Years after getting your license

Years after getting your license.
Do you still go for night rides in your car, just for the sake of driving?

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I never did that at any point
because my car is a milquetoast economy shitbox that exists solely to convey me to my local labor center

That about sums it up.

I wish I could, but I'm a Mexican living in an neighborhood full of other Mexicans, who each have like 5 cars, so as soon as someone leaves, someone else will take that parking space.
And It doesn't help that everyone is driving either Trucks, SUVs or Old American Landbarges.

All the time.

I had a milquetoast econobox too and I still took pride in it and drove it a lot. Don't be such a negative nancy.

In the night?

>he doesnt take his econobox to the touge and drive it at the limit

>he has to park on the street

Oh yeah, for all sorts of reasons.

Sometimes I'll take the long way to get to a fast food burger, sometimes I'll go out just because I want to hear a certain song through my car speakers, sometimes it's because I've just had an argument with my wife and so I go speeding down a windy canyon road after a few beers and a joint.

Always fun, always free.

>milquetoast econobox
>speedometer goes all the way up to 140

yup, 13 years later i still do it every time i can, especially when my friend is in town so we shift which car is used for cruising every time. He has an EVO 9 and i drive a hawkeye STI. We have shitloads of fun things happen during this times

spic drug dealers work odd shifts, I'm sure they're arriving non-stop throughout the day and night

>speeding down a windy canyon road after a few beers and a joint.

I don't get why this triggers people.

You guys are like Romeo and Juliet


haha babe it's so you can keep the stock look when u put a turbo on
not that I'd keep it lookin' stock anyway.... *winky emoji*

wow this sounds pretty homo-erotic

if it's before 11pm, they will come out just move their car, especially if the park space is close to their house.

My house is one of the few houses that has a small driveway that can only fit one car. It can fit two if they are tiny econoboxes.

It was a 4-cylinder RAV4 - the engine couldn't even maintain normal operating pressure after 190,000km - let alone with a turbo.

I don't have it anymore, but I do miss driving it. It was very comfy and handled quite well for having a higher centre of gravity. Tons of storage space inside too. As a DD it was actually better than what I have now.

nice quads mang, thing is we are the only ones who have decently powered cars from our group of friends (approx 400 whp) and we are both insane gearheads so we rather cruise around town blasting music or race on the toe-gay than sit in a bar and drink

which car is this? Interior seems pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of a porsche.

pic very relevant

kekked heartily man. good thing we live in eastern europe so our 11 year old cars still have a good influence on women so no problems with brojobs

Hahaha it's from a 2006 RAV4.

It did have 4 cylinders, so I guess it was basically a Porsche.

Do you live in Ukraine? Why aren't you fighting Putin?

its been 16 years since vice city, im 26 years old now

still dont have my license because i cant afford the $500 a month insurance in ontario :(

all my friends with cars are wage slaving just so they could drive it to work and back , and the wealthy ones are still telling us "to just travel bro , be yourself, what do you mean my father has a 7 figure income?"

Yes I do

>$500 a month insurance in ontario

I'm 28 and pay $114 for a 2011 FJ Cruiser.

When I was 23 I paid $170 for a Mazda3.

How and why the hell would you have to pay $500/month for insurance?

Did you murder someone with a vehicle at some point?

Lol I'm 24 and i pay $52 a month for a 1994 Honda Accord for AAA insurance, I have a clean record except one speeding ticket, paid in full, I didn't go to traffic school to remove the points but that is the last ticket I'll ever get.

not ukraine, balkans region. In this region both evo and sti are very rare

>tfw pending ticket for 141kmh in 100zone

>court date isn't until March 2018

Fingers crossed the stupid pig doesn't show up.

Just came back from one

currently dd an actual box
0-60 in 12
Touge in this baby every other night

Passing by cars going 40 when I'm going 70 in my toaster on a rural road is the best feeling on the face of the earth

I feel so fucking bad for this car

Anytime i feel like relaxing. I love that there is very little traffic. I love to listen to Vice City radio stations. I love driving my car.

