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Visual Novel General #1482

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Arrest this girl.

>Sekai Project
top kek

Is it me or did the game have a major plot hole?

I can't wait to see all the ANN reviewers absolutely triggered over DI when the anime airs. It's gonna be hilarious


Does it have some normalfag triggering content?

Why is Sekai Project so shit?
Why is it always kikestarter?
Why do they keep starting new kikestarters without delivering on their old ones?
Why do they license translations that already exist?
Why do people still support their bullshit?
Why hasn't this company gone under already?

>tfw getting memed into reading Umineko again
Fuck you guys

Anyone knows how to lower the resolution on DI?

For the inevitable "Dies irae where?" posts.
Download the game free on steam and then copy over the contents of this mega to its folder.
You can then close steam and run it without it by clicking on malie.exe. You can also move the folder somehwere else if you want that.
All the routes should be unlocked and you can tell by them being orange in the route select menu rather than grey.

You forgot to mention that they cut out 18+ content every now and then and don't release a patch to restore it. But seems like there are people who are still willing to give them money as long as they release stuff even if it was already fan translated.

People were already offended by Youjo Senki when the adaption aired and that's child's play compared to Dies irae

Ya I bound pg up/down to the directional keypad and spacebar to X (xbone controller) but I feel like hiding textbox should come by default in a vn that has any basic support.

The make new kickstarters to get funds for the old kickstarters.
Retards fund them.

The prologue is from the perspective of a Nazi soldier as Berlin falls and there are superpowered nazis
Painting anything close to nazis as cool absolutely and utterly triggers them.
Like they got legit triggered over YS and that was Isekai WW1, yet they still saw it as glorifying nazism.

I tried this shit but it gave me some error about steamutils

Did you try both mega links? There was another one to try

>Download the game free on steam

I skipped out on it. Was it good?

Ah, I see. Anything nazi related triggers people.

How routes even works in DI? Can I just play new game and pick what I want? Or after "common" route game will btfo me to main screen asking choosing route?

mother fucker. is this going where I think it's going

>that part in EP7 tea party where Bernkastel shows Ange the truth of 1986
>the music playing meanwhile



how people completely disregards chiru because of the cartel is a mystery to me

>he doesn't know

I love when people get triggered on other's behalf-

Common route is free.

Using "new game" gives you free reign of the choices while selecting one of the routes from the menu basically locks in the choices for you.

Sekai is the XSEED of VNs, except they exploit Kickstarter rather than their fans.

Thanks friend

Here's a review from the translator himself:
>The prose is usually too cumbersome for its own good and despite a few genuine gems here and there comes off clunky during action scenes and just needlessly brings the already slow pacing down
>Ren can get a bit annoying with his one-track mind and cheat super powers
>Almost no actual character development; pretty much everyone is at the same place where they started (though you have to work backwards and figure out how they ended up this way, so I’m not sure how much of a negative this actually is)
>The plot is predictable and not all that interesting
>Most battles are extremely slow-paced and lack tension
>The pacing in general is extremely slow
>Weak romance (with the possible exception of Kei’s route)
>A lot of literary references feel almost random and come off as kind of shallow
Why is everyone excited for kusoge?

I heard that Ren Ntrs the mc can someone spoil me?

It's all over, lads. Pack it up.

>Why is everyone excited for kusoge?
Because all VN are kusoge?

More people need to play Ayakashibito

Though the girl in OP pic has the worst route unfortunately

It's going even worse than where you think it's going

Holy shit, Yumiko's route is so bad
I should have listened to you /vn/

Hottest H-scenes in the game though.

What other routes have you read?

shit taste

Yumiko best girl.

>she suddenly start telling you her 40 hours long story about he life


That's like every route, except for the red-haired slut which is like a 400 hour long story

Did she even have to cut her tail in her route?

she is not that bad, her route is

You know, this chick is the only thing that spooked me so far in this.

>still no reply to Backerkit asking for code
Guess I'm gonna use the mega

I agree that the route wasn't pretty good. Well you can look forward to her afterstory which is pretty good. Also the prologue in Rakuen is fantastic.
I'm guessing you enjoyed the prologue in Rakuen as well.

You got scammed


Yes, she's in the OP near the end


You mean every route?

Im glad we all agree that Michiru is best girl and her route was the best

Oh god, the crazy lesbian chick. She was amazing. (I don't think Ayakashibito is supposed to be spoopy though)

I don't think so

ahahah that's pretty funny. Michiru is absolute shit and everyone knows it. This is the most straight up retard in all of visual novels and the reason she is retarded only makes her THAT MUCH WORSE.

If you do not think michuru is at the very bottom, or at least second from the very bottom of the fucking barrel, you have UNDENIABLY SHIT taste.

I fucking swear you people defend her to death with the most retarded shit i've ever heard. This only leads me to believe that you are actually using michuru as your self insert because she is the only person absolutely moronic enough to match you in your brain-dead existence.

Remember to support /vn/ against the neps

But she's cute though.

Subahibi is kamige though

Of course. Won't be on for a while though.

Great taste

kek, saved

It's not but goddamn is she creepy, the crazy lesbian actively unnerves me.



Well, duh.

Subahibi translation was announced.

This guy's right. Michiru and the other little bitch are the worst.

Oh sorry, I didn't know!
Subahibi is fucking shit guys, why would they license that kusoge?

Michiru is pure. You should be heartless fedora tipper just to hate her and her route

My loli

"translation" lul

Dies irae is great after Ksumi I did Marie and now on Kei

But I will always love Sumika!

Easy mode

She's the best whenever her other personality is in control.

Stop or I'm going to start reporting you

>60 hours? heh, not bad, kid *unsheaths CTRL*
>10 hours... nothing personnel

Iwaihime translation when?

The report spamming will get you banned


/vn/ please pledge if you haven't! Do it for the fandisc, do it for chuee

How come the steam release of DI is widescreen whereas the original rls is 800x600? Did they remake the assets?

But I already gave 90$...

>CTRL through plotage

nah mane

They were taken from the iOS port

Nah, fuck you.

Yes? I also watch my sunday night HBO at 2x speed so I can watch more faster.


I see. They any good or shall I stick to 4:3?

HD releases of older VNs are usually cropped to make it HD. The 18+ version will be 4:3.

WTF Dies irae is super unique

>cropping CGs is """""""HD"""""""
don't think i like this meme

Steam recommends Nekopara 3 to people who liked Dies irae

B-but the fandisc! and /ourguy ch-chuee translated it!

It's not cropped you mongoloid

>>tfw actual CRT to read low-res stuff in fullscreen.

btw, those ero scenes they cut were replaced with something else like in fate? I always skip p0rn in VNs but hopefully im not missing anything by playing the all-ages version.

>No h-scenes
What's the point again?

Amantes Amentes IS the full version of the game.

The ero versions were never finished. There are a lot of things added in amantes amentes

There's no "get your digital downloads" in my backerkit, they just say pending.

Yes. Amantes amentes is the definitive version of Dies irae.

prove it with a cg