League of Legends General /lolg/

Phreak's Vacation Edition

Old: eyosongive.us

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Fiora/Riven gutting when?

>Decide to play aram
>Enemy gets morgana, lux and ashe + garen and J4

>get ingenious hunter
>get Ruby sightstone
>all items now have 45% CDR

gee billy why does your dad let you siege with TWO banner minions and TWO zzrot portals at once!

>leona STILL hasn't gotten a rework

>leona will forever live in naut / alistars shadow

>gf says she's tutoring someone
>can't stop thinking she's """"""""""""tutoring"""""""""""" someone


Fiora is balanced

xth for NTR/Rape/Mindbreak/Impreg.

>tfw I completely blew my chance to have this be the canon drawing
>tfw now it'll never be on summoner showcase

I'm gay lol

>play an ARAM
>only person that can server as a front line and also only person that can really peal

here's a list /lolg/:
>lee sin
>master yi

if you and the yasuo are equally skilled, these champions have the ability to put yasuo in the trashcan

glad to help

All we have to do is have a spiritual sequel to this pic so this can be corrected

Even better if you put Krepo and a blanket in it

too be fair Irelia is one dimension but shes REALLY fucking good at the one thing she does.

how are you struggling with Leona?
stop picking her into poke lanes and actually play around aggro comps like Lucian,Jhin or Draven

I definately think Leona could use some work but shes not really something that needs urgent attention. her ability to all in is basically unmatched by any other support which does give her a niche of sorts

tfw bullied by early threads :/

Passionlip sona skin when?


Is this bait?

Which toon irritates you often?

If you don't know how the vitals work or can't hug a wall during fiora ult you deserve to lose and should probably kys

assblasted yasuo mains at it again
shouldnt you be in bed around this time?
Or taking selfies with your katana

Riven is cancerously good and I didn't say anything about her.

>top 5 toplaner
What does he do versus Renekton? Irelia? Darius? He even loses hard to Gangplank. You're either a Yasuo player or biased for some sort of personal reason because while Yasuo isn't weak, he's nowhere near the unstoppable force you think he is. I probably won't reply anymore.

>LeBlanc with 10% spellvamp and gunblade
>Mobi's elise with Relentless hunter



Come on now, you were just beat. Unfortunately, but fairly. Perk up.
And Kalista will get said help, in lore, one day, hopefully alongside a new champion.

When League gets popular enough in Japan and there's a Fate collaboration? That red ribbon would look nice on a her and I guess the gauntlets could form a similar shape to her instrument.


user, i always stomp Yasuo as Daruius in the early game is pretty easy

>enemy MF is at top
>we are in a 4v5 situation at mid
>team won't initiate
I just can't

why would it be bait
nice strawman
i hate yasuo but i know how to deal with him unlike you and the rest of bronze, user

>a champion that yasuo dumpsters if hes not silver trash

Lmao what

Fuck off nigger, even Hashinshin agrees Fiora should be deleted
If you have something to say come back when you are challenger

what is a sion supposed to do to scratch a yasuo


Her """"""student's"""""" sperm is swimming inside her right now, user.

it sounds like you got some trust issues there friendo.

I'm in diamond and if you play safe and wait for the Yasuo to make a mistake is pretty easy to kill him and then stomp him the rest of the game

...Why spellvamp? I thought Riot believed spellvamp was TOXIN for the game?

>blocking minions with windwall

I would hope not

being three states away is one hell of a mind warper my friend

>10 bans live in normal draft
>go play normal draft
>still old ban system

uhh.... what is up with that?

looks like you have something in common with ahrifags and that one orifag

if you only play sion around trying to hit a fully charged knock-up, the yasuo wins

if you actually realise sion's W and E are amazing poke in lane, you'll win the lane

try this: get 2 dorans rings on sion and max E

Thorin's channel is great

I don't want to think those thoughts, I'm not a degenerate who gets off to cuckoldry shit

I know how vitals work. It's RNG bullshit that decides the lane based on how often a vital appears facing fiora instead of the opposite.

oh no he got hit by a minion and took 30 damage because of his shield

to say it can be a stomp is nuts

You probably think Darius is a bad champion because you've only seen autofilled noobs play him.

The only thing Yasuo can outplay is Darius's Q, and if Yasuo isn't autoattacking + Q'ing, he's not gonna win. If Yasuo is autoattacking + Q'ing, Darius is also autoattacking, and he automatically wins once he hits 5 stacks.

Yasuo has to play flawlessly to win vs Darius, using tornado and E for one sided trades. All Darius has to do is land a hook and auto W. Not close.

>team yells at me for farming as adc
>say fuck it and group
>enemy adc and top are just farming there respected lanes
>our mid and top refuse to go into a 3v5
>waste 6 minutes with them
>enemy adc is now 2 lvls ahead and a item ahead
>they group as 5 and steamroll us
>"gg noob adc 0 farm"
I fucking hate my team for crying constantly about me not grouping, and i hate myself for listenting and not just farming

They forgot it or something

aaand now you just told me you dont know how to play sion

listen to and watch your E peel off 1/5 of yasuo's health

Holy fuck this rune reforged shit looks terrible.
>Muh free hidden power
>Muh game fantasies
>Being rewarded for nothing
This is literally a dumbed down, less customisable, increased bronze and LC$ satisfaction system.

