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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General
What happened to the last thread?
/feg/ has been banned from Veeky Forums. Time to celebrate.
I don't know what they were thinking introducing new characters to a fucking fan service game. Shit is retarded.
Hey don't be so mean to my best friend
Is it wrong that I want to fuck my mom?
is olwen usable if you don't give her blade+ or run horse emblem?
She's still a great blue with Dire Thunder regardless of Horse Emblem.
and would you keep warding blow on her or change it? i was thinking either fury or death blow
What happened to feg? Where's the last thread and why is nobody posting on this one?
Death Blow is great on brave users so prioritize that. Run Fury as a substitute until you get DB3.
By nuking /feg/, the mods killed Tharjafag. Thank them for their service.
Just keep smiling and posting user nothing is wrong.
Wait so feg is dead now? At least the spic is finally gone.
Everytime I see a smoke ring, I get my hopes up, only to be dashed by Saizo, Setsuna, and most of all, Gaius. You have no idea how much I hate Gaius at this point.
some retard named the thread "/dfg/ Duma Faithful General"
Kana and Kiragi forever
I wonder how my husband feels being so close in age to his son?
Current thread is under Duma Faithul General. It only has a few dozen posts left then we move to this thread.
So is there anything left to do after clearing Thabes? Or do you just start the game over on hard/do different picks?
>need 20k more feathers to +1 Camus
Nope, nothing else. That's why the replay value of the game is kind of low if you aren't interested in different village class pick and so forth
in PoR, I assume it is best to abuse the award exp feature whenever I can get to the base right?
Speaking of exp feature, is it worth to save scum the level up or I should rely on the growth rate in this game?
>Enemies that can summon witches
I think I'm done with Echoes.
by the time you reach that part, you should have dread fighters. They eat witches for breakfast. You can always warp rescue alm to nuke the summoner.
Seeing Warrior's OC's has really made me appreciate Hero's. They're honestly great.
If you don't mind resetting Bonus exp basically allows you to give any unit a busted growth. When I had the patience I used it to top off units or get low level ones up to speed.
what should my team be, /feg/?
Gotcha. Any exp unspent is carried over for the next chapter or you should just spend them dry every time? The game isn't exactly explicit in that kind of stuff (like how removing a skill basically removes it for good).
>set in stone plan to beat the very start of Chapter 20 Awakening
>have to start over everytime something goes wrong, ie. General near Lissa isn't ORKO'd, Tharja doesn't crit General on the right using Ruin, Say'ri doesn't chip Cervantes enough for Chrom to finish him off
>any other method i've tried either straight up doesn't work or is more of a gamble than this bullshit
I've gotten past Cervantes ONCE in what must be 15 tries, only to get fucked hard when Excellus charged me as the reinforcements spawned instead of staying put like I thought he would. My characters are strong as fuck for a no-grind run but this is so fucking strict and i refuse to let anybody die. Fucking save me
It carries over. The only way to lose BEXP is to spend it. Promoted units require more BEXP for the same effect, as do high level units in general if I'm remembering right.
Azura is shit
Mods finally got sick of Raul's shit and thought the best solution was just to get rid of /feg/ altogether.
It's a wonder this one is still up
She's usable, but still relies heavily on attack and speed buffs, especially if both of those stats are neutral. Mine is +Def/-Res, though that's still enough Res to finish things off with Iceberg if you can get her to quad range.
>people say echoes hard mode sucks
>adds more enemies, changes placement, items, promotions
>people think awakening lunatic+ is the greatest thing on earth
>all it does is inflate enemy stats
This fan base makes no sense
>people think awakening lunatic+ is the greatest thing on earth
No one has ever said that.
>two sisters fell in love with this man
>people think awakening lunatic+ is the greatest thing on earth
Literally who ever has said this?
Azura a best
Yeah, go figure.
>people think awakening lunatic+ is the greatest thing on earth
Try harder.
>not wanting his buck teeth on your clit
shit taste
What difficulty?
No has ever praised Awakening Lunatic+, and most people think Awakening Lunatic is too drastic a difficulty shift from the cakewalk that is hard mode(aside from a few spots with sudden reinforcement shenanigans).
>Michalis, Xander, Camus...
Who should fill the last slot? Rein can round up the team with a mage, but I want keep some sort of archetype on it.
why is nowi and effie s tier on meme tier list
above reinhardt nino linde etc
well that's your problem.
