Ask an 18 year old that commits fraud and launders money through eBay anything

Ask an 18 year old that commits fraud and launders money through eBay anything.

Won't give my methods.

Pic related: made about $1k profit of this doing my method

What makes you think 1k is a lot of money?

It is when it takes 20 minutes to do. Currently with the standing of my eBay account I can cash out $3500/month. I will soon be investing in stealth PayPal and eBay accounts so I can do this on a large scale and make about $20,000/month.

how do you scam people ?

>investing in stealth PayPal and eBay accounts


I don't scam people, I scam eBay. Scamming regular people is immoral. I'd rather take from the company.

well then how do i scam ebay ?

How did you learn to do this?

Fucking hell people buy already established ebay and paypal accounts from the darkweb and list fake listings and cash out through various methods.

Scummy thing to do but your only hurting ebay and fuck them anyway. Not hard to gain knowledge yourselves if you actually look for it.

chump change
stay in school

An online friend of mine shared a piece of information with me (the fraud part). So, I thought of a way to get that money to me, which is where the laundering comes in to play.

I have been browsing various forums since I was 13 or 14 years old and eventually just learned how to think like a criminal.

Yes, they do it via cards and such. My method has been done on real eBay accounts. I've known about this for 7 months and I've never received any fraud-related e-mails. This is much safer to do than buy a stolen card and buy your own listings.

Not for an 18 year old moving out on his own. The place I'm looking to rent is about $1k/month and I can make my rent money with about an hour of work.

You will live rent-free once you get caught and put to prison

I am devising a plan as to where I won't be caught. Don't worry about me, user.

you're delusional

Buy the dip.

How so?

What forums did you read?

Don't want to disclose, but hacking forums. Like I said, I've been doing this shit for years.

I know whatcha doing OP.
Where did you get the money for the start?

Social media influencing is how I made my money to invest in what I'm doing now.

How much money you needed to invest to make that 1k in your pic?

I almost double my money every time I do the method. If you know what I'm doing you'd know this.

I meant that you're seeking attention here.

So you won't disclose any information but made a thread about it here. What's the point? Pathetic.

Why would I release my method? I'll give tips to anyone thinking of being blackhat. I guess helping people and answering questions is pathetic.

I'm OK with this.

What are we even supposed to ask you? You don't even wanna reveal what forums you're using. You just say you make money through fraud and it's related to ebay. That's not helping anyone, that's just bragging to neckbeards on the internet

How do you commit your fraud? Tell us in such a way that it's helpful and we that we won't steal your method. Or fuck off

Here, have a method it's on me.

Buy paypal and ebay stealth accounts
Buy a few stolen cards

List an item for sale on one account, buy it with the other with the stolen card

Cashout however you want to

Will answer any blackhat/fraud related questions

Dont you feel guilty about using stolen credit cards?

What are your methods

I don't use that method. Just gave that away because people complain. I steal from the big companies, not random people.

Why are you proud of committing a crime instead of being competent enough to make a solid living within the law?

Must not live in US

Not really proud of it. I'm young as hell and have a lot of time left on this Earth. I just want my own house paid for by the time I'm 21 and this is the only way I can do it.

I do

I've always had the same moral standing. Fuck the big guys.

Oh grow up kid. Once you realize life isn't "you against the world" then you'll be a helluva lot happier.

Are you going to college?

>I have been browsing various forums since I was 13 or 14 years old and eventually just learned how to think like a criminal.

Someone who isn't me also wants to acquire a house, but with all cash.

They just don't know the legal hurdles it could bring, especially since they aren't employed.

What would /biz advise for them?

>I made some money
>I'm not going to tell you why
>Not really proud of it

Then why did you make this thread? If not to brag or share knowledge then literally for what reason?

I'm sorry user but you're a bit of a faget

I am grown, kiddo. Just stating that I agree, stealing from a large company is infinitely better than stealing from an individual.

You guys are being too rough on him.

Son, I'm proud of you, I think Veeky Forums is exactly the board you're looking for, welcome aboard.
Don't let those preps put you down.

>inb4 muh social engineering
leak the method

Why launder the money through eBay? Why not just run the bitcoins (I assume you're getting bitcoins) through a bitcoin washer and be done with it?

Ask a fetus that commits rape and sells the footage through CL anything.

Won't give my methods.

Pic related: made about $1M profit of this doing my method

For how long have you been doing this?

Fucking Kek, Do NOT use a average VPN.
- A

an average*
in fact, do not use a VPN at all.

If you're being serious, then just buy posting here then you've proved that the fed will show up at your parents house in a matter of time.

Kill yourself faggot.

>Cashout however you want to
how do you cash out? don't you have to move money from PP to your bank, so they have your bank details?

or is that how you're fucking over ebay, because they cover the costs?

ITT babby's first blackhat business.
I've seen people do this for years, you just made 1k chill the fuck down. You won't be scaling it unless you like the inside of a prison cell.
Ebay and paypal are huge companies that WILL catch you.
Enjoy your babby money, you ain't special.

omg how did u do that u didnt come here to brag right

It's not like the card holders lose money, they get it back from the credit companies

What to use then?

