/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

I'm a world class mothafucka, mothafucka.
>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG by Pearl Abyss. It features action-oriented combat, open world PvP territory control, player housing,
unlimited levels, life skills, and more.

>Latest Patch Notes

>Mod Info

>Guides, guilds, Olvia Channel FAQ, and other info

>EnHANCEMENT it's fucking >ENHANCEMENT< Guide

Newfags might be overwhelmed by the information overload at the beginning. Do yourself a favor and "turn off system notifications" in the Settings>Game options. Check everything in that window.
Avoid lag by turning off High End mode in the Settings>Screen tab. Be sure to check "Remove other's effects" and uncheck "Display other's names" for an enjoyable world boss experience.
For everyone's sake, read the links, Google it, and Ctrl+F, BEFORE asking the same stupid question other people previously have in the same thread.
Ask for a guest pass in the thread if you don't want to commit to 10 fucking dollars oy vey.
All classes can be fun and/or viable.
If you have to ask, the game isn't worth it. Go away.

Previous thread:

first for cucks

2nd for
when should i go past +15

is striker worth leveling just for the rewards


Reminder to do the Rulupee event and roll dice for BSA for double the disappointment.

>when should i go past +15
ASAP. The chance for PRI is pretty high even without failstacks

i went to bed at 9 and woke up at 1:30

Saddest pic I've ever seen

I tried at +0 failstacks
rip 4mil

kys, cheap whore.

The costume alone is like 20 bucks.
They're jewing you on the matching weapon skins.

But fishing is fun.

4 mil. Isn't it cheaper to melt some 1,5 mil accessories like Anchient weapon belt?

Scarla necklaces

the left character really shouldn't be attractive but for some reason is

my little pig friend here and I are on our way to go see the catfishes. what'cha doing right now /bdog/?


grinding through mainstory quest on my maincharacter and hope awakening is worth it because i hate the base class

I bet you really love to suck that black cock.

is Anime Pope taking the other two to be burned at the stake?

Where is that place?

i know that feel, you see a giant snu snu bitch and your mind tells you no but your dick doesn't give a shit

can someone give me ideas or examples of a family name?
been playing for almost an hour and haven't even created my character yet because I can never decide on names

the idea of having a permanent name on all my characters is going to give me a heart attack



post noods ;_;

what class are you, user?

iirc your family name is the one that shows up in chat, dunno if that'll help you decide or not.

same. I typed something in as a joke and got stuck with it.

I'm walking in circles while some people build a raft for me.

It's an island. That we used to go to for fishing missions

Are you the same user from before? This is a blue board!

I want to have sex with a cute shai loli.

heading back to heidel after skyrim'ing my way up this mountain for this rulupee event

>tfw just started and no friends

Friends aren't really friends

aaaand I got a shultz belt

We can be friends!

>wanting friends in an mmo

I got a damn black stone. ;_;

we are all boned on this blessed day!

I just started too. If you're on NA we can play together.

rip ;_;


r18 is your family name?
surprised no one took it

You can upload on Imgur, don't tease us!

I'm just here to have fun with some friendly anons.

You're all welcome to come grind catfish with me as long as you don't try anything weird. I need to hit 56 and get geared up properly and would enjoy the company.

>google moneymaking methods
>sausans and pirates are great apparently
>need good gear and level 54+ to do them
>need money for gear in the first place
This is so annoying. I've been trying to look for good moneymaking methods and most I see require a bunch of money to do them in the first place. Anyone here have any reliable moneymaking methods?

bet you don't even have the nude mod installed

what server?

kill monsters and sell their shit

How good are you at fellatio?

just farm some nagas if u low level

I fell for the ERP meme back when I played SWTOR pal

I did some searching online and people say Chimeras are pretty good. Can anyone verify this?

good thing you didn't wager anything, user

Don't know what's worse, actual ERPing or playing SWTOR.

What color eyes? Feel free to suggest different colors.

>millions in free silver thrown at you from events
>still complain

You look like my dog that has done something bad and you are talking about eye colors.

just level and kill shit.
once you get 50+ you'll get some free +5 gears. they're not great, but it's a start. Once you get better gear these +5 pieces sell for about 1m a pop.
the game hands you tons of stuff you can put on the AH, like black stones and junk. desu upgrading is a pain and you'd be better off just selling these on the AH and saving up to buy your gear outfight. Make sure you have a value pack running when you collect sales off the AH.
Take gold bars from achieves and sell them back to storage people for $$$.
Save up 20m or so, and start getting +15 weapons/offhands/armors.
Once you have +15 for most stuff, go farm Elrics or Rogues. They only need 600 loot item thingies per 1m turnin, so you can farm them fast, and Rogues have drops that sell well.
Rinse, repeat.

Don't forget to pick up your daily scrolls.

i want her to look at me with those sad eyes while she deep throats my cock

>girls who look like kicked puppies

the greener irises look nice, wish kuno's eyes could be that green

though I don't like your choice of iris, not that there are a lot of good ones

that's all just my own preference though, go ahead and ignore me, do what makes you happy.

Haha no_

So, is it worth seriously getting into this game? I like the combat a lot but I'm worried about the Korean shittiness of it all.

