Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1194: #µsicforever

Zenkai no /llsifg/! >Current Events
JP: UR Chika scouting
EN: DiaRiko MedFes (ending soon) + Hanayo SSR Scouting

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Other urls found in this thread:

for australia

I love you guys.

First for Wooby!


>Nico breaking the year order to be with her wife Maki.

for Shuka

Umi is love.

I love Nico-chan!

I do too.
Loving you, Nico.

Fuck You California

Nico is so perfect

for wolfy Yoha

Which are the cards coming with Kenan after the event ends?


are you able to get dressed by yourself?

I love Nico.

That's not a card.

California is weeb heaven.

Stop samefagging, Maki.

Unless there's another sudden cutoff increase, this should be it. 9 gems used, score T1, points T2 and 3 scouting tickets won. This was fun. Despite all the hate they get, I still like medfests.

heavy fatigue as usual

Lewd Nico-chan.

Are the hagfags still excited for PDP? You want them, aren't you?

You can lewd with Nico as much as you want in private, Maki.

I only want Honoka-chan.

i want 3d muse girls


Vol.1 was the cheapest one. In terms of actual money:
Vol.7 > Vol.2 > Vol.5 > Vol.6 ≈ Vol.1

>tfw we will never have mimo back


So tired... Managed to get 6 GT from this event, better than the last chalfest at least.
Also, post progress!

>tfw rank 1300 in score ranking
Might need to start scouting flop boxes now thanks to the chinks.

As a F2P player, how many gems were wasted?

What is FRAMESPAM's current rank?

I wanted to be cheeky, but I overshot my points a bit.

uuuhh... I dunno. I think I started with 183 gems more or less. I wasn't LP efficient either, so it could be even less.
Anyway, I don't think you need to be a whale or a dolphin to tier high. I've never spent money on tiering since I always got the gems back the next week.

First time T1 score!
I should've started playing earlier because I ran out of time to go for T2 in points.
>the guy below me
That's gonna sting.

just strengthen your current team.


Who /safe/ here

Now to wait.


>youcuck getting cucked

T2 cutoff was 64637

Who /1greenticket/ here? Fuck you kiab.

I should've stopped procrastinating earlier.

>can't even beat SOLO nico medley

Thank and praise our chinese overlords.

Well done, congrats user.
Damn. I really hope I will never ever get to know this feel.

>tfw T1 score for thrice in a row then
>tfw dropped to T3 score in this event

so... ssr honk when?

To be fair, Nico has a dedicated fanbase despite all the hate she gets.

Aqours events seem to always be more cutthroat.

In case you're actually serious, the Nico medfes went for 11 days while this one went for 8. This cutoff is really high.

I blame the fucking chinks

sex robot
sex robot

(one) whole ticket here. Dropped from a silver though, which had never happened to me before.

>only got a single gold reward the entire event
>R rinboi

I was just lazy desu.
It was my greatest fear but I was safe for once.

>tfw only 0 tickets.
I don't think I like this at all.

I got 2 and both were boost rewards. At least I got plenty of alpacas to get back some of the gold I spent.

1 ticket from a silver reward, I'm not sure I even got one single gold reward.

Enough with the excuses flopfag.

>tfw got it with 5 loveca
higher rank finally paying off

At least you still get a seal out of this. Getting teased with an additional gold reward during the medley just for it to turn into a Yazawa sibling is the worst.


I knew you could do it, good job!

Nice robot.


Thank you for believing, fellow Rubyfriend!

Nice. What rank are you? Started the event with a full EXP bar and got another rank up right at the end, so this couldn't possibly have been any more gem efficient for me.

Holy kek he got memed on

>tfw got too caught up in finishing the shitty sweatshop palace in P5 that I forgot to pop some gems to make Tier 2
Oh well

I got mine in the last song I played in the event. From a silver reward. Good times.


It's up.

Wow thanks Jewlab!

Bu shi mo ~

>More Marus for my Ruby
Didn't get Konan, but looks like my cool team is gonna be azalea focused too.

Place your bets.

No Kenny 4 u

SSR chuuni and SR cuck.

Congrats on the qt mikan

Kanan R card


Sorry for the rats.

Well shit, I was wrong. Kanan R card
And nice Rat

>game crashed all of a sudden when I did a 10+1
At least I got two Zuras and a Mari I can idolize.

Probably my favorite Maru card (idolized) though I'm far from an enthusiast. Also a scorer which is great.

>save for months for valentine's yohane
>4 10+1 tickets, 3 SR+ tickers and 600 gems later, no yohane
>solo scout for kanan

there is a god

My New Year's resolution is complete.


hey cute Zura.

What the hell happened here?

Thanks for not crashing this time.

cute chuuni

Kissin' you, Breadbug-kun~

>timer plocker
Cyber Honk is cute but that skill is horrendous.

>still no Kenan UR pull on my friends list
Still waiting for Youfriend to pull.

Will I have better luck with hags?

No. But good luck anyway