LEague of LEgends-l0LG log lollg lo

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#zamph #dota2 #epic

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I want to FUCK Xayah, and I want her bf to be there to watch!

2nd for Veigar a best


Can't he join?

What champ is the shittiest and trashiest and bottomest and uselessnest right now? I think it is probably Singed

>Has to rely on a cheesy as fuck build to stay semi-relevant in lanning phase
>Passive is a fucking joke
>Q is the only damage ability and it is fucking inconsistent since its mechanic relies on people being retarded
>W might as well not exist with its shit tier cc
>E is fun but after awhile you realize that you cant really catch anyone with it since everyone and their mother has a dash / blink / better speedboost and all it takes is a minor cc to render you useless
>R speedboost is actually isnt that good and is power creeped by everything nowadays

I feel that he would be more viable if they give him some sorta innate speedboost like Warwick or a small slow in his Q. The way Singed is now he is way too item reliable Inbe4 some retards reply with m-muh proxy

Early Rivens!

How can a girl have sex with two people at once? Are you dumb?

Why do people make art depicting her as busty and fertile when in reality shes a flat tumblr whore


When is Viktor going to confess his love for CASSIOPEIA?

give me your best funnies

Who said he was having sex with her?

I'll give him a moment with her, just long enough to realize how stretched she is to the point she can't even feel him.



i wanna play a vg vs vg!!

i wanna see them have cute mechanical snake children :3

Tell me a secret

been playing like shit since im already gold and i no longer care about climbing since i got my free skin and champion by the end of the season ;^) it's funny since alot of people down here in gold get surprised when they feed their asses off and try to blame it on literally everyone else

>people giving the tripfag attention by posting in his early thread
I really don't know why you guys don't just stick to fucking reddit if you really want names that much and to jerk off people's egos.

sorry that's not happening

Why? Do you enjoy playing with trash or getting your face raped by Diamondfags with your full Silver team or something?

>ball of stats: the champion
>useless and trashiest
Ehhh no.

Maybe azir though.


i do like getting my face raped but that's not why

At the end of last season I got boosted from Bronze 1 to Silver V. I had a 65% winrate so I would have made it myself but It was at the same time as my exams and I needed to study

>I-i need quality thread for my semi porn and shit posting need mum :(((

Go back to /b/

i want shyvana to BREED me via reverse MATING PRESS

Real thread this way

I'm one of the worst lewdposters here. If you ever see a shitpost involving impreg/fertility there's a high chance it's me.


Post sad Lulus if you want me to be happy

Dr. Mundo exists and you typed all of that horseshit

>thread wars
unamused frog


>ywn see viktor and cass make little robot masters

life sucks

Isn't really a debate since this one broke the rules of being made 20 fucking posts early. But you mouth breathing newfag redditors don't understand that.

Your ball of stat doesnt do shit because there is no way for you to use it

>Try to engage
>Cant catch anyone because you are out-mobilitied hard by everyone nowadays

If you build tanky and you are gonna be ignored because your damage literally tickle ass, if you build full damage you are gonna be wiped off the fucking earth because you are a fucking PURE MELEE squishy champ walking in the middle of the enemy team

Mundo deals fuck load of damage while having sustain out of his ass. That nigga is still strong as fuck. Your lanning phase is fucking safe since you can just chuck Q all day everyday

>sandnigger ekko skin feels so smooth than project ekko

is this real?

why are you so mad that your epic cropped porn thread isn't being used

new gen Veeky Forums users are so pathetic

Fuck off dude
Nobody ever moves and both threads get deleted every fucking time
I would care more if the mods cared enough to properly moderate (hold on let me apologize before I get banned again)

>hey bro join our discord so we can voice chat
>there's a girl speaking

Why does Reksai get so wrecked just trying to clear the jungle?

I've been playing around with Reksai in the practice tool and it's funny how easy it is to get executed to the raptors.


>Dis one is two low qualityz for mah elitism needz
>Use mah shitty cropped porn thread instead xddd

Raptors are pretty strong in the nu-jungle and she's one of those weak early game champs. Clear red and then right to blue or wolves.

Any of these worth saving anons?

She does? I thought with all that AOE and sustain she is on the faster side of jungle clearing

Usually i ignore raptors early game anyway

He's not even the OP

I am

I just made the thread as a backup because mods most of the time delete threads where the subject is different from the usual

You're trolling. His ult gives him a major buff to his MS, his main summoner is ghost, and one of his core items gives him like a 150 MS for moving towards an enemy, then slows them upon reactivation. He is objectively the fastest champion in the game mid-late. You can't kite him.

>gonna be ignored because your damage
It's not immediate like someone like Darius but it definitely stacks and hurts ADCs like hell, given 5 seconds. It's a very strong thing to zone the backline and it also slows coupled with rylais.
Watch a damn high elo singed sometime, man.

The only good ones are Ori, Brand, Mal, Leona, Varus

Rest can be scrapped

Both Tryndamere skins

>Why does Reksai get so wrecked just trying to clear the jungle?
>she's one of those weak early game champs

Just have someone leash you at raptors and you will be fine.

