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/vsg/ - /v/scape General - features edition
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buying a power top to match the strength of my power bottom
pm fresh for details
pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy
wen day is dark alway rember happy day
tired of picking flax? use this in Simba
program pick_flax
procedure FindFlax;
FullInv, x, y : integer;
FullInv := DTMFromString('mWAAAAHicY2FgYHBjYmA4AcQXgdgWiD8BxR4wMjB8BtL3gLSHnSmDgYICg7eTFYOrjTEDOmBEwyAAAAJUCHg=');
if FindColorSpiralTolerance(x, y, 346883, 220, 140, 330, 280, 10) then // 10, 31, 518, 362
MoveMouse(x, y);
ClickMouse(x, y, mouse_Left);
until FindDTM(FullInv, x, y, 560, 230, 730, 490); // Checks when FullInv
reborded to Bickles :-DDDDDDD
What would be a good way to make money with my stats?
Pick flax, mine pess, cut oaks.
Why does Odel always bully me? It hurts me inside.
but i'm hurt
I used to have 12 but I lost them in the wildy.
perdu when
reminder that fat guys are better dicksuckers than any twink, they got all dat cellulite in their lips
definitely not Hammi btw
Rly maeks you thicc
someone should probably bump about now
ur rite
ur rly rite
Factually wrong, cellulite barely accumulates at the lips.
Lewd ads?
Kill yourself you degenerate
t. Hammi
Can't complain
>yellow dye
How much in frogs legs?
Already used it to make my cape orange.
whoa what a meme
t. mouthbreather
LOL! Covfefe!
>Last thread >>
OP are you drunk
but im hurt
How much does flax sell for?
however much you wanna sell them goldstein
they're usually around 400 ea, some might buy for higher but dont count on it
I feel more like a slave than a jew right now desu
How much are people usually willing to buy at once?
>How much are people usually willing to buy at once?
just use common sense, people need thousands of these for their leveling you're more likely to sell 1k-2k flax/bowstrings than 100-200 of it
/v/scape server news:
It's clear to see the value of the hammer has skyrocketed in the server, as trades in the non-fungible and novel trade method created by unnotable player "Nipplonius". Wagered as a "literally who" many, his fruitless goal of one million hammers is being bested by the likes of genius investing mind, Basedwiggins.
Basedwiggins was not open for interview, but as we spoke with him he was at the Falador general store buying the last of the hammers, and making his way to the upstairs of the smelting furnace there, telling us, "Time is hammers, time is hammers."
don't you have anything better to do with your time wiggins?
>don't you have anything better to do with your time
Time is hammers, time is hammers.
just use this senpai
i did and i got over 5000 in the last few hours
thank you based scripter user btw can you make one 4 lletya with banking? i'll pay you irl shekels
>inb4 botting on a private server
>inb4 paying to bot on a private server
fuck you picking flax is tedious
please stop
selling green boater, pm fresh
always do your clues
sorry but you lost the "samefagging game" please try again
nice photshop fagtron
I wasn't calling you a samefag I was asking you both to stop botting
>he think anyone who posts on Veeky Forums isnt a retard neet who can use photoshop
nigga i dont even have photoshop and im pretty sure you can do that in ms paint
>people are literally too stupid to know what inspect element does
How did you idiots manage to download vscape
>How did you idiots manage to download vscape
nigga I'm one of the richest vscapers EVER and a god-tier pkers
kiss my ass
>overcompensating for being retarded
>acting like botting for cash is impressive
pfft, nice try fags, I'm not samefagging.
haha stay mad poorfag
If you insist, famalam.
Uh-uh-uh, wagies, no talkie until I've had my coffee! After I've had my coffee, you may trade me. I get REALLY angry without my morning coffee, haha.
- zam brews 150 ea
- guthix page 3
- rings of forging
- p++
- also taking orders for b2p
Potions for their secondary mats. Reminder I have a wide range of potions and they come as (4)s unlike the competitors.
- gilded platelegs
- ranger boots
- bowstrings
still buying those rangers I see
pm animosity for price questions
Buying 3a platebody + platelegs
still buying those rangers i see
>When someone beats you to it
When someone beats you off
im not sure if you buying ranger boots is a meme or not but i have spare set im willing to trade
im at work atm so i cant trade you ingame atm, make n offer?
just pm me when you get home
reminder to vote for vscape on runelocus
that sounds like a terrible idea
reminder to bump the thread on Veeky Forums
I'm up to my cabin in flood waters. I just wanted to tell you I love you all if I die. See you.
T. Nappa
Hey man you have hammers that I need, don't die.
Also bump the rune-server thread.
donate to odel's patreon
>he doesn't donate to Odel in bitcoins
stick to fiat currency, bucko
>he doesn't donate to Odel in used pantsu
>Not s u c c
Haha the thread almost died again
thred no die
Death talks in all caps my man.
What's your favorite skill?
not clicking that virus
guess who i am and i'll give you my bank
uim alcarda
no banking
Too much fucking lag