Tesla remotely extends range of vehicles for free in Florida to help owners escape Hurricane Irma... Until Sept 16...

Tesla remotely extends range of vehicles for free in Florida to help owners escape Hurricane Irma... Until Sept 16 . After, a Tesla owner contacted the company, saying that they needed an additional 30 miles of range to get out of the mandatory evacuation zone.

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Based Elon

Usually this is a $3,000 upgrade..., must e nice to buy something then still have the manufacture still have so much control over it.

>Tesla customers are okay with being sold a product that you need to pay extra money to fully unlock even though it's already in your posession

Using the full capacity of a lithium battery literally destroys it.

So many idiots for so many years thinking that fully draining their laptops batteries would prevent any failure kek

I wish I could take money from actual cucks like Elon can.

So this is why Tesla doesn't want people touching their cars and them having DRM
The real question here is whether Tesla is losing money on the lower trim or making a bank on the higher ones

I'm just surprised some rich nerd hasn't started to hack his tesla into not being a complete shit that's remotely controlled by anyone. You'd need decent computer and car knowledge and your warranty would definitely be void but what could Tesla even do about you modifying your own property?

>$3,000 DLC

EVfaggots are shilling for it.

Have a clause in the User Agreement that you don't actually own the car?

Forgot about that that Roadster that got bricked, after owner left it sitting for 2 months.

Yeah they fixed this issue, you can't use all of the advertised KW in your car

>Additional Battery Capacity DLC

Oh shit I didn't even know they had that

I believe the tesla in pic related got restored by some guy on a tesla forum. He rewired the whole car, Veeky Forums can't even change brake pads

>signing a user agreement for your car

I seriously hope this isn't a thing and if it is people deserve every bad thing that happens to them or their tesla because they literally signed up for it.

A garage that was practically a museum of electric car history burned to the ground last week in Arizona.
They tried to recharge a bricked Tesla prototype, and ending up burning the place down.

i5 -> i7

Don't be to harsh on the petroltards. It's natural for them to be bitter and hostile

>The bricked Tesla Roadster apparently sits in its owner’s garage in Newport Beach, California. That owner allegedly had a similar prior incident with a BMW-produced electric vehicle. He claimed BMW replaced that vehicle, but Tesla refuses to do the same. The owner either couldn’t afford or didn’t want to pay Tesla the $40,000 (or more) to fix his car.
>He claimed BMW replaced that vehicle, but Tesla refuses to do the same.
>BMW replaced that vehicle
>Tesla refuses to do the same

wtf... Why Tesla won't honor replacing it to their loyal buyers?

>read about it on treehugger.com
>"It was the owners fault!!!"

Like a clockwork, lmao.

this is really shit. either put the car less battery power or dont sell it as dlc.

>Tesla service manager said he expected the Model S battery to cost even more than the Roadster’s. If true, it would mean that a Model S battery failure could essentially render the car valueless.

All Tesla cars are orwellian.

>Tesla added a remote monitoring system to the vehicles, connecting through AT&T’s GSM-based cellular network. Tesla uses this system to monitor various vehicle metrics including the battery charge levels, as long as the vehicle has the GSM connection activated4 and is within range of AT&T’s network. According to the Tesla service manager, Tesla has used this information on multiple occasions to proactively telephone customers to warn them when their Roadster’s battery was dangerously low.

>In at least one case, Tesla went even further. The Tesla service manager admitted that, unable to contact an owner by phone, Tesla remotely activated a dying vehicle’s GPS to determine its location and then dispatched Tesla staff to go there. It is not clear if Tesla had obtained this owner’s consent to allow this tracking5, or if the owner is even aware that his vehicle had been tracked. Further, the service manager acknowledged that this use of tracking was not something they generally tell customers about.

>Going to these lengths could be seen as customer service, but it would also seem to fit with an internal awareness at Tesla of the gravity of the “bricking” problem, and the potentially disastrous public relations and sales fallout that could result from it becoming more broadly known.

BMW is based.

Car Guru... pic I saved from a thread about it. $14,000 Tesla.

>All Tesla cars are orwellian.

All modern cars now have tracking though.

GM has included 4G LTE as part of an in-car entertainment/WiFi system. This system can easily track your driving habits and be sold surreptitiously to insurance companies.

Not to mention to huge security issues - Chrysler had that Jeep Cherokee remotely hacked via its Uconnect system. The same problems exist in as large variety of other manufacturers too.