of the worlds cash supply... thats also an upwards trend. The economy is not what economists describe it as, those formulaes and theories and principles hold true for decades before they're discovered and due manipulation and technological advancement go out the window decades after they become cannon in the economists understanding of the economy. The very nature of human economy is that it changes based on what we think of it


>not delegated to pajeetstan

>pajeet taking anything but the lowest of code monkey jobs