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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Remember to ignore and report shitposters.

Yes really.

Elder Thread:

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This thread is for goats
Post goats
Preferably not terrorists


how to achieve this level of perfection

post marshmallows


Is Skyrim unofficial high resolution patch will conflict with my current texture mods?

You still didn't fix the eyes.

The escaped criminal one is just fucking retarded, you need to beat down the enemy until he kneels and you walk him back to the jarl or some shit. Just way too easy to accidentally kill him which fails the quest. The Slay Undead quest, in my experience, sends you to either the cave where you find Serana or a Dragon Priest cave in Solstheim like 90% of the time.

no. Mods in the last order will override the first one

Wasn't there a fix for it to eliminate those issues

Damn, alright. That's good to know. Thanks.

Please someone upload the GOG DRM free version of Oblivion.

Oh right, that just removed the escaped criminal option. The rest of the quests still bring out the worst of the Radiant™ engine.


eye lids have a layer of flesh where the hair doesn't grow, user.

Yes, I see. Thank you.

Good God. Your waifu a literal shit. Dont ever post her here ever.

Post Character Evolutions

peter puffer from start to finish

>hair doesn't grow out of his eyeballs

You know, I bust my ass making skyrim mods. I'll be damned if somebody calls me a fuckhead knowing full well I can't say anything back and still gets to use my work without consequence, because if I get banned, I can't upload files anymore, and any record of the success of the work(which is a nice little trophy for my wall) gets erased. If he gets banned, he essentially just loses the right to comment on files.

You're not a mod author. Your opinion of how things affect us is completely uninformed.

What is clear from our end is that the community is becoming increasingly toxic toward creators and the Nexus mods are doing their best to find a good compromise to keep us happy. Because every one of your favorite authors has gotten that one comment that makes them just seethe and has considered deleting everything and just using other people's work instead of making their own. We've all thought about it, and we talk about it on a regular basis.

If you want your "free speech" back(I look at it more as the ability to talk to the author directly, you DO have other places where you can review stuff where nobody can stop you), you need to convince the community to start being more respectful in general to mod authors. Because we can just stop modding. Lord knows my general temperament would be better if I didn't get called a dick 5 times every day by some random troll 2000 miles away, and if I quit then I wouldn't have to deal with that anymore. Then nobody wins.

You talk about the community needing to be able to trust the authors, but what you forget is that the community has long ago lost OUR trust. That's why the system was put in place. So we could honestly give a fuck about you trusting us.

Eye lids also aren't 5 meters thick.

Try changing "langnum: 1" to "langnum: 0" in Settings.json at data\SKSE\Plugins\StorageUtilData\NiOPA\
In the translation file, 1 is for Japanese, 0 is for English iirc

>tfw only made 1, maybe 2 good waifus since starting with this waifu meme last year


What meme?

waifuism in general. I've been playing Elder Scrolls games since 2007, and modding them since 2009, but only got into waifu stuff last year.

It's not the eyelids, it's the entire orientation of the eyes. The outside corners of her eyes sink unrealistically into her head.

Post-hardcore Ward was the best.

where da broofs

you're complaining why anime faces are unrealistic, user.

If the issue were fixed, she would still look as anime as she does now. Except she wouldn't look
accidentally deformed.

since Jygallag was a cop out and was never revealed til the Shivering Isles, is it possible that there are more Daedric Princes Todd is yet to release?


How the fuck did I not know about this.

>tfw /tesg/ still can't compete

>want to check out Realvision
>says it's only compatible with Climates of Tamriel

probably because a lot of the stuff it covers is overshadowed by SMIM and gamwich textures

She has the kind of face you just want to choke with your cock

True, but it's more gaps to be plugged... sensually.

redpill me on fair skin complexion

Superior Nippon textures folded over 10000000 times. Westapiggus go homu. ニッポン万歳!!

looks like someone has learned a new word from /v/ and now he cant stop using it in his posts

Ashpill me on Argonians.

males go from boypussy to alphas depending how skinny they are
all females are sluts, no exeption

I appreciate the effort. As usual, I plugged it in without reading all the fine print. Seems like CME users won't be able to make use of it. Oh well, if only I were more invested in the screenshot scene I would sit down and remake all 10 characters into RM; but I can't be bothered to load up Skyrim most of the time.

