Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

>The Edge (not from U2) edition.

What's new?


Thrall's rework imminent.

>Patch notes May 31, 2017

>Year Two of Heroes of the Storm

>2017 S1 rewards will be raptors mounts

>D.Va spotlight

>Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Now live

>For New Players
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm

>How to get good at everything in life

>Which heroes should I buy?
Anything but Nova

>Official Community Resources, Guides, and Tips
>Talent Calculators, Statistics, Youtubers, and more

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes

>Pleb lists

>Where can I find you dota reject feeders?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat


Other urls found in this thread:


I love cocks

Alchemist Hero when


who will be the next tittymonster added?

Based on this shit, what should I play before season ends?


Shit taste

Lune when?



I swear to god 80% of deaths in this game can be avoided if

A) Nobody tried to fight at 33% HP or when they're in a group and have less combined %HP than the opponent's group
B) Nobody tried to roam or splitpush in deep territory midgame with no huge escape
C) Nobody tried to run under the enemy towers in laning phase to catch that one 30% HP enemy who then throws a parting shot and with the help of the towers gets the kill instead.

Legit, looking at replays that's what most deaths are


Switch between Dehaka and Abathur

I wouldn't complain about the girls we already have but I am curious if Blizzard has any obscene over the top titty monsters. The only one I can think of is the warcraft naga with breasts the size of her head.

Here's a list of people who should kill themselves.

With Malthael's passive, he could instant kill someone from 38% health.

>Thought Gul'dan only talked about essence if there was an Dehaka on his team
>Turns out it's actually a line that just plays whenever

disappointing desu

Abathur buffs when


So what's the verdict on Last Rites? It doesn't seem that great

More? I don't feel confident about his most recent changes
Sounds like a good plan, always wanted a good reason to learn Abathur

Good taste user. I would be your little girl.

Marco Polo died so we can enjoy the copypasta

>Play Gul'dan
>Take circle at 20
>Always use it to disappear the moment before the core explodes

I love how there's no fanfare when it happens, it's like Gul'dan was just a figment of everyone's imagination.


>what's the verdict on this character than was announced like 9 hours ago and isn't even on PTR yet

>instant kill anyone under 33% HP every 15 seconds
wow shit ability

>cursed bullet except you don't have to use it before anything happens and it's not a skillshot and it has cdr
>/bronzeg/ thinks this is bad

That's his thing. He's very proficient at killing things. He'll be broken as fuck in some cases. Every basic attack is 10% of a thing's health. Pair that with say a stim drone or bloodlust, and he's becomes a serious threat to everything.


ANOTHER fucking demotion.
its LITERALLY impossible to climb in forced 50

It's functionality is basically 100% spelled out, numbers and everything other than cooldown

I just can't imagine something that's only useful for someone who's about to get bursted or just barely escapes being that good

>More? I don't feel confident about his most recent changes
I'm gonna fucking tell you to keep playing Anubarak every time you post your meme image

It's a near guaranteed finisher, but his other ultimate also has good combo potential.

Holy shit, that illidan farmed mercs all game right?

i actually won as ragnaros with zeratus AND illidan against cho'gall and cho'gall team
stop playing sissy roles

>cursed bullet except it is telegraphed and on a delay
it gets stopped by everything that stops pyroblast, also known as 'The Worst Ultimate In The Game Becasue Everyone Just [PROTECTED]s It'

You forgot (You)

10% of someone's health... eventually. And I'm sure continuing to attack would just refresh it. If it's just his Trait ticking you can kill someone in 40 seconds. I'm sure he'll have great talents that also increase his AA damage since he doesn't look like he has much in ability.

>enemy morales
>untouchable, keeps everyone alive, stim is on point

>me playing morales
>keep getting killed, can't switch heal on time, stim the tank

feels bad failing at playing a medium difficulty support

learn to smartcast baka

yeah that 10% might be neat for bullying sololaners but in teamfights he is just Shitty Melee-Ranged Lunara with slightly more damage

Did they buff tassadar or something? months without seeing him and he's been in like 20 games i've played today

Haha wow upvoted muh R.eddit brethren!

90% lifesteal boy

>play with Veeky Forums
>always a Lili on the team

When obsession becomes detrimental to the experience, it is time to uninstall.

His shield lifesteal and AA damage got buffed. 90% lifesteal with the talent is disgusting.

>Every basic attack is 10% of a thing's health
Completely untrue because so far, it doesn't stack and if it ever does, pretty sure it's gonna be as early as level 16 or 20 via talents.
So it's 10% of a thing's health assuming you can auto attack (melee range + assassin's healthpool + no escape) every 4 seconds.

He'll shred melee tanks in the lane, but his waveclear also seems pretty bad so far with so much of his damage being % based, but you bet he'll have some damage increase of trait vs minions & mercs.

