/csgog/ - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General

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Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=243468228

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: docs.livestreamer.io/
Streamlink: streamlink.github.io/
Open Source Twitch Chat: sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>How to git gud

>Watch this EVERYDAY:

>Useful websites and maps/How to practice
Read and watch everything here: pastebin.com/zTwcpC1q

>Friendly reminder

>Old Thread

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>first, faggots.

There is literally nothing wrong with the awp

It took me a while, but yes, I accept this. There's many ways to fuck with AWPers and it boils down to using tactics that make them useless.

But I'm Silver 3 so what do I know

scout is better

movement > everything

In 8 hours the shuffle will happen

Why can't gold novas accept this too?
It's probably because they figured out how to move their mouse and keyboard at the same time, and get mad when they can't kill everything by running in the open.

In some cases, yes. If you know an awp is holding an angle you can use your superior speed to get a shot off and hide again.

in 8 hours the shuffle wont matter because everyone will be hyped for the dual asia vs aus battle that will be happening at the asian minor

Gold players are plenty just Silver players that made it out of Silver and aren't actually any better than Silver players, but on top of not actually being any better than Silver, their ego begins to fester in the idea that they're better than most players, and they are sold on the idea that they've learned the game and all there is to do is just do what they know better.

Gold novas play like absolute retards, Agreed.
None of them read the map or make callouts, or they take stupid angles and can't hold anything, because they don't know how to delay or trade.

This, they cant even do a proper eco and loose 5 rounds too easily.

I play in silver these days and its fucking frustrating just dumb shit like not buying any type of nades or even kits and full saving second round even after we got the plant in the pistol but most of all the unnecessary peeks

3 years ago when I played silver, some people actually at least tried to do eco, callouts, kit and even nades. Just very poorly but at least tried. So what happened now? People jerking over $200 skins and montages? Silvers in 2014 is a bit more useful than novas this year.

>lets rush this guy that is a pistol god on the t side pistol round
>oh he got a 4k
>lets rush this guy that is a pistol god on the t side pistol round
>oh he got a 4k

mongals have good strats

>immunity pause while up 15-9

love it

I'd say its because in 2014 the vast majority of csgo players were source veterans, since at the time cs was still pretty unpopular

nowadays theres just been such a massive influx of completely fresh players that the standards will have dropped at the lower levels, where silver is just for people who actually don't know how to play, not just the source players who had bad aim.

JW is a hunk

>JW is a chunk
ftfy reddit

fastest way to earn exp for operation cases and drops?

by playing the game. doing the missions all over again. comp, casual etc

Holy shit why is people so bad at the 2v2 minigame?

the random guy i queued up with was always talking and was probably 12 years old

>taking out the only good 2v2 map

wtf valve

How are Outlaws chocking this match so badly, it's embarrasing.

>everyone betting on outlaws just because they managed to beat the dark lords of throwing, penta

It's unfortunate that the csgo community dropped in skills/knowledge in the lower-mid rank in a year/2. I came straight from cs 1.6 to csgo at 2014 only to be placed in silver 2 at the time, but I was able to have good game and ranking up steadily, went from silver 2 to MGE to GN2 to DMG to SMFC to LE now (deranked mostly I barely played on my main now (~10 wins in 6 months) and can't be too arse about GE). it's rather pathetic that gold nova is utter crap now, DMG+ ranks aren't that much different apart from GE. they should do another deranking update and I dont mind getting placed on GNM/MG1 from LE

I would put my dick in KennyS's ass if you know what I mean, magog.

yee_lmao1 teasing an announcement from NiP in 30 mins

could be a roster change, could be a new fucking mousepad, who knows

I'll be up voting your post on reddit and retweeting and spreading the word around the internet

page 10

Oh, so a time where prime matchmaking didn't exist and smurfing was at an all time high had different skill levels in silver? Colour me shocked, I say, SHOCKED!

>Ninjas in PyjamasVerified account >@NiPGaming 46m46 minutes ago
>What esports tournament will you be watching this weekend?
>19 replies 2 retweets 11 likes

what an announcement

leave it to me

he meme'd us


only you. dunno why faggots give the attentionwhore what he wants

welcome to reddit.

haha yea he sure got me dude

hey. i just started watching some csgo this month. i don't even play it. is that weird? am i the only one? i've been watching esl and ecn

>hey. i just started watching some csgo this month. i don't even play it. is that weird? am i the only one? i've been watching esl and ecn

cs go is probably one of the easiest video games to watch for people who don't play it. it's not weird. you're not the only one

it's basically exactly like watching any sort of professional sport, just with more internet

i watched the csgo pro scene for about 3 years before I got my first matchmaking rank. also there was a report talking about how 30% of csgo escort viewers never played csgo

it's the only esport i have seen were i had any idea about what goes on. also i like the look of csgo. idk how csgo is looked on vs 1.6 but viewing wise i find csgo to be good. not sure i would have watched pro 1.6

>tfw Cannot begin matchmaking because the mission requires you to play together with one friend.