I actually have a good idea, thanks OP for the thread.

What's he doing faggot christ this kid acts exclusive after finding out Camwhoring from Hackforums is relatively unknown to Veeky Forums

Cute little pohotoshop I see there

There's two ways I can think of. You can sell an item to yourself and claim you didn't receive it so that either the shipping service or Ebay's buyer protection insures it.

I do about $10k in business on ebay with 1700 feedback.

Tor via Tails

Yea but minus the shipping expenses and the 15 fucking percent commission you're looking at a lowered profit

>using tor without a pivot point

enjoy getting butt fucked retard

Fucking lost it


the hero we need right now

>stolen PP accounts
>stolen ebay accounts
>drop spots to cash out
is this 2011 ?

Im not interested in stealing but would like to someday know about hacking. Please list some basics for a noob. Do you write your own software to hack websites? Is it required to be partly on the inside ie be employed for the company you are hacking or would that just help alot? Is it better to work in teams or alone? How do you fool someone that is onto you and how would you keep them off your tail altogether?

I subscribe to this thought as well

you just got caught OP

You actually pay for your time in prison.


So you are trying to guilt trip someone with "meh laws"? You know that laws are just words put together by what the majority of people think is appropriate for society? If the majority of people thought killing Jews was appropriate, well that's what would be happening.

What the fuck's a pivot point?

Just reported your thread to the mods & ebay. Enjoy your time in prison, faggot.

It's just a bunch of losers being butthurt about spending all their time on shitchan, and seeing other losers make money with their time. Just a bunch of jealous anons

OP here, I might be on a new ID. I can't advise anything because I'm going to br having the same issues shortly

No social engineering. Pure fraud

eBay is how I make the money, so I launder it through as well.

Fraud for years. this method about 7 months, not consistently though, I got sketched out but back in

I cash out to my bank but that's too sketch. I think what I'll do is just start buying shit with PayPal and sell for BTC.

I've made more than $1k lol. These were just my most recent earnings.

It's called e-whoring and I've never done that.

I explained the method in a previous post. The two methods are very much alike.

I don't hack like that. Hacking isn't what you see in movies where it's them typing a bunch of code. It can be like that but only if changing the code to something lol. Unless I guess you are using Kali and trying to get DB's. "Hacking" is really just social engineering or getting passwords through databases and taking all their shit. Working in a team is a lot better than going solo. I've made many great friends through what I do.

It's pretty obvious what you mean by "hacking forum." But this is shitchan, so it's not going to attract the brightest of people.

>implying you can launder money through eBay where every transaction is recorded

Transactions are always recorded. Laundering is about making it not obvious enough to not get caught.

>I have been browsing various forums since I was 13 or 14 years old and eventually just learned how to think like a criminal.


You can't be serious. You're going to get caught. No matter if you use Tor, VPN, and a hardened router, I can promise you that will you be caught. Especially if you're scamming the company and not the customers.

I don't think that means what you think it means

Do you mean without a bridge?

if you are looking for easy money, rank affiliate sites with PBNs. It works until google gets it's shit together and clamps down on it.

let me guess youre using a closed bank account

>I have been browsing various forums since I was 13 or 14 years old and eventually just learned how to think like a criminal.

I can tell just by how you worded that sentence that you have no idea what you're talking about. Sound like the type of guy who uses hotspot shield or whatever that retarded shit is to log in to a Netflix account you bought for $.10 and always are paranoid about being caught.

Fraud isn't as big of a deal as people think

We all should know how to do a few illegal things to make some dosh on the net.

My methods just got me some free bitcoin and a lot of drugs today.

>My methods just got me some free bitcoin and a lot of drugs today.
>and a lot of drugs

Wow just fund my stash up

Top kek. How'd you know, user? Was it because I used the words "hardened router"? How's your mac address looking old chum?

Tell us how faggot or fuck off.

>a lot of drugs today
you have my attention, please elaborate

You realise eBay isn't a robot right? You're still stealing. Theft is still theft when you're doing it to a group of people.

>Coins being dropped into a carwash are recorded

dont be so jelly

You're fucked up dude. At 18 you should be planning your life doing something legit and not fucking people over.

>I have been browsing various forums since I was 13 or 14 years old and eventually just learned how to think like a criminal.

Broke and hungry here. Any small time tips?

Okay so what this boils down to is some form of credit card fraud?

That's fine, but you have a belief that you are stealing from this big faceless entity. I'd like to agree with you but what theft does is change the landscape as a whole.

Because of people like you we need locks on our doors, fraud protection departments, detectives, we have to keep an eye on our CC transactions, etc...

And perhaps most importantly, because of people like you the cost of everything goes up. Goods probably cost 25% more than they should just because manufacturers have to account for theft.

Well there will always be people like him (hint: almost anyone would do it under the right circumstances). If it was easy to get away with stealing money everyone would do it. So things get put in place until enough people don't steal.

Honestly now that we have Bitcoin and Monero there's no reason to complain about getting scammed with legacy payment methods. This guy is actually doing everyone a favour by moving us towards using better money.

How tight is your butthole?