Its so nice.

It's 3:30 in the afternoon...

Elements are great little cars though. Sure they're underpowered, but all Hondas come with gutless engines.

It's super practical, comfy, AWD, came with a manual tranny option, and they hold their resale value really well.

Mark my words, these WILL be collectible vehicles in 20-30 years.

>What are timezones

Not where I live mate

>someone is this autistic

There is only America.

I'm not complaining I love the thing c:

I've taken her to 115 on the highway before and all she did was brush her shoulders off and move on.
Maybe one of the most reliable cars I've ever owned.

whenever I get the chance.

I've had my license for 12 years, I go for night drives now more than ever.

>decide I want to go somewhere out of town to enjoy the calm of the night
>go there and leave almost immediately because I get bored, it was all just an excuse to drive

I night drive at least once a week.

>get there and it's fully of people
>everything is so busy and social
>makes you uncomfortable
>keep driving past as though you were going somewhere else all along

Fucking normies. All I want is a deserted beach to walk down while I listen to synthwave.

Once a week on average, night drives are fun.

I used to when I worked night shift, since I was already asleep during the day, I'd drive around on my days off.

I don't really do it now that I'm working a regular 9-5. My days off are the weekend, and with all these shitty drunk driving college normalfucks I'd rather not drive around on friday or saturday nights

on occasion.

Just not now though because gas just shot up in price again and I'm in commiefornia.

But damn does blasting down a mostly empty PCH with synthwave blaring on a late night feel good.

I love mexicans for a lot of things, particularly car knowledge and general blue collar know-how, but holy fuck do you guys need to stop breeding.

Its really weird whenever I have a date with a mexican qt and she mentions how she wants 5 kids. Its sad, I know her future is to stay attractive until she gets pregnant, get married to that guy, turn into a potato, then pop out kids faster than their finances can keep up so they end up cramming 10 ppl in a 3 bedroom house, and a block meant for 60 people has 300.

I hope this isn't your future user, I really do.

its a mexican thing. you cant understand

>why do third world heathens breed like animals

A question for the ages, user. Our ancestors went mad trying to answer it, and eventually decided it was just simpler to cull them all.

I'm 28, still go once every week or two. I take a 2-3 hour drive at night through the mountains. I'll probably start doing so more often next year when I move closer. I'm in the middle of the city and it's a pain to get out of town.

Wish I had twisting mountainroads where I live

>I pay $1000 a year for a 99 Suburban + apartment and travel insurance
>in Norway, a ridiculously expensive country
Jesus christ, user. What the fuck.

I have to, it's my fucking job.

6pm to 6am, every single fucking day except sundays. I sometimes feel like I'm going full on Travis Bickle.

What's your job?

Then you don't do it just for the sake of driving

>black 508 sedan
>Number plate from Paris
>drives all night because "it's his job"
Obviously some sort of Uber/Lyft/Chauffeur Privé

My Tafe college is at the base of the local hills area and I only run the touge on days where the work has been tough, and when it's not wet.

My GY Wranglers are getting pretty feathery on the back, I must admit.

>pic related, it's the touge.
My runs usually go all the way through to Mundaring. Starting from Mundaring has a mad downhill section before the north part of the weir.
>also related it's not far from where Brock wrapped himself around a tree.

All the time here, in fact just did one last night. I need a new route though. Same roads are getting old. I love driving, never haven't.

As said, half Uber, half private customer.

To be fair, unlike all the other drivers, I actually live in Paris.

Uber driver? I drive Uber too, and still have fun driving.

I used to have fun with it at first too, but after one and a half year, I'm sick of it.

There's still the occasional qt thot that wants to sit in the front and make conversation and smells nice, or the occasional american tourist that tips me 20$ for taking them the long way by the Eiffel Tower but otherwise I wish I could slam myself into oncoming traffic.

How much do you earn a month on average, and how does it compare to living expenses?
Not that I'd move to France, just curious.

Sometimes as low as 500, sometimes up to 2200ish. Expenses are 750ish per month.

