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I thought they actually went and attempted to address the player complaints. Or did they literally just slap a band-aid on it and move on?




Xbox user? I'm getting off after this one. Good meme duels we had.

Can somebody post that dark souls fighting game roster menu, I didn't save it.

fite club at highwall pass is dsg

Where to buy gwyn/Aldrich figurines and/or other DS3 figurines?

Is bleed and poison infused weapons good for doing the DLC in ds2?

Was fun, we broke the meta


Anyone here strangely fascinated with the Great Swamp culture? In DS3 the Pyromancer start class is clearly a Great Swamp resident and the gear you start off with feels like it's got a Native American vibe to it and in general Laurentius in DS1 talks about how Pyromancy meshes poorly with advanced culture... I keep imagining how Great Swamp is this foggy swampland that has a lot of hamlets and teepee villages built partially on top of water like the BB fishing hamlet and boats going around the shallow waters of the swamplands, with burning torches lighting the way...

I don't play Pyromancers a lot in these games but the Great Swamp and it's culture interests me a lot.

Post the absolute EDGIEST Dark Souls video you've ever seen.


I thought my katana montage was edgy but this guy is something else...

I'm not falling for it, Tarronitupp

I wish pyromancy felt cooler in DS3, it feels so weak except for CBV

roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, chug, roll, roll,

>still dies after all that "effort"

Can anyone help me kill Vilhelm?
I'm going for a lvl30 +2 pyro and I want floating chaos but I'm doing so little damage it's sad.

He doesn't have a choice really, he got unlucky with his boss using a hyper aggro weapon

Pretty sure the only good infusion is Poison, and that works far better against players than against mobs.

If you're going to do the DLC, good old physical damage is the way to go.

Simple or blessed caestus?

Simple if you have low attunement and use WA.
Blessed otherwise.

What's edgier? The music or the hornet ring?

>Hey no matter how bad things get, at least we aren't For Honor, amirite?
currently there's a bug where you can pop a guaranteed plunge attack off of any grab as warden for an instant kill, so yeah, ds3 is doing a lot better

Blessed unless you have orange estus. You'll hit the top of your HP bar a lot if you're sipping orange, which means less regen. Though if you're embered up with like 1800+ hp and chugging orange or if you're only healing via projectile heal then blessed is still completely worth using.

Anyone else think it's unfair that lone hosts have to deal with painting guardians as well? Of the few time I battled a solo host he just got stomped, homing soul mass and a mob is just too much pressure to deal with I feel for a single host

they don't attack that much, the bigger issue is just the fact that you have to keep them from healing the spear

Nah they fixed that already lol.

What the best straight sword for a faith build?

Or should I use something else?

Nvm I forgot you can cheese him

>going ringed city for the first time
>oh shit, boss time
>kill painting guardian guy who spawns in before he even attacks me
>enemy player spawns in
>oh shit, is this a mirror knight ganksquad boss?
>i kill him in like 10 seconds before the other npcs even touch me
>boss healthbar dies with the player, the other npc does a fucking seppuku animation like alonne
i have no idea what the fuck just happened

Anyone else think it's unfair for an invader to deal with 3 phantoms and a blueberry as well?

SSS. Crucifix and Saint Bident are also decent.

I'm amazed their community actually considered it a bug and not a """tech skill"""

Blessed for arena on melee builds but simple for erything else

just get gud, use the environment etc.

Your stats and hyper armor get scaled up

Eh, don't care much for the reddit aspec of the community. I'm ok with the niche general we have here. Decent banter and memes

fhg is still alive? neat

is the dark souls 2 bastard sword any good?

is this still ongoing? what sl?


I thought it was interesting that the caduceus shield (pyro starting shield in das3) basically confirmed that the primordial serpents have some sort of presence in the great swamp

>Standard round wooden shield. It is decorated with twin snakes, an ancient symbol of the Great Swamp.

its just me and its sl 120

But I have gotten gud

I still hate this fucking game with and obscene passion

blues only count as a 1/3rd of a phantom

Actually, at what point does it become unfair? 2 phantoms and the host? 3 phantoms?
Just kidding of course, since invasions have literally never been fair.
This is all my fault, by the way. That level 20 DS1 character I made with the tin crystallization catalyst, pursuers, dark bead, black flame and the Dusk Crown no doubt brought us to where we are today.

Is he ever coming back, bros?

Why did they throw like 12 dogs at me right off the bat in AoA?

This shit is reminding me of ds2. My expectations of this dlc are going down.

What's the best pre dlc area to farm heavy stones?

I want to infuse my caestus and guts sword for my pure strength build. It can always be removed right?

Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.


would really like him to play through the whole of scholar of the first sin and give his impressions, especially after having played dark souls 3

there are ways to avoid aggroing them

what if they cleared the environment with their meme ganks?

kill the alphas, they howl signaling more wolves to attack you

Is this an adequate fashion?

>kill the alpha

They stopped coming after I barely survived the fuckhuge sanic dog.

Im guessing that was the alpha?

hang all the way to the right the next time you drop down the snowbank, then run up and kill the wolf in the back before he howls

nah alpha dogs are slightly bigger than regular

that big dog is his own deal

try cleric hat

My sign is down, if you're still summoning that is.