>90% lifesteal
Oh boy

+3 on auto attacks
Life steal on shield from 30% -> 45%
Life steal on shield talent from 60% -> 90%


Oh good I can't wait for Tassadar/Support/Tracer in every game again.

dont forget his attack speed is 4 or 5 per second so that translate to 12 or 15 aa buff

>gets level 20
>is now tall enough to be a real hero

Isn't that why they tuned him down in the first place?

He's gonna be a glass cannon, low enough health and he'll have to pick ever encounter carefully and the enemy team just can't stay out on nearly as low health.

This isn't a bloodseeker situation where he's gonna be invulnerable unless he's being pampered by his soup

Another hero to add to the collection of Cho'gall bullying

reminder that tass's lifesteal doesn't say "to the primary target", and works on cleave attacks

Honestly he'd probably be really good at poke depending on how long his cooldowns are. Tapping multiple people with the wave would eventually create an all in opportunity.

We don't actually know if it stacks or not. I can see there being a late game talent that lets it stack if it doesn't baseline.

pyroblast takes two seconds to cast and competes with an instant cast ult that does the same amount of damage

Just like any lifesteal in HotS.
Hammer's talent heals her from her splash damage.

They have totally reworked him since then. Khala's embrace is gone forever and the shield has much worse uptime. It'll still be strong but nowhere near as strong as pre-rework tass with 90% lifesteal shields would've been.

many lifesteal talents specify "to the primary target"

Exactly what I said.

remember when hammer's splash attacks used to reduce the cooldown of focused attack

you could be critting on every attack if you shot at a hero inside a minion wave

It should be noted that Last Rites, while telegraphed, is faster than Pyroblast. Pyroblast a has a 2 second windup and then travel time. Last Rites is an instant cast and then 2 seconds to go off.

think reaper will be a skin for this new assassin? they both dual wield and have a reaper theme

Yes it is.

Pyroblast is probably still better. You can cast it at the start of the fight to get the most value out of it. Especially on some squishy target.

If you're losing a fight Last Rites does nothing for you.

*tips Cleanse*


>cleanse prevents damage

The only counterplay would be a PROTECTED or Invulnerable.


You have one tick to do it (approximately 3 frames @ 60fps) but if you use a teleporting/very fast dash ability when it hits you, you won't take damage from pyroblast.

Fo sho. Same roles. Same motif. Same body shape. I doubt it'd take till his fourth skin to get it.

>hit masters
>games are painful and boring now
>barely feel like playing
I feel like going back to dota 2. How's it doing?

Don't bother. Volvo is in their 'changes for the sake of changes' mood.

The newest patch is a shit show

The thing about last rites is that you get pretty bad value if you target an assassin / support with a low healthpool, it doesn't finish off the target and the two seconds delay gives the target plenty of time to stand back, or get some health back with lifesteal/heals which will reduce the damage.
It's a tank/bruiser finisher at best and those aren't priority targets.
Let's see the cooldown.

Or shields.
Tyrael/tassadar OP.

I'm going to guess its cooldown is 90 seconds. If you shave off 5 seconds every kill, that means you'd need 15 kills to bring it down to 15 seconds. Which is fairly consistent with other quest talents like that.

>medium difficulty
um, sorry to tell you this user...

Just me or has QM MM got noticeably worse?

>Her eyes are bigger than her boobs
>She looks terrible without the SPESS MUHREEN power armor
Have weebs gone too far?

It feels looser definitely. I've had weird compositions on both teams. Before it seemed to at least try and keep them equal. Like if my team had 2 warriors, 2 assassins and a Support it'd usually match me up with that.

One is ultra satisfying, however. While another just fizzles out.

>post yfw you read the new heroes trait

>Throwing pyroblasts at chimp Genjis and Zeratuls who have been harassing you all game

No better feeling.


>at genji
What could go wrong?


try me !
haha again ?
mada mada

>Throwing a pyroblast at a not shit genji.
>He can deflect if not on cooldown
>cybernetic agility if timed okay-ish which is easy
>dash if well timed
>x-ult if he missed both of those

Not a lot because I'm not a dipshit who does it until I see him use reflect or I know for a fact I can lapse him

Just throw a small breeze at him, watch him blow up-- in the air.

zeratul can dodge it with blink too if he has good timing

cast time of pyro is longer than the stun duration of tornado because this game is for casual babbies and has no real cc in it

He can still dash two miles away and wait for the CD to come off. All it is, is a 100 second cooldown to zone genji out for 10 seconds or so

There's literally no way you can spin using pyroblast on a hero with protect as a good idea

Fucking awful. Imagine any bad balance change you can think of in this game, then multiply it by 11. And then they never change it back.
If you haven't been around since 7.00 came out, Dota is now literally just a terrible version of this game.

>no real cc
>mosh pit
>zarya gravity zone
>varian taunt
>plenty of 2 seconds stuns
What did he mean by this?