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Happy birthday, Goro!

Last thread: NEWS
>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

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I love Ann!


Best woman, best wife, best cake.

Add more date events to P5!
Teaching Sadayo how to make coffe and curry!
Teaching Sadayo how to make infiltration tools!
See Sadayo go pray at the shrine for Joker!
See Sadayo cry when she finds out I turned myself in.
Go on a hot springs date with Sadayo where she washes my back and I wash her hair then we get in a mixed bath together!
Go on a formal date with Sadayo where she wears a fancy dress and gets all dolled up just for you!
Joker moves back to Tokyo after finishing high school and is living together with Sadayo!
Eating Traditional Japanese breakfast with Sadayo!
Go fishing with Sadayo on Sundays and catch the Guardian together!
Visiting Sadayo at her place!
Going home together with Sadayo!
Sadayo visiting Joker's family!
Joker visiting Sadayo's family!
Joker proposing in front of all his friends!
Traditional wedding "Happily Ever After" timeskip event!


Goro a slut

Girimehkala is here to support you.


>You will never make Rise addicted to your big gaijin cock
>You will never cuck Yu
Why even live

Happy birthday Goro! (niptime)

How is Goro celebrating his bday?

Phantom is from Sumaru City!

Forbidden lovemaking with Kawakami in the gym storage room after school!

robot is forever!!

Where will the phantom thieves be 10 years from now?

I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

Why is this little robot so cute?

>How is Goro celebrating his bday?
He's decomposing in a grave

It was an invitation to join back with the team and help defeat Shido, not a cleaning of the slate and Akechi walks free.

Why is Akechi's boss fight so stupid


This is lewd and I like it.

Nobody here has played Persona 2, old man

Yeah he is. Why do you bring him up?

With his good friend Joker!

That's a really cute Futaba. Do you have any more?

Happy Birthday Goro!


By being dead

>Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

Shouldn't it be Persona 5 The Resurrection of Akechi Goro?

Happy birthday Goro!

Mommy loves you!

Wrong. List FIVE REASONS why Goro is a slut.

>alive ten years from now

yeah nah

he's a magic cat


he's a magic car

Would it be too much trouble to upload it all onto a Mega link?

1. Loves pleasing Joker for free
2. Loves pleasing Shido for free
3. Loves pleasing old men for money
4. Loves pleasing Sae for sushi
5. Loves pleasing Yusuke for a discount

play a real shaun megaman tonsil game dorks

With delicious pancake's in the attic of Leblanc, someone has to hide out up there while Joker's gone

Why does it seem as if the vast majority of people did not understand the final scene between Akechi and the PT?

Haru literally says word for word "I have no intention of forgiving you for what you did to my father, but I sympathize with you"

How are people still this retarded in thinking the PTs are forgiving Akechi and ignoring everything he's done when the characters themselves admit they're not doing that?

If you were a good mommy, you'd be stock piling all the Birthday Goro images from the twitter fujos.

Futaba a Cute-aba

When Digital Devil Saga 1&2 are re-released in HD

He died in a Palace, his corpse got retgone.

To pull off your crimes you must've had to sleep... Anything to say? ANSWER ME!

Akechi should have just died

Makoto is love
Makoto is life
Makoto WILL be my wife!

>snipe cripple apt pupil Torumpetah with One Shot Kill

Because after he sacrifices themselves they start blaming Shido for everything and outright let go of the whole thing the minute Shido is defeated

The fact that when Shido brings Akechi up, they all jump to his defense, is enough to present that they care about him.

So when he comes back and Shido's already locked away for everything, they'll let it slide and probably take him on their comfy beach trip

Probably because "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!"

That and butthurt abuse victims getting mad that people feel bad for Akechi and not them.

How does each girl smell?

He did, there was no reason for it to be ambiguous. Both Futaba & Morgana said he was killed.

>i sense pathos

what did he mean by this?


Short answer: they're retarded

Long answer: They want more reasons to shit on Akechi/his writing execution by believing he got off scot free by the PT when in reality they were just trying to get him the fuck out the way before they beat Shido

Vapequeen99 here my sister apoligized for throwing out my vapes and is letting me make more cool videos for you guys.

Today I'll be reviewing the hotsmoke luxury, and a pair of Victoria secret panties sent in by a patreon donater 'kobayakawaii'!!!


He can feel Marie's poetry nearby.

>Because after he sacrifices themselves they start blaming Shido for everything and outright let go of the whole thing the minute Shido is defeated

That's not true at all. They acknowledge that Akechi was behind the murders and the psychotic shutdowns, but that Shido was pulling the strings all along. Shido was the mastermind behind all of it.