Ever since I hit plat 1 I've been getting really bad ranked anxiety and it's making it really hard to climb cause I always end up choking during key moments in the game

To add to Singed has even been used in the LCS somewhat frequently in the past few months. Surely pros aren't just fucking around though?

even the veigar one? I own final boss but really cant seem to get a shard for champs I am playing atm (Lucian , wukong , wawrick diana )

What skins would you suggest for them

Isn't that true for almost every Project skin in the game?

I'm torn between not wanting anything to do with people and desperately wanting company lately.

I wouldn't bother with Raptors on most junglers until level 3. You need to kill the small ones first though. Also to the guys that have actually played her, have you been going Lethality, AD, or Attack Speed reds on her?

Well lulufag?

So eveything but the udyr and anivia? what desu D:


Valentine is best






You pick Akali

I start the raptor camp and I just smite it
Would not go lethality
After warrior you should build either titanic or black cleaver


I wanna cuddle Jinx and make her feel loved and happy

>Clearly not bloods or crypts skin


800g and Mundo literally becomes a melee creep
>That nigga is still strong as fuck
What the hell are you smoking?

Vivi would slap that little nigger.

Vivi is best ff character.


Would not take as reds because it's not going to be a better clear early I guarantee you which is really the only thing you need to think about when making rune pages for junglers.


>enemy fails early invade
>our botlane gets a double kill before minions spawn
>they recall and buy items
>"whew, looks like our team got a nice lucky break" i think to myself
>somehow our botlane dies almost instantly up returning to lane
>they proceed to be irrelevant the rest of the game
Jesus Christ, why does botlane attract the biggest idiots?

> says as he posts a jojo image

>nonstop lulu posts

yep lolg is SOOOOO much better

He gets out mobilitied HARD. Speed boost is a fucking joke incompare with dash / blink. Singed is guaranteed unable to catch any Ap champs nowadays because you know what? EVERYONE BUILDS FUCKING BANSHEE VEIL so your only target is the AD and even then they can still dodge your shit with Night Veil

Here is the scenerio most of the time

>Singed pops his shit
>Get his face raped by the enemy's front line
>Ad start shooting
>He somehow waddle past them
>Get exhausted by their support
>Ad keeps shooting
>Get some what close to AD but not quite close enough to E
>Ad dash away / keep kiting you
>Their support cc you while their front line keep your team back
>This is the part where you either waddle back like the shitty champ that you are or die right here and there

Ryze is pretty useless right now.

This is the kind of people I have to play with and against why do I even bother

>so your only target is the AD and even then they can still dodge your shit with Night Veil
>ADs building night's veil

>she ends up being total braindead trash who knows nothing about video games
every time

Ryze clears wave fast as fuck though, and instant root cant go wrong

is death's dance good on renekton?


>Doesnt buy an item that renders a champ useless

It is like saying that you dont buy Executioner against Mundo / Swain

>play ryze
>do damage
>ulti is useful
>cc for my team
Don't get how this guy is supposed to be bad other than it's fairly important to hit your skllshots

> cabj
river papu
> hit your skillshots
excuse me

Nobody's going to build night's veil to counter fucking singed dude

>bot gives jungler so much shit for not ganking
>he is up top consistently getting kills
>decide to wander down bot
>get 1 kill
>get 2 honors and positivity sent my way whole match

Is Renekton meta right now? Why is there so many niggers playing him lately

ADs don't build night veil which is what I said to begin with. AP laners aren't buying night veil for him either. You can't escape a singed in a running contest, not even a Riven or Ahri or Hecarim.

>exhausting singed
Okay since I know your elo now, I can't safely say that you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about. He builds tank and minor bits of damage. You only way you're keeping singed from ass fucking the backline is with hard CC. Even if he gets cc'd he's getting back there after.
>dying on singed after 25 minutes

cause no one wants to sit there and get poked by jayce

xth for breast metal waifu

>Doran's Ring passive is now Unique
That's hilarious to me

By the way I'm at a con, and I'm planning to post pictures of all the League cosplayers I see via imgur, so be ready for that on Sunday



>gold ranked game
>our velkoz says something in korean pregame lobby
>think nothing of it
>shoves his wave as he hits level 6 and sets up a dive bottom
>says he's KR diamond
>flames our full dmg rengar top who gets fb'd top and basically ints the entire match
>does /ff and flames rengar every time he dies while shotcalling in between
>flames our adc after he leaves him to 2v1 the other mid and vayne (which he barely wins with a crazy flash outplay), starts /ff again
>shotcalls us to a win while raging at all of us
>enter postgame lobby
>check dmg charts
>both adc's 45k dmg
>he did 80k
I don't even know how he played as amazing as he did while typing so much.

What's his end game

Its the same shit as always:
>Riot nerfs a champ that was barely played.
>Community says he is unplayable now
>They revert the nerf
>Suddenly everyone thinks the champ is good



riot really fucked up when they changed aram. its so unfun, that i stopped playing and started playing heroes of the storm, and its actually pretty fun
