Guild Wars 2

This is a thread for the game GW2! The best way to talk to /gw2g/ers is to join a guild, they have their own discords. Use this recruitment discord to get it or whisper someone listed on the pastebin below:


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>Wii has no noticable input latency.
It has forced wireless controllers. Those are laggy by definition, you silly sod.

I unironically like HotS, something about it is just comfy


I think they're both not that great but I had more fun playing DKC.

Are the Veeky Forums guilds any decent? I've been with this WvW guild for a while but got booted for inactivity.

Nice try Juggo, guess Juggo better keep an eye on this thread with all his free time, he needs a new guild.

>Everyone thinks exactly like me
I think you might have actual autism.

The centurion 7/1 got a reload nerf on its already slow reload though

How did all the japs play the game then?
What OS are you on?

Literally me

Fuck the undead dragon!

took this one myself, it's unedited but works pretty well as a wallpaper.

>few dudes like gay volleyball
Oh wow, humbug.

Does the DC Internet browser have a digital keyboard so I could access this without a keyboard?


got a link to their site?
Do you know if they are also touching hte music

>14 day trial




Don't be such a silly goose, material defender.

Haggar is definitely one of the greatest vidya characters of all time.

>join match in progress
>instantly railed off spawn
fun game haha

Wait, what? They did?

No, what hurts is that epic doesn't try to revive it

wait, what's wrong with minecraft?

>spammed with pictures of the game with no text etc. that you're shilling your ass off.
you sound upset about something
everything you need is in the OP
go back to tumblr and stay there


Just play it on xbone backwards compatibility or something. Waiting is for fags

KoF XIV girl's meet up stuff all in one place.

AST has better healing than WHM.

silent hill and mgs are dead user, get over it

I can't tell ya, I do know it makes web surfing fucking fast if xfinity doesn't fuck me over. Game wise I can't really tell, the games do work better when they are the first things I do when turning on the machine..

I think the first one can be skipped.
It isn't very good, it's pretty ugly to look at, and the story doesn't quite have the same quirky charm as the rest of the series to save itself.

Please remember to submit your turns aniki

To quote someone who knows vidya better than me "The way I knew OverWatch was going to succeed was that there was porn of it immediately after the announcement trailer and Hero reveal." We underestimate the power of waifu-fagging

Any of the black box sports games.

I think in JSawyer mags and all chems have weight, which I think is very nice

nice yoke

An april fool's case where a butz witness claimed it was all a prank, and the prosecution immediately dropped their case and had him arrested instead
And then the sequel case where that Larry was the defendant

>Dragon Slayer
>only two games feature dragons

>mere opinion

Opinions can be wrong logicpleb

What's Ninja doing?

Look at the /pcbg/ thread on /g/.

Be warned that you'll probably be made fun of for using an i3.

Also, where the fuck is your hard drive and OS.

A lot of drinking and love-making will occur.

Implying she isn't sexy to begin with

tut tut

e-celebs are cancer, but a broken clock is right twice.

This isn't even the first time I've heard of this.


Still pretty relevant for the JRPG fans here.

I'm glad I bought an extra PS TV during the sales for stuff like this.

>Caesar will die after they lose
So you make them win. If I said
>House will die before Hoover dam because I killed him
It would be as valid as your argument

>tfw bamboozled IC into helping a gangster do gangster things

and I'm loving every second of it

N-no thanks.

then it needs this

why are koreans so good at this game while sucking at all the other fighting games?

Doesn't have to be major stuff, just something.
Maybe one of the girls give a small fear resistance buff to boys, or one person can lock doors faster, etc


I disagree

Why the fuck do I have to play with auto accelerate off? This is seriously throwing me off...

Jacked off and ready to go

Trying to name my kid that

Who do you wanna snuggle user?

You got beef with the gief, chief?

How many actual players are there on the Outland realm? I'm not buying the 10k shit

2 days /played?

It's not happening and you need to accept it and either learn to be happy with what you have or join the AAU development

RTS, has an atmosphere like like CnC Tiberium Sun



So what you're saying is that they had the concept artist draw the portraits and then just never use them?

You realize new CPUs don't work on anything but Windows 10? Unless you want to keep your shitty FX or 6600K for the rest of your life you'll have to use Windows 10 as well.

Yeah but the animation was mediocre. Also those games are terrible. Really really terrible.

Exactly. Thus the image filename.

>my mom.
toufu guy posting as user again

Original thread; never seen this joke made here before.

Can anybody help me with this old java game for mobiles?

You need to stack falling geometric pieces and build up a tower, and there are angels and demons flying around it.

Oh. It is. The patches section ended and become the download section, Haha. Holy shit what was I doing. Carry on. I am retarded apparently.

what is the tool they use to do those black lines?

Wish I had a buddy to play spyro with

It wasn't humour, it was a statement based in analyzed fact.

the hack range is always longer than you think it is


N > E > C > K

stop lying you fucking idiot

sounds about right

Saga frontier 2

I couldn't even stand to finish probably not; It's just collecting dust. I think I'm just getting to old for this shit desu.
Had no problem playing the fuck out of Senran Versus though, even got the plat

When is our guy Bulldog streaming?


Everyone should make themselves in HS then we share the cards and start fucking each other.


Also the other part to worry about is what said with the inferno leading to other updates for ridiculous shit that snowballs into rs3.

They've done more PS1 and a bunch of PCE games in the last couple years.

noobish... had a hard life...

I just really want a game from the Human-Forerunner war

I don't recall a design like that at all, and looking at the wiki shows no icon nor illustration of such.
Holy shit, you're right. What did IntSys mean by this?

is it in bleeding-edge yet?

Faceball 2000 is WAY better on Gameboy than any other format due to 16 player capabilities.

t. fucked around with tedious collecting and is too stubborn to admit he hated doing it

That's why you put them all on imgur.

use OBS studio

or you could just sell lemonade until you have money to buy a fucking gear since it's apparent you have a lot of spare time, you fucking bum.

If I stop playing PvP matches, how much time do I have before I start losing points?

The Menacer.