I'll be your (boy)friend

hey guys i heard you like creative mpd so i thought i post my favouirite here its similiar to Unknown player battlegrounds so here visit this server if you want to

but be aware that you must watch what you say because the admins are SJW´s

so hf guys

back OFF I need him more

>not even on the front page anymore
hahaha this game is so fucking dead and trash

Bc esl and epl are both streamed on YouTube

smurfing is still rather high these days, the only difference is that the legit people at their ranks is doing much worse

>planetkey all of a sudden getting destroyed by toggling rat children

gg rats

is it the gear bois?


>selling out

leave it to me

where were you when g2 saved esports??

is it wrong that i unironically like kenis and i think he deserves to have a team capable of winning majors

cant wait to see auscucks get raped DP style


was just about to post this
gonna probably see this webm for the next 2 years desu

training to join the T team irl?

i actually laughed irl, gg user

ty ;)

whatever happened to jumpyjohn

is it too autistic that hltv is the homepage on my browser



Is liquid going to win it bois?

>carrying about the worst streaming platform to ever exist

thx 4 the 6 hour old (You)

what is going on here?


adderall overdose

1.6 was a lot harder to view anyway

there was no twitch, you basically had to use winamp? for shoutcasting and connect to a gotv to view matches as i understand it

is this a rematch my dudes?

renegades threw that

which match from the past 2 years are you talking about?

I watched pro CSGO religiously for at least a year and a half before I even bought the game. That was mainly because I didn't have anything capable of playing it but still. I've been playing about six months now and I'm Gold Nova mainly down to the map knowledge (smoke locations, angles you can take etc) mainly picked up from just watching games.

My aim is still complete shit and I panic in clutches, game sense only gets you so far BTW.


The revolver is shit, right?

>dust is for climate control
if youre bad(which you are), sure

I got this mouse for free from a friend, I can't make flick shots because it loses tracking with very fast movements, what to upgrade to?

cop this my dude

Someone redpill me on Tyloo

only good on ct side

that thing really worth 60 dollaroos?

do you live in a 3rd world country? the g302 is like 25 bucks while the gpro/g203/g102 are below $30-40 and the g403 is under $60 (id still go with the zowie mouse tho)

death match king with a few t site executions on their own maps, as soon as they encounter high tier team with solid aim and strats, they get btfo

alright I'm buying a deathadder :^)

oh no you took a pic when its late for europe and early for na b-btfo csgo is surely dead heh

Do we kick this guy
it's ongoing

Don't know why people would even play comp if they aren't capable of getting any kills in 14 rounds.

the fuck. is he literally pushing every round? you prob cant kick bc he prob queued up with someone

welp looks like tyloo already lost on OT. going to kms myself rn

hz had multiple opportunities to flash bntet into risky positions (fountain and sandbags) and didn't

hands down the best mouse i've ever used
really comfy, absolutely flawless
only broke when i stuffed it in a suitcase and ended up getting a double click issue
other than that, it's perfect

I couldn't know, he died before I could get a good look at him, but from what my teammates were saying, he follows people and shoots within a 20 degree radius of enemies. He eventually did get a kill, but he went up to 0-1-18. His mic had so much background noise that it drowned out game sounds. I'm convinced he was feeding the enemy team information. I should have reported him for griefing, either by him deliberately trying to screw us over or him inflicting his sponge-tier self upon us.

Would you like me to record the match from his perspective?

no point. you should have reported a long time ago or use the report bot on him

hey team

I want some friends to play with since I have no friends in real life who play even more than once every month or so.

I dont want to go into public soloqueue, and my strategy of "add the top fragger of everygame i play and people i like" works well but not all the time.

so who wants to start a csgog team?


>hyperx headset in video
razer btfo in their own commercial

TL is sponsored by HyperX(TM) along with their ram and ssd

silver 3.

but ive won the past 10 games in a row with proof and some ties usually topfragging