If its everything it promises it looks like a very useful tool. What a shame.

what's some lore-friendly slutwear

It's okay. Like all skins, you have to choose it before making a character. Pic related.

You're thinking of Dunmer, user.

birthday suit

Thoughts on sevenbase? Is it worth using over other bodies?

Wait wut? It doesn't work with ECE? Awww

Explain this

exactly how is it different than the 800 earlier versions i've downloaded before?

Snake is an idiot

the nisetanaka collection

He asked how it was different.

That's a bikini not bikini armor you retard

Technically everything and nothing is lore-friendly because the lore is all over the fucking place


Oh contraire

Morrowind was the first game in the series WITHOUT some kind of slut armor/outfits, because they just reused most of the male meshes for the female meshes there

I'd like to make stats and perk matters and have a more classic RPG character development.
Is Requiem good for that or is it a meme ?

>not knowing about LeFemm armour

Morrowind was also the game that eliminated complete nudity from the series

Just write it off as a transcription error and move on.

If I crash due to excess memory use will using Ordenador help me?

Is the output really noticeable?

>Leather gorget
>Studded Vambraces
>Arm sleeves
>Not armor

>thin collar of decorative leather
>thin strip of decorative leather over the forearm
stop stop stop stop stop stop do not continue please cease

terrible lip textures, okay nose and eyes

Anyone tried that big Ultimate Combat update?

Worth updating?

Would you?

>If i call everything decorative that means it doesn't count

Is Nexus Mod Manager still shit? I heard something about the main guy working on Mod Organizer moving to it

why just not use facking mod organiser?

nmm isn't just outright shit, it's less convenient and intuitive to use. I can't think of a single reason to have ever used it over literally anything else other than pure inexperience or lack of knowledge

It doesn't count because it's too thin, making it decorative. Like if you wore a "bulletproof" vest made out of flowers. Very pretty, but that's not going to protect you against shit.

Kill it? Yes. Orc genocide is a necessity.

it's a fantasy game senpai

delet this

"You there, what are you doing at my camp?"

How is my sliderfu?

Nexus hired Tannin to make a new modding tool which will be called "Vortex"

>muh realism

retard. fuck off to reddit.

>muh bikini armor
>it's only decorative
>calling it decorative doesn't count
>here's why it's decorative
>muh fantasies
I'm tired, can you keep the goalposts in one place please?

2/10 unless you were going for ironically bad which would be 10/2

10/10 unless you were going for unironically great which would still be 10/10

>implying every user that replies to you is the same person

No goalpost was moved. You added the realism bit and so they responded with it being a fantasy title.

Delet that orc? Gladly.

extreme garbage

Why does edgy Daedric armour trigger poeple so much?

I thought that was the whole point?

>You added the realism bit and so they responded with it being a fantasy title.
So what you're saying is, due to TES being a fantasy game, a picture of a woman wearing a leather bikini means that a leather bikini is as effective as armor as any other kind of armor?

Spiky and edgy doesn't trigger me, what triggers me is the horrible vanilla textures.

If it mitigates damage then yes its effective as armor.

ssssssssssssh, dont wake her up


Depends on the stats bro.

>People still get angry about bikini armor in high fantasy game
>Moreso a series where previous iterations had them
>When the current title has one

What would you advise to improve?


the project is dead

Not the armor, but the players it's associated with. Folks who take pictures of their screen with their phone, youtube commenters, stuff like that.

>pig nose
>tiny mouth
>ugly lips
>weird AF brows
>tiny tiny tiny head