/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1661

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for June:
5/31 - 6/8 - Little Skyfarer a la Sacre Blumiel!
6/9 - 6/21 - iM@S Collab
6/22 - 6/29 - Guild War (Dark)
6/30 - Story event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread

Nice Scathpit.

What's the exact percentage on Kaguya's DMG Cap Boost?


I want Arcanum to come back, and more solo content.

0-4 post own baha HL and leech it
5-9 go back to botting for anat like I should have

I have coda dagger now.

Go for the sword next or gun for wind pool?

Too bad it will be blocked by insufficient ssr fodders and scales.

You think graphos would let me fuck sara? He'll just float off to one of the corners and watch, right?

How is it possible that shes wearing less than other Erunes?

Get the sword, the gun is such an unbelievably minor upgrade over the dagger for wind, especially considering your erunes are missing out on the baha modifier.

Have to leave the slime room. Thanks for the hosts.

join me and build coda gun for your wind harvin gunslinger team!

According to doujins, yes. In one doujin, Sara even gets Graphos to restrain Gran

As long as she consents you're good to go.

Otherwise the ass being pounded will be yours, by Graphos' sand dick.

And we all know that doujins are canon.

You have to post it now, user.

charlotta is so cute de arimasu

>not the best overall element in the game

As promised, but like I said I'm going to leech.



Water is light with more damage.

>you'll never have Lennah massage your back and shoulders after coming home from work, as you bore her with your troubles, though she seems to listen intently and encourage you with words, her soft voice and dexterous fingers unwinding your stress, and you can't help but thank the gods you have such a person in your life, to help keep your feet on the ground and to support you unconditionally.

why even live, anons...

for the first time I've hit platinum in the journey drop store, am I a no-lifer now?

Are the Lumiel Knights from Albion?

You mean the worst.

No, the Lumiel Knights are from Lumiel. It's... in their name.

Lumiel is another strong country like Erste, we just never visit it.

>steal mvp in a raid
>try posting good work sticker
>post phalanx instead
I bet he host was pretty confused.

Do I want to be in 10k or 100k bingo rooms? Trying to get those gun stones.

help please?

>yuki a f2p lightlord nearly beats milkuu a giga whale everytime


Every time.


Crit, TA, DA.

you mean third?

Give me easy (You)s too


For EVERY character:

>Debuff chance if you need to hit them
>Crit, unless you are a beginner using a single element for everything, then you can pick DA
>Check if the skill is good, if it is pick it.
>DA if you didn't pick it yet

2/18 bring literally everything

>Want Scatha but the same time i need my crystals because summer's coming up

Here's one on the house

You should take crit before TA, and you forgot about elemental damage up.

>implying the skill is ever good

Can I leech too?

yes, i'm already in with my pendant team


Sorry user looks like I will be building the gun after the sword.

none, poker it

>this 2/18 baha HL will fail before even getting a full party

Thanks for the slime room user.

>finished grinding creeds, coop items, steel bricks, the last 10 distinctions
>still need to farm out 20 distinctions for my first class
Ahhhhhhh it never ends

Thanks for joining

>implying anyone will join with a leeching host

Element Damage
Good Skill
Bad Skill

>not having the distinctions you need for 4 classes by the time you get all of the ones for the weapon

The timegate wasn't all bad I guess

I would but my pendants are maxed.

Yukikaze is in!
Get your free horns

>still 2 people

Post list

With the way things are going, I guess i'll be building a harp grid for my light team.

I started this game yesterday

what should I be doing

Quit while you still can.

whale now!

Stop before you're in too deep

story getting to rank 30 to leech Omega-tier raids

shitpost on /gbfg/

having fun

The wiki with the faq on the op should have a starter guide, also the pastebin contains a ton of info for whatever you may need to know.

>still 2/18

who's in?

reroll for your wife


Post the raid list then

thanks dudes

well I'll do my best

I did

So post her! Also star her!

fap to the doujins
beato and magisa doujins are recomended

Don't you trust me user?


>darkniggers every time a HL Baka leechlist is posted

yuki + pub = win, just pub it

any guild war guild wants me? i started my account during the fire vespa queen event. i am hardcore

Is Earth good right now?

Yeah it's filled with cute boys.

For a given value of good.

It's currently the worst element, so no. But it isn't the worst by much.

People meme about it enough. I have Alexial too, so I hope the meming has some truth to it.

Strongest element right now

Current Element Rankings:

Earth > Dark > Water > Light > Fire = Wind

Me on the left

who is the strongest earth in /gbfg/

that's a good question but the real question is which of earth's GW characters is better?

That's not wind or light.

its garbage, but with sarasa 5* goes from zero to hero

dont fall for the omoshiroi meme



>Water is suddenly good just because it got an ultra-whale weapon
Nice meme

>using echoes for the first time


Will octokeks ever recover?

you're mum

Dark > Double 5* GW Water > Wind = Light > Fire > Water > Earth

You mean two top tier 5* GW characters. Murgleis are just the cherry on top.

I sometimes wonder if people here intentionally say the opposite from truth to fuck over people.

Nah it's good because Uno 5*