/rs2g/ Rising Storm 2 General

Shitter BTFO Edition

Previous thread: This is a general for Red Orchestra 1/2, Rising Storm, and recently released Rising Storm 2.

Red Orchestra and Rising Storm are semi-realistic mostly multiplayer first person shooters with vehicular combat.

The latest iteration, Rising Storm 2, focuses on the Vietnam conflict.

>Red Orchestra Ostfront store-page: store.steampowered.com/app/1200
>Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm store page: store.steampowered.com/app/35450
>Rising Storm 2 store page: store.steampowered.com/app/418460

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That's why Go and Baduk is a better game than Chess

Uncle Nguyen edition.


D point on Cu Chi is so fucking fun if VC know what to do. It's fun both for both sides.
This game will become classic in a year, it just need more maps like this point.

>rank 70

It needs more maps with helicopters and Supremacy maps with more points that form an actual network.

I live in a shitty south american country, any of you know if there is a decent SA community or will I be forced to play in NA servers?


If chess were ruled by points then black would have more points you brain dead mongoloid. You're telling ppl to go back to call of duty while literally arguing for call of duty team deathmatch rules lmao

Why no trello in OP?

>Spooky gunship attenuation not working properly so it sounds like it is landing next to you
should just hotfix that shit asap

back to CoD

BTFO2: Return of the Loser


>RPG and AK

This is not a valid loadout, anime-chan!

it doesn't make me a better player though

wew lad

It is when you nab one off of unlucky Nguyen over there.

>Knows the goal of the game is to score more points than the opponent in the event of a tie
>Ties with less points than opponent

How in the fuck you are level 70. Please share your secrets

>i made a shit meme
>that makes me right

Whatever you say lol

skirmish exploit

We need more memes like the OP

here you go lad, that should explain

not even close, and i've been doing this solo for the whole fucking time.

>It's another dude who just joined starts a spawn killing match for the cobra and gets the other two combat pilot kicked episode
There really needs to be 2 separate classes for combat pilot, one for the loach and two for the cobra.

I'm just saying that this point represents Vietnam war in a way I see it: enemy team is hiding in tunnels, they can come out wherever they want and you can't do shit against them. Game needs more shit like this.


>hunting helis as RPG, they have decent pilots
>finally catch the Cobra going low near me
>light it up
>no kills because DShK killed the pilot already, which is why it was an easy target
>the burned shell falls on a friendly, giving me a TK

They need to do something about it for sure. I would even be fine with just not giving combat pilots pistols.

Shooting pilots at the helicopter base should just be an instakick.

Reminder OP posted this image before realizing that it is literally making fun of his argument so he made a shitty nonsensical edit.

I feel your pain.

I usually have no trouble identifying hostiles and friendlies but holy shit people who don't wear any shirts make it real difficult sometimes.
Also, hit trading when? I can see my gun fire and everything and the guy on the other end of the barrel gets to live because of some latency fuckery.


Why not just have it as a role? like instead of combat pilot 3/3 it's cobra pilot 2/2 and loach pilot 1/1 ?

How BTFO can you get? Just stop playing the game. You obviously weren't cut out for war.

Just shoot everyone not wearing a shirt. TKs be damned, they deserve it for being obnoxious and making it more difficult for everyone else.

you got it backwards

>one team captures A, B, and C
>other team captures A and B

but i must ask of you, how is that a tie?

>Missing the point this hard
You played a game knowing it would come down to whoever scored the most points if you went 1-1
You went 1-1
You didn't score the most points


>join empty SU server
>cap points

>We each won a single round how is this a tie

>Vietnamese that wear green camo helmets

Look at the arms you dumb GI

Arms dont pop up over trenches. Im also talking from a tk point of view

>got killed by the backblast from your own teammate's rpg

Is this audio combining multiple frequencies? It seems hard to imagine them all talking over each other like that and understanding anything.

tbqh I regularly teamkill niggers on CuChi with RPG backblasts because they run up behind me

I've never understood this meme.

you aren't latino enough

The guy walked but in front of me so I honestly didn't think he knew about the backblast guy stayed backed in a corner after that though.
Remember watch that backblast.

You wouldn't have had to make that edit if it actually represented your argument

I have two main complaints, one can be fixed easily by me the other can't.