>Darius vs Yasuo


>I got autofilled support for this Irelia


only when stackable in large numbers due to how ridiculously abusive it can be

>hit ahri with everything you got and get her to 20% hp
>she tosses a Q into the minion wave and heals back to 100% because she has 3 gunblades

But the vitals always alternate between front and back.

>273 base damage at level 9
>lol yasuo will just always have his shield up lmao

After playing Lulu do you guys ever get up and think, hey pals, i respect women? Because if you don't respect them, i will be a bit unsatisfied about that and kindly ask you to respect womens.


that's actually pretty accurate user


>Not even bothering to pretend it's League related, just outright posting off-topic cuck fantasy trash
Kill yourself. Just fucking kill yourselves already, I'm so tired of mentally-ill weirdos who don't even play the fucking game infesting and derailing this general because their social skills are so fucking impaired they cannot maintain a conversation in any environment other than videogame discussion.

>kayle with windspeaker and support items top lane
>yi and kayle just split all game and yi L I T E R A L L Y 1v9s

so did they do something this patch or is plat 2 just this horrible?

For Ezreal? Well if the leaks are true he could get a Star guardian skin

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>not picking point and click CC to stop yi
welp shoulda dodged

I think you're stuck in a season 5 time loop user

According to the words of master J.cole in the song Crooked smile, "love yourself or nobody will I don't know how you deal
With all the pressure to look impressive and go out in heels
I feel for you, killing yourself to find a man that'll kill for you
You wake up, put makeup on, stare in the mirror
But it's clear that you can’t face what’s wrong
No need to fix what God already put his paintbrush on
Your roommate yelling, "Why you gotta take so long?!"
What it's like to have a crooked smile"

Respect women.

Holy fuck what elo is that?
>Doesn't activate W until 2nd AA
>Ulted straight away
>Used more than 2 charges of ult straight away instead of at least saving it to creep hop when it's so obvious croc would run because he's 5
Jesus fuck I'm tilted

ayyyy I played against that same combination in a Normal. Was cracking up when I realized what they were doing.

>essence thief
>playing top trynd/Yi like they're actually old sion

what the fuck did they do to leblanc
how can anyone release this and think h"hey, this is fun to play and balanced"
the delays are like waiting in line at a store and some fat woman is asking for discounts

then you might want to learn to get off on it our youre in some deep shit my dude

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

t. that user's gf

I want to go swimming in you.

I'm glad you fellas respect women because I also respect women myself.

how's rek sai after the patch?

but my elo i won bot so hard its not fair that combo is unbeatable reeee

Rek kills the Lulu, thats all that matters

Your team comp is literally the best anti-split push comp I have ever seen. Zac and malphite can just force a 5v5 so your team should have deathballed mid all the way to their nexus.

Runes as they are now fucking suck dude. Customizable my ass.

>not poiting out the flash stun minion

*looks at this post*


They literally have point and click cc though

UUUUunnn i love lulu palios I want her inside me

Why the FUCK is this allowed?

Seems really strong to me
I'm surprised at how strong it seems
You do a lot of damage
Ult makes it where you can actually kill people too instead of them getting all the way all the time

>point and click CC
Who has that anymore? From the champs I used to play there was Sion, Taric and TF, but only TF still works like that. I think it's probably better for the game if there's not much of that BTW.

Is Lulu still meta? She hella cute dudes. I tried building a gargoyle plate but that lowered my damage when I activated the active.

what the fuck i had this duo in my game before

these two faggots went kayle supp and yi jg and went like 0/10 respectively

what faggot ass nigger streamer did this? nightblue? that faggot is responsible for a lot of shit


>Decided to learn Kha Zhix in Plat IV
>38% win rate after 70 games
>I'm gold 2 now

They should give her an arcade skin

Yes. Make sure you have a pokey adc like Ezreal or Caitlyn for max synergy.

>Its a everyone ignores the enemy Twitch episode

Hey guys, I'm a bit new to League of Legends, what are some great supports to learn the game? I have seen quite a bit of Lulu and Lux being posted in these generals while I lurked.

>Corki mid is horrendous
>Corki ADC is dead and burried

Given Corkis near death state, wouldnt it make sense to play him top against melees?

Maybe even splitpush with him a little?

Here's a tier list
Try and learn a support that has a hook like Thresh, Blitz or Leona otherwise support is 100% no skill and you'll learn literally nothing

>hmm I guess im laning against Zed instead of Ahri this game
>swaps out magic resist glyphs for some more armor glyphs


TF, annie, karma, morgana, malz, urgot, ryze, mao, lulu, blitzcrank, rakan


You literally cant get Leona wrong.

Soraka and Janna are cheap and effective.

pantheon, renekton(?), nautilus, annie, fiddlesticks, ryze, blitz(?), irelia(?), lee sin, LULU, skarner, urgot(?), vi