They defend Akechi when Shido brings him up because like Haru says, they sympathize with him. They don't forgive all the horrible shit he's done, but they sympathize with the troubled life he's had due to rotten adults, because they can all relate to that in some way, and Shido killing his own son after he's done with him just further rubs salt in that rotten adult wound.

I'm far too drunk right now but thanks for reminding me to do that! I must be a good mommy!

Loving Goro on his Birthday!
Baking him a cake and decorating it like a pancake!
Having him make a wish!
Opening gifts that I handpicked just for him!
Taking him out for expensive sushi!
Weird fetish sex!
Snuggling him to sleep at night after a good day!

Yusuke will be a struggling artist
Ryuji will work some low end job
Haru will be a housewife
Ann will be a JAV star
Makoto will cop and never rise up in the ranking s
Futaba will be a streamer with a patreon
Goro will be dead or on the run
Morgana will be dead
Joker..... idk

Whether or not Akechi gets let off for everything, serves time or just doesn't come back at all is up to Atlus. Speculation is nice, but this conversation's been had way too many times now.

Let's just wait and see and post CUTE LAVENZA'S!


>waifufag tries to stop actual discussion from taking place
Never fails, does it?

Here's a depressing image for your drunken troubles.

Fuck Lavenza

For the source of everything in my life, Chihiro Fushimi!

>feeling threatened by a waifufag

Morgana is literally alive because the PTs cognition. He'll likely live as long as someone remembers him, so potentially forever.

>Ann is just french fries and onion rings because AMERICA

Hello my friends and welcome to kitagawas vlog #1
I am Yusuke kitagawas a struggling artist in Shibuya. Today I will be sneaking into the female toilets in shujins academy to see if I could cast some inspiration on the beauty of the female body.
Please like, comment and subscribe and donate to my patreon as I spent the last bit of money I had on this camera.

I thank you for your time

Which is your favorite?

Birthday sex!


>Gorofags think that was an actual discussion and not just them being retarded

Did he even say half of the non-Persona lines in this video?

Were they just unused or did I miss some specific scenarios?


Do I have to tell you little fuckbags again? Drop the stupid topic, drop all the stupid inane fucking topics and talk about LAVENZA!

Well, not FOREVER, probably until the last Phantom Thief dies.

Feeding the neet!

Nobody gives a shit about Lavenza. She's only in the game for like 2 fucking hours.

>Saw Goro's birthday announced right before I had to leave for work
>come home after work
>my twitter is full of Goro birthday images
>there's even a goro birthday tag on twitter

Jesus I'm still not done saving either.

Best country for best girl.
I'd say Make Ann Great Again, but she already is.

>driving in mementos
>alone with ryuji, ann and joker out on a date and the rest of the party went to a water park without him
>morgana laughs at one of his dumbass jokes and loses focus for a second
>crashes into a wall at full speed
>ryuji ejected, hits his head pretty hard
>morgana fades from existence
>ryuji trapped in the depths with no memory of how he got there
>party never finds out what happened

Except they didn't?

You sound like a good mommy. I will also be having a toast to Goro's birthday.


lavenza pls go

Literally who?

alternate universe where giraffes became the dominant mammal


How would they be during their wife/gf/baby mama's pregnancy?

Designer brand perfume, very expensive
Mostly has her natural smell with a common brand perfume
Like soil
Smelly neet

Where's the Goro birthday tag?

Someone write a fic where Morgana and the last phantom thief die together :(

While I never have one solid favorite, there are some I am more attached to than others.

Here's one I like that I don't post a whole lot

Maybe, but he's got a long life ahead of him. With how cognition works, maybe he finds someone else down the line that will keep him in their thoughts, thus keeping him alive even after all the PTs die.

And if not, well, he probably wouldn't want to live anyway if all the PTs died.

This disrespect of Lavenza is not allowed you shitbag eating simpletons

Your Groo posting and your plot debates are not welcome in this world

Haru and Joker celebrating with Goro!

Only Joker would get as far as actually impregnating a girl.

Her voice is also worse than Caroline's and Justine's. Probably the most grating voice in the game, considering it's just the C&J voice really poorly attempting to be high pitched

Akechi will not become a dindu. Screencap this.

Sup you pathetic pieces of shits. It's your favourite pick up artist sugimaru!!!! I haven't been making too many videos lately but I've been getting loads of pussies like always. Today I'm gonna show you how to get a girl blind drunk and fuck her without being accused of rape!
Like comment and subscribe. No need to donate, I ain't no poor fag.


Who is this person you keep posting?