First , is right next to m so when I reach my thumb all the way across the keyboard to open map I often miss and get a menu that I have to go back to the other side of the keyboard to escape ot close. I wish , would close that menu like escape does so I can just mash it if I fuck up. This really matters when I'm bandaging and want to use the down time to check map. You keep bandaging while map is up but the team select screen cancels bandaging. I'll probably just change map to tab and put scoreboard on one of the Fn keys.

My other complaint is pic related. There's a little foxhole there that I need to see into so I can see if I'm about to get shot but the capture point graphic is exactly in the way. I'm not sure what a good solution for this is. Hide capture points except when in tactical view? But then idiots won't have their reminder that points are even there.

What's with all the retards that refuse to use the cannon in the Cobra and just spam rockets? Even if I tell them not to or take over the pilot seat and show them what to do, they just keep doing it.

Thread theme song


i posted it and i don't understand it either. i just think it's funny to laugh at spic subhumans

HUD icon opacity when aiming through your sights has a slider in the options menu and a separate slider for icons you're aiming directly at. You can make it completely invisible if you want. Unfortunately it's capped at 20% on the low end.

Probably a recording from a central source, like a battalion HQ radio shack. Hence a lot of traffic, some of it overlapping, as they try to co-ordinate the actions of several elements.

In part 3, you can hear NVA signal whistles in the background.


You mean this right?

Thanks, missed that option. It's admittedly rare that it matters.

>be a cap nigga

boosting up to level 25 right now and it's such a snorefest
share stories of ambushes, battles, wierd sightings pls

If the developers intention was to make the players ask "so who actually won" as some sort strong allegory to the actual war I'm not sure whether to be angry or amazed.


Reminder objectives are not as important as kills in territories mode. You can lose despite capturing more territory than the enemy team. Points are the only thing that matter. You are playing a glorified Team Deathmatch.

>that solo on flower power


>objectives are how you determine who wins a round
>points are how you decide who wins in the case of a tie

How are you still not getting this?

Daily reminder this guy said he'd quit the game but here he is autistically screeching his shit opinion because he's so bad at the game

well, illegal votes don't count so really she had like 10,000,000 less votes. BTFO
>a redditor will get triggered by this post

I'm so glad the dems are contained in commiefornia. I hope they die of thirst.

Has any uploaded a video of the death screams yet?



>about to flame 10 gooks

>point blank pistol executions

hot damn

Just informing others else since most people would think a game mode called Territories would emphasize objectives over "points"

That sounded like a fucking taunt I love it
>Pistol execution
>Clutch smoke
>Spraying RPD and getting kills
>Sorry nigga

Is Nate, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

TT do you still have a copy of Lilys Lab of Love and Learning

Didn't the non communist Vietnamese help murica during the war?

It went up in flames along with the interzone.

they will be added to the game later

Just like the tanks in RO2 amirite?

Tại sao bạn không lắng nghe
Tại sao bạn không về nhà

"TING QUANG HUO TING PANG HUAAAAA" - Battlefield Vietnam gook

>show the game to my brother
>get stuck near the base two time without doing nothing weird
I feel fucking ashamed.

Speaking of Battlefield Vietnam
>That main menu music

I swear I can hear footsteps sometimes when standing still. Spooky as fuck.

It's when you rotate your view. Your character shuffles his own feet.

Oh my god my childhood. No wonder I like RS2 so much.

where did those guys steal that helicopter from?

I now that. I swear I keep hearing the same steps but from more distance and always tending to come from the right.

>Battlefield Vietnam had boats

>pick up game
>first match 50m double headshot with double barrel
>hmm, not bad
>play a couple games
>come back next day play some more
>4.3 objs per game
>average 1500 points per match

Am I good at game?

One-handed guy here, i'm still trying to get the hang of aiming well and fast, it isn't easy!
I'm really enjoying this SKS-45, such a fun gun, I've had by far my best actual real-play successes with it.
Hopefully one day i'll be good enough!

>to reload the character drops the mag, which is only supposed to be done during cleaning
>instead of just pushing half a clip in or single loading

Were you born with that ?

Nah, left hand came off in a car accident years ago.

>one of the first to load into server
>pick role
>take a few seconds checking out the squad leaders to decide which one to join
>hit join game
>can't because someone filled your chosen role a fraction of a second before you but the game decided not to inform you of this
This shit needs to stop.

I never loaded a sks but wouldnt that be kind of fumbling about without being sure you actually topped it off with 10 rounds ?