Wish I had time to do that. I'm too busy when I'm working and when I'm off I'm drinking instead.

When you say drinking.
Do you mean like an alcoholic who drinks when ever he does nothing else?

Serves you right for not doing short OCI with quality oil.

dude are you me?

Absolutely I do. And during the day, also. I like to bring my girlfriend along. We go fast, listen to music, hold hands, and make fun of all the people who are /lonelydriver/.


Anytime i can

>mfw I pay 50 bucks a month for an RX7
>mfw I'm 21 with like 5-6 speeding tickets

Fuck off cuck we used to do it too. It's called demographic transition.
Strange especially since having only 1 kid could make them able to afford it a better education.

Everytime I can, at least once every week. I go out and try to best my top speed on the nearby mountains. A Twingo going WOT on the twisties around 3AM must be a funny view for anyone still awake.

>It was very comfy
you must live in arizona or something

>Fingers crossed the stupid pig doesn't show up.
A rube goldberg solution would be:
a. You're a rich person willing to create a situation to get that cop fired
b. The cop is fired for too many discrimination complaints from BLM activists
c. You're a rich person that has one of your companies hire that cop into a non-cop job.
d. You find ways to force the court to reschedule at least 3 times and then use that loophole to dismiss the citation before a 4th resched (my county rules vary from yours probably).

this attentionwhoring roastie needs to be stoned

Isn't Uber banned in France?

Yes and no. Uber itself isn't illegal, but most of it is. For example driving around while online is illegal.


All the time. Shit I'll even drive out 100 miles to cook some bacon in the forest.

Do you cook it on the exhaust manifold, or do you drive in a campervan?

Only as a test drive after I've fixed some shit that was broken

Where are you from exactly

That's pretty much what I want, and I'm a white Kiwi.
No other aspirations or talents in life. Feelsbadman.

sure do because you cant say no to a v8... v8s are made to cruise

Been driving for 12 years, had my license for 6. Always have gone out for night drives. Always will.

shit is comfy, but im losing my vision and driving at night is difficult, soon i wont be able to drive at all

I used to but not much anymore. There aren't any good driving roads where I live and I have a piece of shit Volvo that stalls if I turn the steering wheel too abruptly one way. Therefore it's only good for going in a straight line and even that is sketchy because the alignment is fucked. No canyons, no mountain roads, and the city is so fucking small that I've driven every street already. There's always some person doing 20 in a 45 and it's only a single lane.

I used to go out driving hundreds of miles in the night every single night.

I've been driving for 10 years now and the last time I did was maybe 6 months ago.
I wanted to the other week but just didn't.
I'm going to get another car running 'soon' so I imagine I'll take that one out for night rips for a while.
I guess the wear, maintenance, fuel, tickets, and time just wear on you after a while.

I would if my damn oil pressure switch wasn't pissing oil all over the place.


Literally just did this Saturday Night. Cruised around Columbus during the game. I think we did about 100 miles on 270 and other nearby byways. Feels good mang.

Not since I sold pic related, god I miss that car and every bit of the turd-like 155 hp.

tfw cruising wide open highways at 130 km/hr with no traffic at all at 3 am with the soothing green glow of the LCD digital dash

What do you drive now?
Most cars should be able to sit at 130km/h for longer periods

Even worse, it's secluded except for a couple that's fucking in their car.
I used to go out of town to study/read books in my car because I could focus on just that without distractions, had around 4-5 places I'd go to and I'd occasionally find people fucking.
Worst experiences was seing a man's fat hairy ass and some thot wiping the cum that was dripping onto her inner thigh and down her leg.

Find some new places then?

Have done once or twice but it's not much fun in a 1.6
When I eventually give in and get something with more power than a wet fart and that is actually comfy then I imagine I will

That little 1.6 equiped car is your friend.
Go give it a tank of V-power and drive a long ride the whole night.
Don't blow it off just because the engine is small

Not quite, but a thunderstorm rolled through yesterday as I was leaving work and I wound up cruising around till sunset just enjoying the comfiness.