/osg/ - OldSchool Runescape General - osrs rs07g

Nerf NEVER EVER Edition

>Latest news
- The Inferno, new fight caves for the melee BIS Infernal Cape, crybabies btfo
- Mor Ul Rek, Tzhaar city expansion
- Shark fishing buff soon
- Zulrah balanced
- Serp helm balanced
- Void ranged balanced
- Karamja general store balanced

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nth for papa mia a cute

First for balanced content

what if killing the jad trio got you a +6 strength cape

what if the monsters were also a shield

>copy paste reward locked behind copy paste content with copy paste mobs and copy paste mechanics


umm what are you complaining about?

its fun and exciting new content!
jagex YES!

why does boaty keep throwing trying to do tryhard shit like kill the monsters dued

gets him views

Its an effective way to grow his channel?

rune throwing axe spec on zucc healers

>not /rs07g/

fuck off

kill all nibblers

>runescape07 general
>game is literally called oldschool
how about you go back to your tranny chat you little faggot and dont forget to kys


they should just make the spawns fixed and bam there you go, feasible content that requires planning and strategy

I put rs07g in the subject because that's what I always search for when looking for this thread. rs07g was the first cc I joined so that's what I search.

I like /osg/ more. It's short and actually a good abbreviation. I don't understand why kids cry about the general being called /rs07g/, sounds like an indie private server, not to mention the game is called osrs.

*notices pillar*

OwO what's this..?

>prices of supplies remain completely steady despite major content update because content update is only for 50 people
cool game

fuck off retarded newshit, it has been /rs07g/ since day

what did b0aty do just now that the chat freaked out about?

walked out and tick prayed the range and mager pogchamp

>being this frustrated
get used to osg its never changing back you little spaztic

or maybe 70% of the playerbase preparing for a high level pvm update that was only meant to appeal to the top 1-5% of players in the first place was a retarded idea?

Everything's crashing m80, enjoy your cheap supps

All I'm saying is I like /osg/ more... Why are you getting so hostile?

quit avatarfagging

>people think its a good thing when an update is only doable by 1% of the playerbase
kek, you faggots deserve this pathetic game and all the shit updates thatcome with it

i identify as the monkas emote

That's not what avatarfagging means, lurk more

ludwigs theme is so kino

The update came out with a new area, new lvl 60 strength gear with a pking set effect, and new mid level skilling methods. The pvm challenge is the one actually difficult and high level update in all of oldschool's history while there have been dozens of bottomfeeder ezscape redditshit updates. This is the only one. I'm sorry you can't have your bis melee cape that is only +4 str and +3 accuracy above the fire cape that everyone already has because the fight caves is a joke now.

boss attempt for boaty, don't blink

so theres obviously onyl 4 spots it shoots

omfg he lived twice

omfg he lived 5 times


>dead content at release is for everyone :-D

That was ridiculous

post what you are doing and listening to RIGHT NOW


>boary rekt by jad
>killed by a 73
cant make this shit up

>game is literally called oldschool

hello newfag LMAO

>almost everyone can do the new content
>b-but they can't finish it

almost nobody could finish raids at the start either


Nigga serious?!

Might aswell listen to suicideboys, bones and darci then faggot.

>that raids bot

>but my private server!

>he thinks rs07 and osrs are the same thing
>thinks that somehow qualifies him to call me newfag
>thinks i care if he calls me a newfag
mate shouldnt you be sperging out because of the op title or something? lol

you're playing the reddit private server right now

Streamers vs the field, who've ya got?

i listen to him b/c i like it

what is wrong with that
plz dont


kek 73

how far down do you guys think bandos chesplate will dip? I need a new chest piece but i dont want to get desperate while its doing down


who /bot/ here?

woox on jads

unique soon



>watch woox for 1:45 just for the two ticks of emotion he shows when he dies
somehow worth it

kys u fucking tranny

great on supplies but that means jack shit if you get unlucky



omfg toppest of keks. anyone just see what happened to woox



THIS is the best pvmer in runescape?

>boaty gets hit 5 times by boss at 60s, woox gets hit 115s

what the actual fuck woox

>magic poiton
>regular trident
>mystic boots
>mage void
is this a joke

t. no inferno cape lmao

whos next on the list boys

V the Victim


If i remap a key for pickpocketing ardy knights, then hold down that key to click it constantly, will it be detected as autoclicking?


>devoting months of man hours to content that 100 people will ever complete

rly makes u think

Woox is the most overrated of the elite players easily. Anyway is it worth coming back to play this? 1786 total ironman..Don't know what balance changes there have been since raids introduced other than recent zulrah nerf TT

>Woox gets 1 hit by boss twice
>B0aty tanks the boss five hits and doesn't die once

Reminder this shit is rigged so Jagex's golden boy wins no matter what.

enjoy your shit gear and retarded supplies, forcing you to waste 9+ monkfish on a single kill

meanwhile, ill be doing snek in full ahrims, memepipe, toxic trident and soon to be eternal boots. and i only eat 4-5 monkfish on average at snek.

Daily reminder that Reddit's favorite e-celeb is Woox

>bragging about efficiently killing zulrah in 2017

Amazing, no one else has ever done this!

oh so your point is to not waste food
i afk monkfish so i have lots

To do list:

finish level 5 collector and defender for kandarin elite
level 85 firemaking for kandarin elite
91 thieving for desert elite
85 prayer for desert elite (I have it banked)
90 fletching for desert elite (I dont have it banked but can buy it via addy darts)
80 fishing for wilderness elite
80 mining for wilderness elite (kinda want to wait till miningtodt)
77 runecrafting for frem elite
75 agility for frem elite (potentially 76 for snek shortcut)

someone tell me what to do other than kill myself

who wants to buy me a bond? no transies

t. zulrahshitter who's got to use a fucking magic potion for veng

do quests and kiss yourself :3

>shit gear
>doesnt have full ancestral or eternals

spamming clicking ardy knights is comfy

did you not notice that he's an ironman you retarded frogposter
he can't use a blowpipe or a toxic trident until he gets the drops.

>desert elite
u got kq head senpai?

adj -- numb with cold, chilled to the bone

Who hurt you, user

Eurobeat torrent for quakey
ufile io/g8ivk
>helmie masterrace

>not even bis gear and judging others


hello, br/o/ther

V the Victim does not seem to be enjoying the grind to wave 69.

idk how many monks you got, but lets say you got
4k and waste 8 of them every kill, thats only 500 sneks. thats not enough. and why the fuck didnt you start grinding snek earlier, before the update happened?
u retarded fucking moron kys

he should have at least ahrims, and if he doesnt, then why the fuck isnt he grinding barrows?
I bet he's using a fucking rcb too, get karils bow you nigger

im a helmie too, whats your point?

ive had quest cape since lvl 88 combat

I seem to be failing too much whenever I try them. I will likely use pyramid plunder for thieving

I do not but im saving that for last and plan on getting a few more melee levels at nmz before I do the grind

oh hey quake