From what I heard, he's permanently done.
Apparently struggled with doing Souls again after Nioh, among a bunch of other things.
Actually, as far as I know none of the older personalities are involved with Souls very much at this point.

It can be removed but the stone won't be retrieved. From keep ruins bonfire you can kill 3 fighter ghrus, 2 dog-ghrus and quite a few slugs, all of which may drop heavy gems

Lead them into enemies and spam throwing items.

gonna put down my sign in a bit also
hang in there, skeleton

>Actually, at what point does it become unfair? 2 phantoms and the host? 3 phantoms?

Look at he firebomb stuck in stasis thanks to my image. Does that answer your question?


I just realized that he has only ever fully finished Dark Souls 1 on camera.
He's never finished Demon's Souls on cam.
He's never finished Dark Souls 2's DLCs on cam.
He's never finished The Old Hunters on cam.
He's never finished TRC on cam.

Did anyone tell him to try ds2?

>Lead them into enemies and spam throwing items

But what if they just stay near a bonfire? Like they always do.

How much more helf regen does the ethereal oak shield do compared to a blessed caestus?

Lobosjr still streams Soulsborne regularly.

Yeah, I wonder if Great Swamp is so alluring to me despite there being so little we get to hear about it or if it's precisely because they give us just enough for us to then imagine the rest.

blessed scales with item upgrade level so caestus will eventually heal more right?

then you wait with the ring of not visibility

they're the same at +10 blessed

The best thing is, he's probably 12 and he'd probably wreck you in PvP.

I can't really fathom how Nioh could make him drop Souls. I mean, Nioh is a well made action game but it has very little in the way of replay value, dedinitely a lot less so than Souls.

He gets super uneasy if you ask him about DS2.

if i cursed you im sorry forgot to remove curse

There was a post that said that one mindset is that your goal is actually not to kill people. It's to make them want to kill themselves.
Every minute they spend camping at the bonfire is a minute of their lives you've made them fucking waste not playing through the game. Have something else to tab over to or something to do in the background if you really want to wait it out.
I've had people waste over an hour sitting in a room doing nothing while I'm reading a book or watching a movie.
At that point your objective is to be as much of an asshole as you possibly can. But if you hate doing that, then yeah, it's not worth the time.


yeah thanks for that

Why do invaders have nothing to live for and will waste hours doing nothing

I would just pull the plug and then block you.

Man livid pyro Dunnel is kickign my ass so much. I can't seem to stagger him with my biggest weapon and he just doesn't care about smaller one, shooting off a combustion then leeding me dry.

we wait for more people for now kill invaders

I'm all for shitposting but if he notices that they're not going to leave the bonfire room. Then hiding as an invader, then fucking off to do something else like watch a movie really doesn't seem like he's wasting his time.

He's enjoying a book/movie etc., while the host sits there probably waiting for him to leave or a blue to come be his prince in shitty armor.

Either way. Playing not to win, but to be as big of an asshole seems like a good idea.

>nothing to live for
That came well before Souls, believe me.
>waste hours doing nothing
I already said I do other things in the meantime. In-game though? No clue. Maybe there's something sadistic about wasting other people's time.

more like "get killed by invaders" amirite
password's dsg, join in folks

>tfw too scared to fight the infinite poisemen

liddle bawby pulls daw plug for da big bawd invada

>watch movie or read a book while keeping tabs on the screen/audio of the game
>literally playing security job

Is this what invasions come down to? That's a lot of patience for so little reward, I would rather try to skim their hp and estus little by little but with 15 fucking chugs it's a big trade off compared to NOT playing the game because you're waiting for them.

I understand the hunter's mentality that patience is key in invasions but I'm not going to wait a whole hour of free time keeping tabs with DS3 running just for one shitter and his babysitting posse.

I still skip the Cathedral God right before Oceiros.

Fuck that guy.

Are you, dare I say it, just a cunt?

Anyone got a good Miracle caster build for the arena?

I want to use a lightning longsword along with miracles.

Has he ever discussed Dark Souls 2 since its release? I get the impression he thinks its a pretty weak game but he's never discussed what he thinks of it meanwhile he's talked about dark souls 3 and how linear it is, how it feels "phoned in" etc.

I had a great 120 build with a tinkly bell in the left and an LKG in the right. Lightning blade, lightning arrow all that jazz. Pretty effective iirc.

After I realize I can't win. I just try to make them waste all 15 of their estus, drop them a dung pie.

Then black crystal, so I can cuck the bluebabies from a reward and an estus refill for the host.

I'm entertaining the idea of just instacursing every host I invade that has a phantom from now on.

I hate this game and it's playerbase.

There's an almost insane kind of stubbornness here, I think. If multiple, half-competent people are camping in a small room, no lone invader is ever going to win. Your choices are severely limited. Choosing to wait it out seems like the half-neurotic mindset of someone who is aware that they can't break the stalemate and can't win unless something else happens, but absolutely refuses to admit defeat.

What's the best healing spell to use in in the arena? Besides Projected Heal.

It's a damn shame you can't co-op invasions.
He has a phantom, you have a fellow red.
He has a squad, so do you.

I'll buy that, actually.
I'll buy this, too. A normal person wouldn't do something like this. They'd just move on.