No way fag, investing $6 in it will collapse the economy

I already own it, you stupid homo. I bought it last year. I'm asking for opinions on whether it deserves a significant time investment, or whether it is P2W garbage that will lead me nowhere, so shut the fuck up.

I think it's worth it. Since I just started, I do not know how bad the endgame grind is, but at the beginning, it really feels like one of the MMOs with tons of things to do and lots of places to discover. I think it's definitely worth experiencing once, even if you're gonna quit later on.

>so shut the fuck up
Alright, who else is going to answer your question because you are too fucking stupid to do research yourself, man child.

That's kind of how I'm feeling about it. I'm at level 27 right now and the combat is still really fun to me, it's kind of like a mashup of a musou, a fighting game, and an mmo. I just wanted to see if Veeky Forums thought it was a bullshit game with no future that will die, or whether it is worth sticking with.

go do some homework on what the game is about once you really get into it, user.

there's a lot of grinding, so if you don't like it then don't invest the time.

that's fine, user, was just hoping to clear them faster considering my AP is shit

Every MMO out there now feels like a bullshit game with no future that will die any moment, so might as well stick with one of them.

Alright, that sounds doable. Thank you!

What 'research' do you think you're being asked to do? I asked for opinions on whether people like the game or not. Can you explain how that constitutes to 'research' to you, or can we just conclude that you're a fuckhead and leave it at that?

I guess. At this point, WoW feels like it is a million years old - I tried to get into Legion, but everything just feels so fucking ancient. And, I kind of like ESO, but that thing is an unoptimised pile of hot garbage. And, I refuse to pay a sub fee for a fucking final fantasy game.

My options are this and GW2, and the combat is better in this.

People like you should get shot.

started playing kunoichi the other day
and looking at the awakening tree shows a lot of slow attacks
can i stick to the short swords or are the sah chakrams just too good to pass up

The 15 year old contrarian is absolutely exploding out of you, friendo.

Is this really worth the effort to you? You are literally boiling with rage because I asked for opinions on the game. I get that this is Veeky Forums and you desperately want to fit in, but you need to tone it down.

During combos you will be using both your awakening a main hand you turd.

Atleats I am not here asking stupid fucking questions. The fuck do you think people will say if you ask if the game is fun in /bdog/, do you think people hate the game and stay here for the community to deal with people like you?

why are you two even fighting?

what do you either of you get out of the argument?

You're seriously still going to do this? You're foaming at the mouth with anger because I asked for opinions on the game?

You are next level pathetic, bud. This is kind of sad. Why don't you run back to Youtube and screenshot another search so that you can prove how stupid strangers on the internet are?

Can you at least wear the kiebelius suit?

oh i didnt know that and thats good to hear
i just started playing 2 days ago turd!

i assume once i starting doing the [awakening] quests ill eventually get a sah chakram
or are the only available through marketplace and pearls shops

fishnet top is lewder, friendo
kibelius is trash-tier slutfu

It's not worth it and it's P2W. You shouldn't play it. You probably won't enjoy it.

Give me those sweet titties in an album

First Dande off the NV and its 345m...disappointing

You shouldn't be worried about your awakening since you just started. You should worried about getting better gear.

Will I regret playing a Sorceress? I like being agile and I like attacking quickly, but I also like big hits and weighty feeling to attacks (as in, they may be slower, but they feel like they hit hard) and being able to face tank at times.

I was kind of interested in the Dark Knight, but it looks like it has more emphasis on ranged casting than I'd like. The Sorceress looks aesthetically pleasing as it seems like she rips enemies apart.

image would be better at conveying the intention without the text

You act like I made this myself. Why don't you make the better one and I'll just leech off that when you post it?

i just started playing and those two that i posted are the only 2 that i have
its just the lowest stock setting for the breast size
i wish i could go smaller for a cute mature ninja with a near flat chest but when you go too small with mods instead of arriving at the itty bitty titty committee, you arrive at pointy polygon pavilion

wheres a good place to do that around level 20
ive just been blasting through quests which i assume is a decent way to do it
dont know how to fish yet or why you would want to

Sorceress is very movement based unlike DK, if that's what you like then the sorc will be a good choice for you.

That sounds pretty good. It kind of sucks that I don't like the Ranger (or at least it seems very bland), I made a pretty nice one imo. Not as much a fan of the Sorc's appearance.

You need star watching grinding videos, so you can make money to buy the armor you need.

Yeah I used to play ranger but the skill cap on it is very low unlike sorc.

How do you make the Sorc's head less long? That's my main gripe with it.

Fuck with it in the creation thing, I'm sure there's a way.

I have most of the chin sliders at the smallest, and the rest of the face as well. It may just be the edgelord haircut that's doing it.

for you? no.

been considering picking up the Ayo though, it seems a bit too silly though.

new outfits when?

>ride from velia to heidel during night time
>run over something and explode, flinging me from my mount and damaging me and the mount
>have no idea what the fuck is happening
>get back on and ride into another one
>see two dudes in ghillie suits in the trees just silent with their names hidden, run over to them and start spamming ????s
>they just stand there
>get on my horse and ride away, exploding one more time before clearing the minefield
What the everliving fuck just happened? I didn't even know there were landmines in this game.