Post Cain
>falling for /v/'s memetic deceptions
>season almost over
>keep losing my streak at battle 6 or 7
I would kill for a difficulty that's just hard mode, but with the enemies having the skills their classes would have at their level like your player characters
Nothing like a sharp set of teeth slicing back and forth on your clit until it bleeds
>le reddit ayaya man
Reposting from last thread:
I thought it'd be fun to finally get some quantifiable data on /feg/'s experience with the series; what game you started with, favorite characters and classes, the whole nine yards. Once enough replies are pulled together, I'll compile it all into some snazzy infographics that track interesting results and correlations. I set up this basic three-part survey, which you can find below:
Responses are completely and totally anonymous, and I'll only be presenting results as they apply to the entirety of /feg/. If you all wouldn't mind filling this quick thing out for me, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks /feg/, hope you're having a great Friday.
The problem with adding a bunch of nobodies like that at once is that it doesn't incentivise people to spend orbs. You're bound to open them eventually so most people won't bother paying anything if they released a group of them. Its better for them to slow drip every new character at higher rarities so that people are more willing to cough up cash if they want them. They'll solve the 3* pool problem eventually by reducing old 4 stars but don't expect anything new to ever come out at less than a 5* exclusive for a very long time.
>Scapegoating inexisting posters
Do people lie, on anonymous message board?
exactly, why would you not want to bleed while having sex?
/v/, don't go after Holmes. He's beloved by all true /feg/gots. He's to /feg/ what Ike is to Reddit.
I want to fuck Xane!
>and mature females are always welcome
wtf I like Tear Ring Saga now
Xane will be S+ tier if he ever graces Heroes with his presence.
Who's Alm's mom?
They'll probably make shifts to certain unit rarities after an entire year's worth of characters has been rolled out. They noted on the limited banners that the seasonals might be available at lower rarities next year as well when new seasonals become available. Off-banner 5* exclusives are more than likely going to stay that way forever though to incentivize spending for big names and other popular things on focus banners.
I beat that fight by turtling. Maybe try that? Robin alone should be massively overpowered at this point.
TRS is actually one of the top 5 Fire Emblem games. Only /v/edditors are too afraid to play it, for some reason /v/ hates emulation and piracy.
FE7 is not fun to randomize
I hate Hector/Ike fanboys but I think Holmes deserves all the praise, the guy is absurdly hilarious
best boy/girl
>didn't have a defense last week
>chalked it up to having to use a 4* xander on defense
>no defense this week despite all 4 units being 5* with practically full SI
feels real fucking bad
Considering what his unique Assist special is likely to do, you'd only need one of him most of the time though, which might make it difficult to get people to whale for. Maybe they'll make +HP variants rare out of spite or throw in some other broken skills to make it worth the trouble.
His dialogue in the old translation is hilarious for how stupid it is, then it becomes even better with the new translation. Holmes is a 10/10 Lord.
Which FE characters would be most likely to start a gang?
My Robin is a higher level than everybody else but they're still not gonna be soloing shit. I'm trying to feed Morgan kills anyway, they perform the same but get heavily damaged by Generals and shit so I don't have high hopes.
Lord Duma doesn't wear pants. It seems Marth followed the teachings of Duma at one point
Perne, Lifis and Niles.
Two of them actually did.
Jesus fuck it can't possibly get any more who??? than this
Karel reminds me of Unosuke from Yojimbo, who carries the gun under his suit.
I guess you should grind a bit. You really shouldn't be having this much difficulty in this fight considering it's only Hard mode. You must be underleveled or something.
>TRS is actually one of the top 5 Fire Emblem Games
Huh. My top 5 FE games are AW2, PoR, Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis, XCOM: EU/EW and RD. I guess I'll play TRS before FE3, 4, 5 and 6 and see how it compares.
Now we can have /trash/ /feg/!
I guess you could +Xanes in a way so that you'd end up with an any character +10 version.
Late reply but
How hard was it for her to get off the ground? Thought she'd be unviable for a Blitzkreig run.
I like Hana
Garret, Devdan, Danved, Basilio, Boey
I like how Lifis is so famous that he has no issue making a new gang despite being a useless sack of shit, simply manipulating dumb criminals to work for him.
AW is too different from Fire Emblem, and Tactics Ogre, XCOM and whatever EU/EW are aren't by the original creator of Fire Emblem. TRS is Gaiden/Echoes done right, desu.
Yes it can, In that same game there are three guys that you get at the same time, two of them never say a single word in the whole game and their appearance is so uninteresting i never bother to learn their names except for carrion, the actually useful one
Remarkably easy actually
I gave her an Attack water so she could decimate Arcanists with Aura and that was pretty much that
Her large Res stat makes it really easy to raise her up in that way (and it's arguably preferred due to soaking the hits way better than most others), which I wasn't expecting considering how characters of her archetype usually go
The literal generics you control for that one chapter in FE5 are much more literally who
why though