best ship edition
best ship edition
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Remember when Riv was universally hated?
I hate newfags who like riv
>Remember when Riv was universally hated?
no because I was born yesterday
I demand you link me these Krepo peepee's pics or videos. I need to sate my curiosity!
2nd for our guys coming back to competitive
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
Veigar has that covered.
do you even infinitely stack AP bro?
thought so.
>someone said today on here that jarvan is worthless
>banned in a high level competitive match
kill yourself with your shitpost
I don't hate him, he is just clearly the least knowledgable of the casters.
Veigar is shit! SHIT!
Lulu is mine!
Can you guys post some Diana?
Ive lost all my files....
Any silvers want to duo? I'm climbing fast on my own but I'm bored and lonely.
>CLG or C9
>High level competitive
>new riven skin
>riven is pretty tough to play right now
>everyone is gonna be playing her
>mfw I get to play my R O C K against her
I want kobe to be my best friend
>that shaking
What in the fuck is wrong with Jensen?
You didn't have to wait until now to call him out for being an idiot user
>Can you post some pictures while everyone is watching esports?
>I've lost the ability to google
>olaf into karma caitlyn
Isn't that like a counter matchup
I guess it works well the orianna because he can just run at a carry and orianna can ult off of him
watch lz vs kt from a few days ago
J4 just fucks up the enemy top
Finally I can actually do decent at Kindred. Ever since they removed the W heal I just had a hard time farming, I really like her now.
you're dumb as a rock
that dude was talking about rivington the caster
Posting here too.
I mean I'm not ranked yet. I'm just curious I mean he gets undeniably tanky, his Q has stupid range (as much as a many mage spells) he had a lot of roam and gank potential post level 6 and his damage doesn't fall off that hard until late.
I'm likely wrong and a faggot but I'm curious as to why he is always top side.
Olaf has always done well into caitlyn
he gives 0 fucks about her traps, and her net.
Karma is sort of a counter though yes
well rammus tried to gank draven and fed him a kill at 4 mins (he tower dove) and lux kept just walking into draven and killing herself. Then rammus came again later and tried to dive again and killed him self.
Reposting to see if someone care
I am pretty sure nobody cares.
The only thing J4 needs to be turbocancer is a passive buff.
none of the above, play warwick
if you think olaf with righteous glory cant stay on a cait for long enough for the galio ult to come off you're fucking retarded
I want Jatt to be my boyfriend
r8 my concept lads
Yordle jungler girl, melee
Passive: Ranyar, a land piranha
Ranyar will attack targets being attacked by her, or targets attacking her.
50% of his damage is true damage. He has 80% of her total AD.
Ranyar is imume to slows. He takes 50% reduces damage from AoE attacks and his HP that scales with total AD.
Q Net shot
Shoots a projectile that slows targets it collides with or where it lands, Deals AoE physical damage.
Ranyar will leap towards the targetted location and grant vision for a brief while, and begin attacking targets hit by the net.
W Dig
Burrows a small hole, gain stealth, break stealth upon moving.
further levels reduce both its cooldown and channel time.
E Harpoon shot: Shoots projectile that travels towards a location, collides with monsters/enemy champions or at max range.
Can be reactivated within 2/3/4 seconds to jump towards its location
R Grog sip
Gain bonus MS for 3 seconds, after which your next attack will stun an enemy.
Heal a flat amount over the 2 seconds.
Available from level 1.
None of them, get WW, he is a killing machine with the right items
Even if you got pressured is it even possible to end up 64cs at 21 mins as vayne in plat?
Proper buttclench moment right there
Isnt kassadin busted right now?
> yordle
no need to read further it's shit
>NA pro players can't land a point blank lee sin Q
are they even gonna make it to group stage next time? probably gonna swallow viet cum again in worlds
tfw still no graves bf to protect me from retards in my games
and destroy my bp most importantly
>Mr puns who never mentions the game and just shouts the entire time
>Literally just listened to Kobe yelling while Phreak is trying to talk about what's happening
Nice bias, retard.
bug then
do maw and sterak's really not stack?
against ap mages, not mr "you're in my lane bro"
>ask for advice
He is more castery since the rework
hating yordles is a bannable offense user.
does anyone have that fiddlesticks comic where he imagines the enemy champ as a smoothie? i need it
lux took a side wave, nsus took a sidewave and leblanc took mid so i just sat there fighting for cs. Lux was literally dead all laning phase so i just got zoned off my tower
Awful 1/10
Jayce should destroy kassadin even without the massive advantage jayce had. This goes especially early game, when jayce is super strong and kass is ass.
>land piranha
kill yourself
xth for fuck phreak the cuck
Post more Graves
>aphro misses a Q on a rooted target
I fucking hate karma
Jensen crying lmao, APHROGOD
>Can't hit a projectile at point blank
I bet you think quickscoping is easy to do in real life.
Did Anthony Burch write Xayah's dialogue?
I didn't mean to be like that, I just forgot to point out my tastes and why I choose those 3.
My main worry is the 2 sets of runes that I will buy at level 20. I know that the most basic set is AD Quint / AD red / Arm Yellow / MR Blue page and AP Quint / MPenred / Arm yellow / MR blue and I didn't want to change the AD or AP page to AS just to play Warwick.
for comfy "music"
Dubs names my smurf
it's as likely as it is unfortunate
Less walls and one of his strongest points is that it's annoying for a melee to deal with him. Maybe he can work as a counterpick but his scaling is kinda shit.
Like others have said Warwick is decent but I would recommend Nunu, mechanically can't get simpler than that.
Yes. He also wrote Vayne's new lore.
>he didn't play in the maw+steraks meta
they don't stack anymore because of how stupidly strong they made you when they both came up at the same time
>taliyah ulting bot to feed a kill
just like my soloq
>Taliyah roams
just like in my solo queue
Jesus H. Christ
now THAT's a textbook NA gank
>All women want Rakan, not that they know what to do with him
I'm inclined to say yes. She says that shit repeatedly too. She and Rakan are not charming at all.
>Like others have said Warwick is decent but I would recommend Nunu, mechanically can't get simpler than that.
stick aurelion sol huhi
>tfw you were literally 1 second too late and then you look like a retard
do we play together
Post your last 5 matches
do it or i pull the trigger
Considering that the dialogue is shit, I'm gonna say yes
>takes 15% reduced magic damage on passive
>Q gives him a shield that only protects from magic damage
he's shit against AD mids, especially jayce because lel melee auto attacks have fun last hitting without losing half your HP
WW is so good farming that he doesnt need specific runes.
yeah man
>Huhi feeding on stage for the xth time
>Dardoch walks over and puts him in a headlock
>security has to drag him out
>black spider-man
you ruined my night
Dardock starts flaming his own team in 3..2..1..
easiest to rank up during esports
Rek'sai is hot garbage, buffs when?
is dardoch tilted?
The only problem with Jayce mid is that he is ad. So you need an ap top or ap jungle to make up for it. Since most tops and jungles are ad mid jayce can lead to a full ad comp. He definitely works but you have to watch for your tam composition.
A good start to another season of not picking up the pieces