/lolg/ - League of Legends General


Other urls found in this thread:

na.op.gg/summoner/userName=lux is a boy

who /echofox/ here





reminder that thread tracker is broken

>ping my support that twitch is here
>he doesn't listen
>he dies
>i get blamed

plot twist

OP is a faggot and links to a shit site, but not even the previous thread:

OP should just kill himself

I took a break a couple of years ago, what's the story with this hashinshin guy and why is he such a complete faggot?

>30k watching eulcs

City of EU

>be in Silver V like a shitter
>Zed and Veigar winrates are on the floor now
>decide to pick up my waifu again for old time sake
>Go on win some lose some with her
>Finally hit a straight 6 game winning streak
>Got my shitty 55% win rate with her to 60%
>Make friends on way who like my Elise mechanics

Know if only I knew what to build on her as last item. I try Protobelt but I always forget to use it or it never goes off (maybe I'm not clicking hard enough?).

>The meme team is comfirmed

What was Rick Fox thinking?

what champ should I fap to?

anyone on NA wanna help me get out of Silver 2?


>regular split game

try harder nig

>i am gonna make so much damn money off of this

>Watching lolisports at all

>Hash during political hours

I have binded all my abilities to spam mastery level 7 whenever I use them and I also type trash when the enemy laner dies, it seems to make them ragequit 1/10 times. How do I increase the odds?


What gemstone skin is worth getting?

xth for Syndra


Should I get my 12 points on the Cunning Tree or Resolve when playing Riven?

im starting to believe he doesnt care anymore. i think he is trying his best to get his franchise application rejected by pissing everyone off. froggen doesnt deserve this though


>not going thunderlord's
you shouldn't be playing riven at all

Post fan art

can somebody help me pls

na.op.gg/summoner/userName=lux is a boy

pls no bully

>Just because terrorists commit regular attacks on civilians doesn't mean they are out to get you :^)


Why would thundermeme be better aside for early game?

>SV still had hair back then

>240 games in silver
please if thats you just off yourself you genetic subhuman trash

i'll bully your tight twink ass if you tell me not to bully you again

don't ad if you can't properly play it without being fed

stick to support and jungle

b-but it's my first season :(

Xth for Rek'sai is hot ass garbage right now

he wants to game Riot's system
he obviously doesn't want franchising so he's going around to show that EF can hold a spot in the LCS while getting exposure for NACS

that's a bit harsh don't you think?

>crumbito didnt get invited to nu-dignitas

>get bot ahead
>get mid ahead
>get top ahead
>"ok, time for a little jungle farming"
>all lanes proceed to feed at the same time
>multiple games in a row
>League Update: You have been demoted to Silver V
i can't catch a fucking break. i honestly have no idea what to do except stop playing this game

>attempt to kill Lulu
>get reworked into being even more thrash tier

Really polymorphs the squills

Ladies and Gentlemans your worlds 2018 winners

she shines in early game anyway.
Idunno about warrior versus Bloodrazer but it doesnt matter just get a BoRK and armor pen

I love Jhin!

doesn't matter just play something else this game is obviously too hard for you
its just something i've noticed amongst my acquaintances stuck in bronze and silver for more than 50 games, they are either mentally impaired or genetically impaired (blacks, mexicans, females or gays)

Tanned Sjokz


so edgy


oh the edge XD

faker who?

>she shines in early game anyway.
>With piss poor base damage
>With absolutely awful jungle clears and early damage as a result
Yeah no

Dont abandon your lanes.
If one lane gets ahead, KEEP HELPING THAT LANE.
If you can get two lanes ahead, there's no reason to care and just babysit one of the two winning the game and split and split and split and split.

They cant win a 5v4 if three of them are dead or they lose objectives to the 1/10 Yasuo pushing up mid while Twitch, Taric, and assassin jungler all simultaneously push Inhib turrets.Stop playing to force your team to win, play to force the other asshats to lose.

