
>GSL Code S 15m

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post cute scar-scars :3

anyone else staying home on a friday night...watching gsl...

yes the gsl group tonight is pretty good, should make for some exciting games

gsl just went live~ decided to put off cleaning and order some food


whats wrong with soos face

thats what your face looks like when you suffer defeat after defeat after defeat (after defeat)

why would losira go double hatch.............

the ideal situation is maru not getting out in first so we get the most tvz

Artosis is very LOUD.

go dark!

i said

Battle Cruiser, Operational

i dont think soo is going to be able to beat maru

okay good soo beat maru so we get an extra tvz


losira is a god

rip losira

I can't wait to see 3 rax reaper in action, it is such an innovative strategy because you maake the reapers and then use them. That is why I love the depth that StarCraft offers

*smiles in your direction*

if you lose to cheese it doesn't count.




>StarCraft II StarLeague 4h 45m


jesus thats' gota be shopped

whose arms are thinner

whose gyu

gyu r! >_


god i love this meme where people photoshop his head slightly bigger. cracks me up everytime


>03:14:07 No.178663620
>03:14:07 No.178663621


take a free scarscar for that

i finally understand now. thank you, you know who

now its only a matter of research
allowing time to pass. researching

undone by your own hubris... falling for such an age old peril... stupid lesbian


i wish i had those lucid moments more often... only seems happen immediately after i wake up

you should smoke ab owl

ah yes... ab owl.. sleeping soon

dudes... i'm on the trail now... i'll sleep now before i get sick



>StarCraft II StarLeague 1h

what stream



she's pretty cute. does she play starcraft?

so many polidicks everywhere

that ad was pretty super gay

she does

yea she does

being profiled again

so freaking bored...there is literally nothing to watch on twitch

thats a problem. who will fix it

sup girl

wonder if mary was breastfed... very short

i'm sharting jan

a white choker eh... a "white belt " at sucking penises i suppose. purity signaling. i will train her



whenever i go home i should grab snacks jump out of my clothes and put on my fapping cloak

house leavers... i'd tell you to get out... but, you know...

looks like a regular necklace not a choker whore thing


choker hides an adam's apple well
don't know what the rainbow stockings are for

the rainbow stockings are for getting my d**k hard

wasn't even the tongue pic i wanted
so hard to find pics... wish someone would sort the. for me and upload the memory of where they are to my brain
and jerk me off because even whacking is too tiring and yucky...

wtf it's the first time i see a game start exactly when the timer reaches 0

it is all CGI

niggers are funny amirite

6 days
When your ass is in a different time zone
6 days
Dayumm. Looks yummy. Don't understand the downvotes. Oh, wait, it is a selfie. nvm, I get it. I'd rather get in her lovely butt but whatever

anyways.. happy caturday

mm bump

mmm :(

Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

didn't apply lol

hmm... don't feel well today

Aww that's sad.

me in the top left

no gulls in that pic but i bet the gag in the front will try one day

intelligent female african american break:

sorry kid i don't participate in that globalist dialectic

didn't click

she's just getting outdeb'8 badly

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

you need to smoke ab owl and chill out man

why do the globalists put it on tv?

you can delete the shart but the shart still occurred

it's not a debate it's staged to further indoctrinate fox news viewers same reason cnn right wingers always get btfo the echo chambers are to keep you under control

*stares into ipad 16 hours a day*
this janitor doesn't even know whats going on. or he is one of the globalists...


hmmmm janny didnt start deleting and banning everything until we started showing our hatred for globalists,,,

he is evil

they're profiling me... i finally began to recognize it now

i want the kennedy headshot

don't sent me to the mcallen institute in montreal

i like when you read a blog and their citations are wikipedia articles

/s if you couldn't tell



dans gaming is doing kickstarter tv for indie games to make fun

two things: everyone is ripping off sam
and i hate indie game developers more than anything

>Afreeca Starleague 11h 44m

i invented parody


janny janny janny
can't u see...