Youre bad at jungling

ooo bro u PWND me!

so edgy! xDD!!!!

Why is rick doing this? Is this more that he's trying to piss off riot by not taking NACS seriously or trying to get meme fans?

>not demoting to bronze and enjoying the fiestas

Another split without gambit
Another split I don't give a shit

>lmao edgy xd
I see its summer already, there is literally no way a normal human can be stuck in silver after 200 games. This game is not hard and it requires basic
problem solving skills.

I see why you're all so triggered since most of the people playing are stuck in silver and bronze but still atleast try to give some arguments before jumping to adhominem


>first game in placements
>autofilled to support

Cumming tree

This is the enemy team during your promos

why would you want those washed up shitters?
2/3rds of the population is silver or bronze though, most people are just bad at vidya james

It's like it's not self aware of it's own contradiction haha. so cute and young



>so cute and young


Exceptional bait.

somewhat terrible art

okay what he hell happened with krepo?

>waiting 11 minutes for a fucking normal

>no elf champ

Has anyone ever used a voice changer program before to sound like a little girl?

LOL is that a real excuse?

nose gore was right all along

elaborate please

yes and that 2/3 of the playerbase is made of girls, blacks, mexicans and unsuccessful spergs. one would think that when they use this game as an escape at least they wouldn't be as bad as their real life selfs but then again maybe my expectations are too high

Sent lewds to a girl 10 years younger than him. She leaked them

>This has been mentioned in other places before, but we're going to be doing a significant pass on base stats to make sure that champions feel like themselves (especially the ones really reliant on stats from the old Runes).
>For junglers specifically, we're also open to looking at additional item or camp changes to support them."
Riot's going to fuck up jungle once again.

>she leaked them

where are they and where can i see them and why isnt this thread filled with them yet?

This P&B music is legit

bean server bets its a real fiesta

>Some random invites me to a ranked game
>Tell him I'm a shitter
>He tells me "dw just have fun"
>Say "a-alright"
>He goes fucking TF adc

I admire his balls, but this is going to be horrible, right?

last thread

Because this happened like last week. No one cares anymore. Someone probably has the pastebin though

>tfw too afraid to play with and againts people

is pokimane getting kicked out of the house? theres no way qtpie wont raid her panty drawers


It all began a year ago, where streamer Ali "gross gore" went on a mental breakdown on stream during which he mentionned Krepo having sexual relationship with sjokz sister, who was 15 at the time. This engandered a series of memes, harassing campaign, multiple bans for gross gore etc.

About a year later, a e-girl leaked photographs of a nude and sexually explicit krepo. Allegedly, he sent her those pictures whilst she was still underage. He backed off from his caster role in eulcs as a result.

I wanna "gank" Ezreal, if ya know what I mean

>na.op.gg/summoner/userName=lux is a boy
stop playing twitch and warwick. Queue mid/support. Buy heallth yellows (unless you're ok with waiting for the next season where runes are discarded).

Your mastery pages need to be situational, one per champion. None of the "TLD page, DFT page, Colossus page" bullshit.

>Ekko mains

>trusting Swedish teenage girls

Biggest attention whores in the world

Because it's old news, because this is a worksafe board and because mods shut things like this down in order to not draw attention to Veeky Forums

See : Fappening


>when they use this game as an escape
nigga, those are normies, and nobody uses assfaggots for escape when they got mmos. they play the game """for fun""" not to autistically git gud at it so they can join an esports team.

>reaching full build

are we just gonna ignore these fucking quints

Ekko: better jungle wins

>Started building Rylais again on Viktor since the nerf
Holy shit pre-nerf this must have been fucking broken.

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

If it was a hard intellectual game only jews would be allowed to play.

>I heard people were mean on Veeky Forums so I should be exclusively mean several posts in a row, I'll fit in

what a waste

how do i find last trhead

please i really want to see his dick

is it big